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❶ 英語下t h e的用法,用在哪些地方

1 表示特指的人或物
例:Please hand me the key on the desk. 請把桌上的鑰匙遞給我.
The girl in red is his sister. 穿紅色衣服的女孩是他妹妹.
The building over there is the tallest in the town. 那邊那幢大樓是這個城裡最高的.
I like the music of the film. 我喜歡這部電影的音樂.
2 表示雙方都知道的或心中明白的人或物
例:Shut the door, please. 請關門.
Has he returned the book? 那本書他還了嗎?
Take the blue one, it is cheaper. 拿那個藍的,它便宜些.
3 第二次提到某人或某物第一次提到時用不定冠詞,第二次提到時要用定冠詞.
例:He saw a house in the distance. Jim's parents lived in the house. 他看見遠處有一所房子,吉姆的父母就住在那所房子里.
There was once an old fisherman. The old fisherman had a cat. The cat was white. 從前有一個老漁夫.這個老漁夫有一隻貓.這只貓是只白貓.
4 用在世界上獨一無二的名詞前
the sun太陽, the earth地球, the moon月亮, the sky天空, the world 世界
例:The moon goes round the earth. 月亮繞著地球轉.
There is not any cloud in the sky. 天空中沒有一絲雲彩.
It was a fine day in spring. The sun shone brightly. 這是一個晴朗的春日,陽光燦爛.
He is the richest man in the world. 他是世界上最富的人.
5 用在表示方向、方位的名詞前
the east東方,the west西方,the south南方,the north北方,the right右邊,the left左邊
例:The birds are flying to the north. 這些鳥向北方飛去.
The moon rises in the east and sets in the west. 月亮從東方升起,在西方落下.
The wind was blowing from the south. 風從南方吹來.
She lived to the west of the Summer Palace. 她住在頤和園的西邊.
Walk along the road and take the first turning on the right. 沿著這條路往前走,在第一個路口往右拐.
He stood at the back of the door. 他站在門背後.
例:The river is two thousand kilometers long from west to east. 這條河自西向2000公里長.
They traveled through the country from south to north. 他們自南向北在這個國家旅行.
6 用在形容詞最高級前
例:Summer is the hottest season of the year. 夏天是一年中最炎熱的季節.
She is the best person for the job. 她是最適合這個工作的人.
Hangzhou is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. 杭州是世界上最美的城市之一.
The car is the most expensive of the four. 這部車是四部車中最貴的.
7 用在序數詞等前
定冠詞用在序數詞前,也用在表示序列的next, last等前,還有在表示「同一」或「唯一」等的詞前.
例:The first man to land on the moon is an American. 第一個登上月球的人是美國人.
She was the fifth to climb to the top of the mountain. 她是第五個到達山頂的人.
This may be the last chance. 這可能是最後一次機會.
If I miss this train I'll catch the next one. 如果趕不上這趟火車,我就趕下一趟.
He is the only person who knows the secret. 他是唯一一個知道這個秘密的人.
The two coats are of the same colour. 這兩件外衣顏色相同.
This is the very book I want. 這正是我要的書.(用very表示強調)
a 序數詞表示「又一」時,前面用不定冠詞a(an)
例:He bought a second pair of shoes. 他又買了一雙鞋.
He asked a question, then a second, then a third…他問了一個問題,又問了第二個,第三個……
b 序數詞用作狀語或表語時,前面不加定冠詞.
例:George arrived first. 喬治第一個到.
=George was the first person to arrive.
Jim and Jack are both second in the match. 湯姆和傑克在比賽中並列第二.
8 用在單數名詞前表示一類人或物,強調整個類別
例:The orange is a kind of fruit. 橘子是一種水果.
The horse is a useful animal. 馬是一種有用的動物.
The computer is important to us. 電腦對我們來說是重要的.
例:A car runs faster than a bus. 小汽車比公交車跑得快.
Cars run faster than buses.
A dog is a faithful animal. 狗是忠實的動物.
Dogs are faithful animals.
9 用在樂器名詞前,表示演奏
例:She can play the piano. 她會彈鋼琴.
He plays the violin very well. 他小提琴拉得很好.
He played the guitar for the children. 他給孩子們彈了吉他.
例:He bought a piano last month. 他上個月買了一架鋼琴.
She taught piano in the school. 她在學校里教鋼琴.
10 用在江河、海洋、湖泊、群島、山脈的名稱前例:
the Yangtze River 長江
the Red Sea 紅海
the West Lake 西湖
the Pacific 太平洋the Himalayas 喜馬拉雅山
the Nile 尼羅河
the Rocky Mountains 落基山脈
the South China Sea 南中國海
例外的情況: Mount Tai泰山 China Daily《中國日報》
11 用在由普通名詞和另外一些詞構成的國家名稱、機關團體、階級、等專有名詞前
例:the Great Wall 長城
the United Nations 聯合國
the New York Times 《紐約時報》
the United States of America 美國
the Red Cross Hospital 紅十字醫院the Olympic Games 奧林匹克運動會
the Shanghai Railway Station 上海火車站
the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國
the North Pole 北極
the People's Daily 《人民日報》
12 用在某些形容詞前,表示一類人或物或某種抽象概念
例:the old 老年人
the happy 幸福的人
the poor 窮人
the aged 老人
the sick 病人
the impossible 不可能的事the young 年輕人
the rich 富人
the blind 盲人
the wounded 傷員
the smooth 順事
the beautiful 美,美的東西
例:The rich should help the poor. 富人應該幫助窮人.
The good is what people like. 人們總是喜歡美好的東西.
The wounded have been sent to the hospital. 傷員已經被送到醫院去了.
13 用在姓氏的復數形式前,表示全家人或這一姓的夫婦二人
例:The Greens will more to the country. 格林一家要搬到鄉下去.
The Wangs came to see us yesterday. 王家一家人昨天來看我們.
The Browns are very friendly. 布朗夫婦都很友好.
14 用在表示計算單位的名詞前,含有「每,每一」的意思
例:Jim is paid by the hour. 吉姆的工資按小時付.
Eggs are sold by the kilogram. 雞蛋按千克出售.
This cloth is sold by the yard. 這種布按碼出售.
It sells at three dollars the pound. 它以每磅三美元出售.
They sell sugar by the pound. 他們按磅賣糖.
15 用在前面已提到過的人的身體部位或衣著的名詞前
結構:動詞(hit, pull, pat, strike, catch, hold, take)+sb.+介詞(in, on, by, across)+身體部位或衣著
例:She touched him on the shoulder. 她碰了碰他的肩.
He took the girl by the hand. 他拉著小女孩的手.
He hit her on the nose. 他打了她的鼻子.
The stone struck the man in the eye. 石頭擊中了那人的眼睛.
I caught her by the right hand. 我抓住她的右手.
She patted the boy on his head. (誤,本結構中身體部位或衣著前不用one's)
She patted the boy on the head. (正)
16 用在逢十的復數數詞前,表示年代,也指人的大約歲數
例:The war broke out in the forties. 那場戰爭發生在40年代.
He went abroad in the 1980s. 他在20世紀80年代出國的.
The old man is in the seventies. 老人大約七十幾歲.
17 用在表示自然現象的名詞前
the rain 雨,the wind風, the fog霧,the snow雪, the air空氣, the storm風暴,the snowstorm 暴風雪
例:Don't stand in the rain. 不要站在雨中.
The wind blew down the trees. 風把樹颳倒了.
The ship sank in the storm. 船在風暴中沉沒了.
The rain has cleaned the air. 下雨凈潔了空氣.
The fog was so thick that we couldn't see the top of the hill. 霧很大,我們看不見山頂.
a 這類名詞前有形容詞修飾時,可用不定冠詞,表示「一場,一陣,一種」
例:A cold wind is blowing from the north. 冷風從北方吹來.
There was a heavy rain last night. 昨晚下了一場大雨.
A heavy snow is falling outside. 外面正下著大雪.
b 這類名詞表示一般物質時,不用冠詞.
例:Rain falls in summer; snow falls in winter. 夏天下雨,冬天下雪.
Man can't live without air. 沒有空氣人不能活.
18 與復數名詞連用,指整個群體
例: They are the teachers of this school.指全體教師)
They are teachers of this school.(指部分教師)
19 表示所有,相當於物主代詞,用在表示身體部位的名詞前
She caught me by the arm…… 她抓住了我的手臂.
20 用在某些習慣用語中
in the morning 在上午
in the evening 在晚上
in the field 在田野里
in the country 在鄉間
in the sun 在陽光下
in the distance 在遠處
on the right 在右邊
by the way 順便說一下
in the front of 在前部
in the daytime 白天
go to the concert 去聽音樂會
at (/in) the beginning 開始
at the moment 當時,此刻
all the year round 一年到頭
go to the cinema 去看電影
go to the theatre 去看戲
at the weekend 周末in the afternoon 在下午
in the night 在夜裡
in the sky 在空中
in the dark 在暗處
in the rain 在雨中
in the shade 在陰涼處
on the left 在左邊
all the time 始終
in the middle of 在中間
on the way home 回家途中
all the same 依然
on the whole 總之
at the same time 同時
on the plane 在飛機上
in the year 2008 在2008年
the other day 前幾天
at the bottom of 在……底部
in the end 終於
on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面,另一方面
例:at dawn 在黎明
at night 在晚上
at noon 在正午


