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發布時間: 2024-10-14 17:27:28

『壹』 我喜歡吃香蕉 喜歡吃漢堡 喜歡吃沙拉 喜歡吃麵包,我不喜歡吃梨 不喜歡吃蘋果 不喜歡喝牛奶 用英語

I like eating banana like hambugers like salad like bread i don't like pears don't like apple don't like milk

『貳』 求英語大神翻譯一下。


1 媽媽們總是告訴他們的孩子應該吃什麼。

2 當康康還是孩子的時候內,他媽媽經常告訴他「容 小心別吃太多鹽和糖。」她說它會引起/導致疾病。

3 瑪利亞的媽媽總是把她照顧得非常好。例如,瑪利亞的牙齒不好,所以她媽媽說她不能吃太多糖果或冰淇淋。

『叄』 我妹妹在早晨不喜歡喝牛奶英語

My sister does not love to drink milk in the morning

『肆』 你喜歡喝牛奶嗎用英語單詞怎麼寫

逐字翻譯,就是:Do you like drinking milk?
如果按意思翻譯,就是:Do you like milk?

『伍』 人教版初二英語知識要點

Unit 1 How often do you exercise?
目標語言:talk about how often you do things
重點句型:What does she do on weekends? She often goes to the movies.
What do you usually do on weekends? I usually play soccer.
How often does Cheng watch TV? He watches TV twice a week.
How many hours do you sleep every day? I sleep for nine hours .
Do you think she has a healthy lifestyle ? Yes,I do.
Is her lifestyle the same as yours? Yes, it is.
Who is the healthiest? Tom is the healthiest.
重點片語:watch TV, read newspaper, go to the movies, surf the Internet, read English books, once or twice a week, every day, three or four times a week, the result of, be interested in, translate…into…,be good for, try to, the same as, help sb. to do,keep in good health.
1) 一般在動詞後加-s詞尾。如,come-comes live-lives
2) 在以ch, sh ,s, x, 或o結尾的詞後要加-es, 如,
teach-teaches catch-catches wish-wishes wash-washes
miss-misses guess-guesses mix-mixes fix-fixes
go-goes do-does
3) 以「輔音+y」結尾的詞,先變y為I 再加es,如,
Try-tries study-studies reply-replies fly-flies
1. 主語為第三人稱單數時一般現在時的結構
肯定式:主語+ 謂語動詞的第三人稱單數+其他。
He likes bananas a lot. 他非常喜歡吃香蕉。
She doesn』t like milk.她不喜歡喝牛奶。
肯定回答:Yes, 主語+does.
否定回答:No, 主語+doesn』t.
-Does Kate like meat? 凱特喜歡吃肉嗎?
-Yes, she does. 是的,她喜歡。
-No, she doesn』t. 不,她不喜歡。
1)頻度副詞是表示動作頻率的詞彙,常用的有always100%,usually80%,often50%,somtimes30%,hardly ever2%never0%
a) 放在連系動詞,助動詞或情態動詞後面
b) 放在行為動詞前
c) 有些頻度副詞可放在句首或句尾,用來表示強調
Sometimes I walk home,sometimes I go home by bus.
Never have I learnt this word.我從沒學過這個詞。
a) good, fine, well, nice
It is an old film, but it』s very good.
b) fine表示「上好的,精細的」,也可以表示「美好的」,天氣「晴朗的」。
She always wears fine clothes.她總穿好衣服。
It is fine sand.這是細砂。
It is a fine day today. 今天天氣晴朗。
c) well表示身體「無病的,健康的「
d) nice表示使人感到「愉快的,好的「
2)every day, everyday
every day作狀語;everyday作定語
3)some time, some times, sometime, sometimes,
a)some time表示「一些時間」,此處time為不可數名詞「時間」,如
Don』t worry. We have sometime.別著急,我們還有些時間。
b)some times表示「一些次數/倍數」,此處time為可數名詞「次數/倍數」。
I have been to Hong Kong some times.我去過香港好幾次了。
We are going to HongKong sometime next summer.明年夏天的某個時候,我們將要去香港。
d)sometimes表示「有時,不時」,意思與at times相近,且多指現在的情況。
My family sometimes goes to Hong Kong for vacations.我們家有時去香港度假。
4)all, most, some ,no
這四個詞都是用來表示大概的數量,但是他們所表示的程度不同:all所有的,most大部分的,some一些,no 沒有。如,all boys所有男孩,most boys大部分男孩,some boys一些男孩,no boys 沒有男孩。
5)health, healthy
類似的詞彙還有很多,要注意區分:sleep-sleepy, luck-lucky,mood-moody
6)kind, kind of, a kind of

