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發布時間: 2024-10-13 02:29:01

❶ 用英文介紹中秋節

The Mid-Autumn festival, also known as the festival of moon worship, moonlight festival is a traditional Chinese folk festival.


The Mid-Autumn festival originated from the worship of heaven, from the ancient times qiu xi festival evolved from the month.


The first "festival" festival is in the gan calendar 24 solar terms "autumnal equinox" day.


Later, it was moved to the 15th day of the 8th month of the summer calendar (lunar calendar).


Mid-Autumn festival since ancient times, there has been a festival, the moon, eating moon cakes and other folk customs, spread to today, enring.








❷ 請重重這句話用英語話怎麼說有關separate這個單詞的知識點 .用previous造一個簡單的句子

你是想知道請保重怎麼說嗎?take care of yourself.separateUS: [ˈsepərət] adj.1各別的;各自的;各個的;單獨的;獨立的,不相連的 2分開的;分離的 (from 3分別開的;分居的 4離開肉體的n.1(雜志論文的)抽印本;單行本2可以不配套單獨穿的婦女服裝3分開的事物v.1分;分開;分離;隔開;隔離;切斷;割斷2區別;分別;識別3使脫離關系;使分居4開革;開除;遣散;使退役5【化】離析,從...中提取previous adj先前的如:Be
that this
task is
a top-level task
subordinate to any
previous tasks.確保該任務是頂級任務,而不從屬於以前的任何任務。

❸ 初一英語作文60個單詞左右 題目:Learn from______(誰)

Whoever has the advantages, strengths, but also have shortcomings, weaknesses, all need to learn from others with an open mind so that people check to make up their own short, can progress. Very important to learn from others, in many details of life can be found, always have the opportunity to learn. And failed to learn not only missed the opportunity to learn. To learn from others is not a disgrace, a disgrace that they do not understand quite understand it loaded like to ask others disdain.



❹ 古英語翻譯what thou seest when thou dost wake.


您問的句子(其中有個筆誤,true-fraid 應該是true-love)就是Oberon將花汁滴在Titania的眼皮上時所說的話:
"What thou seest when thou dost wake, Do it for thy true-love take."


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