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發布時間: 2024-10-04 13:31:25

❶ 鎴戝枩嬈浣犵殑鑻辮鎬庝箞璇達紵

鈥滄垜鍠滄浣犫濈殑鑻辮璇諱綔鈥淚 like you鈥濓紝璇︾粏鐨勮В鏋愬備笅銆


"I like you"鐨勮嫳寮忚婚煶錛歔aɪ laɪk juː]

"I like you"鐨勭編寮忚婚煶錛歔aɪ laɪk ju]


"I like you"鏄涓涓琛ㄨ揪鍠滄㈡垨瀵規煇浜烘湁濂芥劅鐨勫彞瀛愩


"I like you"甯哥敤浜庤〃杈句釜浜哄逛粬浜虹殑鍠滄㈡垨濂芥劅錛屽彲浠ョ敤浜庡弸濂姐佷翰瀵嗐佹氮婕絳夊叧緋諱腑銆


- 絎涓変漢縐板崟鏁幫細He/She likes you

- 榪囧幓寮忥細I liked you

- 榪囧幓鍒嗚瘝錛欼 have liked you


- "Why do I like you so much?" - "涓轟粈涔堟垜榪欎箞鍠滄浣狅紵"

- "I really, really like you." - "鎴戠湡鐨勫緢鍠滄浣犮"

- "Do you like me too?" - "浣犱篃鍠滄㈡垜鍚楋紵"

- "I've liked you since the moment we met." - "鑷浠庢垜浠絎涓嬈¤侀潰鎴戝氨鍠滄浣犱簡銆"

- "You make me smile. That's why I like you." - "浣犺╂垜寮蹇冿紝鎵浠ユ垜鍠滄浣犮"


"I like you"鏄涓涓綆媧佺洿鎺ョ殑琛ㄨ揪鏂瑰紡錛岃〃紺轟釜浜哄逛粬浜虹殑鍠滄㈡垨濂芥劅銆


1. I like you because you're kind and funny.錛堟垜鍠滄浣犲洜涓轟綘鍠勮壇鑰屾湁瓚c傦級

2. Do you like me? I really hope so.錛堜綘鍠滄㈡垜鍚楋紵鎴戠湡鐨勫緢甯屾湜鏄銆傦級

3. He told her, "I've liked you for a long time."錛堜粬鍛婅瘔濂癸細鈥滄垜鍠滄浣犲緢涔呬簡銆傗濓級

4. They held hands and she said, "I like you a lot."錛堜粬浠鐗電潃鎵嬶紝濂硅撮亾錛氣滄垜寰堝枩嬈浣犮傗濓級

5. After the first date, he couldn't help but think, "I think I really like her."錛堢涓嬈$害浼氬悗錛屼粬鎯呬笉鑷紱佸湴鎯籌細鈥滄垜瑙夊緱鎴戠湡鐨勫枩嬈㈠ス銆傗濓級

❷ 我喜歡你的英語單詞

I like you.

❸ 英語我喜歡的是你怎麼說

I love the person who is you !!

❹ 我喜歡的人是你,這句話用英文怎麼說

1.You are my favourite one.
2.The one I like is you.
3.My favourite one is you.

好運~Good Luck!

❺ 我喜歡的是你英文翻譯

1. 其實我喜歡的是你,英文怎麼說?
Actually, I like you.
2. 我想我喜歡上你了,英語怎麼說?
I think I'm starting to like you.
3. 我喜歡上的只是我想像中的你,英文翻譯?
I like only the you that I imagine.
4. 你的所有一切我都喜歡,英語怎麼翻譯?
I like everything about you.
5. 《我喜歡你是寂靜的》中英文對照翻譯?
"I Like That You Are Silent" in English:
I like for you to be still; it is as though you were absent.
And you hear me from far away, and my voice does not touch you.
It seems as though your eyes had flown away,
and it seems that a kiss had sealed your mouth.
As all things are filled with my soul, you emerge from the things, filled my soul.
You are like my soul, a butterfly of dream,
and you are like the word Melancholy.
I like for you to be still, and you seem far away.
It sounds as though you were lamenting, a butterfly cooing like a dove.
And you hear me from far away and my voice does not touch you:
Let me be to be still in your silence.
And let me talk to you with your silence that is bright as a lamp, simple as a ring.
You are like the night, with its stillness and constellations.
Your silence is that of a star, as remote and candid.
I like for you to be still, it is as though you were absent,
distant and full of sorrow as though you had died.
One word then, one silence, is enough.
And I am happy, happy that it's not true.
6. 我喜歡蘋果,你呢?用英語怎麼說?
I like apples, what about you?
7. 你就是我喜歡的風格,英文怎麼說?
You are my style.