◆ unit2 What』s the matter?
目標語言:Talk about your health and give advice
重點句型:What』s the matter?=What』s the trouble?= What』s wrong with you?
I have a sore throat. You should drink some hot tea with honey.
I have a stomacke. You should lie down and rest.
I have a toothache. You should see a dentist.
I have a fever. You should drink lots of water.
That』s a good idea.
I am not feeling well.
When did it start? About three days ago.
That』s too bad.
I think so.
I hope you feel better soon.
Do you have a headache? Yes, I do.
I am tired. You should go to bed early.
I am stressed out. You should listen to music.
I am thirsty. You should have a drink.
I am hungry. You should eat an apple.
重點片語:lie down, hot tea with honey, lots of water,advise sb to do.
go to bed, listen to music, healthy lifestyle, believe in, for example, too much, be good for, a balanced diet, get tired, stay healthy, stressed out, hope todo, wish sb to do, at the moment, improve on/upon, host family,on the other hand
1. I am sorry to hear that….獲悉...我很抱歉(遺憾)
I am sorry to hear that your mother is ill.
2. enjoy用法
enjoy sth.喜愛,欣賞某物I enjoy my job.我喜愛我的工作.
enjoy doing喜歡做某事.I enjoy swimming in summer.在夏天,我喜歡游泳.
enjoy oneself=have a good time玩得開心 We enjoyed ourselves at the party yesterday.我們在昨天的聚會上玩得很開心.
hope to do希望做某事I hope to work with you. 我希望能同你一起工作.
hope+clause . I hope (that) he will be better soon.我希望他快些好起來.
【注意】如果想表示希望某人做某事要用wish sb to do如,I wish him to come.我希望他來.
4. Until的用法:
Until 和 till的意義相同,都有「直到」,「直到...才」,」在...以前不」的意思.它們的使用方法為:
1) 作介詞: 作介詞,後面通常接表時間的名詞或短語.如We are back until/till3o』clock.三點種我們才回來.
2) 作連詞: 作連詞時,until和till引導時間狀語從句.如 Go along this road until you see the park沿著這條路走,直到你看到公園為止。
【注意】1)以上的狀語從句的例句都是從句在主句之後,如果把從句放在主句之前,那麼,引導詞用till.如Till you come back, I won』t leavehere.直到你回來我才回離開這。
5.can 的用法
Can意思為」能,會」,是情態動詞,其後接動詞原形,否定形式為can not,縮寫為can』t.過去式為could,could有時用於一般現在時態,語氣比can 委婉.
1) 表示能力.I can sing我會唱歌。
2) 表示驚訝,不相信等態度,主要用於否定句或疑問句中。
Can it be hers?這能是她的嗎?
You can』t be serious.你不會當真吧。
Can I smoke here?我能在這兒抽煙嗎?
6.too much, much too, too many
too much 表示「太多」,用來修飾不可數名詞;much too表示「太」,修飾形容詞或副詞;too many表示「太多」,用來修飾可數名詞的復數。
He bought the computer two days ago.兩天前他買了一台電腦.
He had already taken away the computer long before.他早就拿定了電腦.
I have read that novel before.我以前讀過這部小說.
8. maybe, may be
maybe adv 或許,大概。其同義詞為perhaps.
may be是情態動詞+be動詞的形式,作謂語,意思為「可能」。
keep+形容詞. Please keep quiet!
keep+副詞 Danger! Keep out!危險!不要靠近!
keep+介詞 Keep off the grass!勿踐踏草坪!
【相關短語】keep at堅持下去 keep in with保持友好關系
keep in mind 記住 keep on繼續 keep up持續不停 keep up with趕上
10.如果其後是明確的疾病名稱就要用have,如果其後是表達身體狀況的形容詞,則用be。如 I have a sore throat. I am tired.
11.a few有一點,表示肯定;後面接可數名詞;few幾乎沒有,極少,表示否定,後面接可署名詞;a little有一點,表示肯定,後面接不可數名詞;little幾乎沒有,極少,表示否定,後面接不可數名詞。

