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發布時間: 2024-10-10 10:21:12

A. 」環境」的英語單詞是什麼


B. 「環境」英語單詞

1. surroundings:everything that is around or near sb/sth 周圍環境
eg:The buildings have been designed to blend in with their surroundings.

2. environment: the conditions that affect the behaviour and development of sb/sth;the physical conditions that sb/sth exists in生活/自然環境
eg:They have created an environment in which proctivity should flourish.

3. setting:a set of surroundings; the place at which sth happens特定版的權某一環境
eg:People tend to behave differently in different social settings.

C. 英語中意思為環境的幾個單詞,比如environment,surrounding,circumsta

environment意為"環境,周圍狀況,自然環境"一個生物體或一群生物體周圍的整體狀況,尤其指作用和影響這群生物體的生長,發展和生存的外界物質條件的總和.(客觀環境 用於家庭的自然的生態的 大環境 環境的作用並不一定影響到自己身上)
The twins were separated at birth and brought up in entirely different environment.

surrounding常用復數形式,指"環境,周圍的事物",詞義較狹窄,僅指周圍的具體的物質性的東西.(強調與周圍環境融為一體 有時可與environment通用 小環境)
The students live happily in beautiful surroundings.

circumstance意為"環境,情形,情況",常用復數形式,表明與某事件或某人有關的情況,環境,境況等.(用於自己身上由客觀原因而發生的情況 如:無論在什麼情況下怎樣怎樣 根據你的經濟狀況怎樣怎樣)
He was forced by circumstances to do this.

Rome is the perfect setting for romance.

D. 關於環境的單詞和短語(英語)

surroundings,environment,circumstance,environmental protection環保

E. 環境的英語單詞是

[英] [ɪnˈvaɪrənmənt][美] [ɛnˈvaɪrənmənt, -ˈvaɪən-]
環境來源,外界; 周圍,圍繞; 工作平台; (運行)環境;
Pupils in our schools are taught in a safe, secure environment

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