❻ 鎴戝枩嬈浣犵殑鑻辨枃鎬庝箞璇寸炕璇戞槸浠涔

涓銆佹垜鍠滄浣犵殑鑻辨枃琛ㄨ揪鏄 "I like you."
浜屻佽繖鍙ヨ瘽鐨勯煶鏍囨槸錛氳嫳 [aɪ  laɪk  ju] 緹 [aɪ  laɪk  jə]銆
鍥涖佸叧浜 "like" 鐨勫叿浣撳惈涔夛細
1. 浣滀負鍔ㄨ瘝錛"like" 琛ㄧず鍠滄錛屽父涓 "would" 鎴 "should" 榪炵敤琛ㄧず紺艱矊鐨勬効鏈涙垨璇鋒眰銆
2. 浣滀負浠嬭瘝錛"like" 鐢ㄦ潵琛ㄧず鐩鎬技鎬с佹柟寮忔垨鐢ㄤ簬璇㈤棶鎰忚併
3. 浣滀負褰㈠硅瘝錛"like" 琛ㄧず鐩鎬技鎴栫浉鍚屻
浜斻"I like you." 鐨勪緥鍙ワ細
1. "I like you, but I don't love you."錛堟垜鍠滄浣狅紝浣嗘垜涓嶇埍浣犮傦級
2. "Zina: I like you, Dave, but I can show you no mercy."錛堝悏濞滐細鎴戝枩嬈浣狅紝鎴村か錛屼絾鎴戜笉浼氬逛綘鎵嬩笅鐣欐儏銆傦級
3. "Must be why I like you so much."錛堣繖鍙鑳藉氨鏄鎴戝傛ゅ枩嬈浣犵殑鍘熷洜銆傦級

❼ 我喜歡你的英文怎麼說翻譯是什麼



I like you


If you read one of the websites that I like to look at, Psycho Palisades, and palisades describe the strong fence that protect you from being torn down.


And you friend says, "Well, you know I was kind of a nerd in high school. No one really liked me."


One of the reasons I like it, is it really does confront you with this very clear picture.


- Your lecture -- I don't normally do this with your emails -- but your lecture the other day reminded me of this scene from The Computer Wore Tennis Shoes.

你的演講--我通常不喜歡發郵件-,但是你幾天前的演講使我想起,“電腦穿 網球 鞋“的畫面。

And yet, you like him anyway, and I think that's the power of the novel, and that's why I think he's such a character.


What about, 'obey your thirst?' Okay. 'I'm lovin' it?' McDonald's.

那這個呢,"服從你的渴望",對 "我就喜歡",麥當勞

And I can obviously do the other direction which is I can say skip to index 2 and all the remaining pieces. This lets me slice out, if you like, the front part or back part or a middle part of the tuple as I go along.


I'm really liberal, but this disturbs me because I am looking at you, I'm trying to see from your reaction how much of my lecture you are following, and then it's very distracting when people are talking.


and he played on that team I told you about in Finland, Jokerit, so I think that's why I like him.


I'm 43 years old and I plan to keep doing all the exercises that I love doing, you know, until I die.


That's why I think it's important to buy things that you, yourself know about and actually love,


I like to make a lot of stews in the winter that you can like then freeze, or beans and things like that, soups.


Yeah, I mean, because I'm not living that locally to here, but depends what you like.


I also like computer programs that are simply in that language and seeing the item.


I don't know, there's this... if you don't like to skate, like the parks,


I think it depends what kind of music you like.


I like your accessories! Where did you get them?


You always tell me how much you like working out.


I like red on you too!



note that most relationships start out as friends。


maybe suggest going out some time to see his/her reaction.。.


just be casual and subtle, because if you all of a sudden change your behaviour you may freak them out, they like you for you so don't be someone else。


remember to actually talk to them, though even if they deny liking you they may be shy...actions speak louder than words so watch their body language。


the clock test: if you feel like he or she's been watching you, suddenly look at the clock then quickly look at him/her. if they're looking at the clock then it's because they were watching you and following your eyes is a natural reflex to a sudden change of movement。


compliment him/her often. for things you actually like, the reasons why you like being his/her friend。



1. 表示我喜歡你的句子

2. 表達我喜歡你的句子

3. 我喜歡你表白唯美句子

4. 帶英文的說說

5. 親愛的英文是什麼

6. 喜歡你的英文是什麼

❽ 「我喜歡你」用不同國家的語言怎麼說



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