◆unit3 What are you doing for vacation?
目標語言:talk about future plane
重點句型:What are you doing for vacation? I』m visiting my grandmother.
What is she doing for vacation? She』s going camping.
Who are you going with? I』m going with my parents.
When is he going? He』s going on the 12th.
How long are you staying? I』m staying for four days.
Where are you going for vacation? I am going to Italy.
How is the weather? It is fine.
Can I ask you some questions about your vacation plans? Sure.
重點片語:spend time with friends, go to the beach, go to sports camp,visit cousins, go bike riding, go sightseeing, talk walks, go fishing, rent videos, be famous for/as, think about, decide on, do something different, plan to do, go fishing, hope to do, forget to do/doing, wait to do, finish doing, ask sb. about sth.
1. 現在進行時何時表示非進行意義
1) 表示轉移的動詞leave,go, come, start等進行時態表將來的時候,時常伴有意圖,安排或打算的含義。這種現在進行時比較生動,給人一種期待感,它常常表示最近或較近的將來。He is leaving fro London tomorrow.他明天就要去倫敦。
2) 表示將來的現在進行時除用轉移動詞外,也可以用某些非轉移動詞。如,
When I grow up, I am joining the army.我長大要參軍。
3) 頻度副詞always, forever,continually等和進行時連用,帶有一定的感情色彩, 泛指一切時間內所做的事情,或者表示客觀事實。這種用法比較口語化,也比較生動。
The earth is always turning.地球轉個不停。
2. Leave的用法
1) 「leave+地點」表示「離開某地」如,When did you leave Changchun?
2) 「leave for+地點」表示「離開去某地」 如She is leaving for London.
3) 「leave+地點+for +地點」表示「離開某地去某地」
Why are you leaving Changchun for Wuhan?
3.finish doing做完某事
4.Hear的用法 hear-heard-heard
I hear there』s an interesting film tonight.
2)hear sb do sth聽見某人做某事。如
I hear her sing every day.
3)hear sb doing聽見某人正在做某事。如
I hear him singing in the next room.
5.all, both
6.about, on關於
I know nothing about the matter.我對這事一無所知。
He has written lots of books on the history of Japan.他寫了許多關於日本史的書。
7.this summer指「今年夏天」,象這樣有this, that ,these, those,next等修飾的詞作時間狀語時前面不需要加介詞。
Be famous for 因。。而聞名; be famous as作為。。。而聞名
9.Problem, question「問題」
Question常與動詞ask ,answer連用;problem常與動詞solve連用。
forget to do sth忘記去做某事。表示動作尚未發生;forget doing sth忘記做過某事。表示動作已經發生。Remember用法與forget相同。
decide to do sth決定做某事;decide on doing sth/sth決定,取決;make a decision做決定
12.Think about, think out, think over, think of
think about考慮,回想 He thought about going to Greece or Spain.他考慮去希臘還是西班牙。
think out想出 We thought out a perfect way at last.我們最後想出了絕妙的方法。
think over仔細考慮,認真考慮 Please think it over, I am sure you can get the answer.
think of 考慮,設想,想起等,常用於否定句,與could,should,would連用,表示「有。。。想法(念頭)」。You shouldn』t think of that.你不該那麼想。
13.Visitor ,guest
14.Go+doing通常表示去做某些活動。如,go camping去野營, go fishing去釣魚
15.Sound, noise
Sound系常用詞,泛指「任何聲音,不論高低,大小,是否悅耳或有無意義」。如 the sound of footsteps腳步聲;noise 指「任何混雜,嘈雜,刺耳或起干擾作用,令人厭煩的聲音」。
Rent即為可數名詞rent out 出租,租出;rent at以。。。出租

『陸』 我不喜歡喝牛奶用英語怎麼說

I (don't like) to drink (milk)
如果只填一個詞:I (dislike) to drink (milk)
如果是I (hate) to drink (milk)

『柒』 牛奶的英語怎麼說




  • n.奶;牛奶;乳汁

  • v.擠乳;產乳;榨取


  • milk用作動詞的意思是「產奶」「擠奶」,引申表示為「榨取(金錢、情報)」「勒索」「利用…而自肥」等。

  • milk既可用作及物動詞,也可用作不及物動詞。用作及物動詞時,接名詞或代詞作賓語。


  • A baby vomits milk from repletion.

  • She dribbled some milk onto the cereal.


  • boil milk 煮牛奶

  • cut off milk 斷奶

『捌』 他不喜歡喝牛奶用英語怎麼說

正確的是這個:1.He doesn't like to drink milk
2.He doesn't like drinking milk
小知識點:like+to do / doing sth

『玖』 牛奶英語怎麼說


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