我來自中國的首都北京。中國式世界上最大的國家之一。它是一個擁有超過13億人口的農業大國。中國以美味的食物而出名。中國也有很多名勝,比如長城和圓明園(summer palace)。中國也是著名的藝術和文化制度。為什麼不來中國遊玩並在此享受美好的時光呢?








❸ 英語作文 我最喜歡的地方

My favourate place
My favourate place is the Great Wall. It is more than ten thousand kilometers,like a long dragon flying among the mountains,which is the most famous interest of China.It is a symbol of Chinese civilization, has been playing an important role in the history and culture of China. When i saw the Great Wall for the first time,i was shocked by its view.I like the Great Wall, it is my favourate place.

❹ 求一篇關於my favourite place的英語作文60詞左右




I would like to visit places where I have never been to. Xi』an, as a famous city with profound historical and cultural significance in China, enjoys a history that can be dated back to several thousand years ago. From the first dynasty when China became a unified country, namely the Qin Dynasty, this place was the capital of successive dynasties, thus it has many a site of historical and cultural heritage. As the saying goes: If you want to acquire a sense of history about China, visit Xi』an. A visit to these heritages, I am sure, will let me learn about what China was like in the past and how people lived at ancient times. I』ve long heard of the famous Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses of the First Emperor—Qin Shihuang, and have seen relevant pictures of it: really grand and exquisite, next to none in the world. However, I have never seen it on site with my own eyes, which could be a kind of regret. Therefore, I want to have this dream of mine realized at the earliest possible time.




My name is LiHua,I like dance to the music.However,I also like to climb the mountains with my good friends.Thanks to this hobby,I build my body strong.Next,my dream is to become a transformer.So I should pay more attention to english and study hard.Last,I want to go to the Great Wall most.I am glad to introce myself to you and I have a strong desire to make friends with you.Friends is a person that you can share happiness and sorrows with,I hope I can become this person to you. 翻譯:我的名字叫李華,我喜歡跟著音樂跳舞。當然,我還喜歡和我的好友一起登山。得益於這個愛好,我鍛煉了強健的體魄。然後,我的夢想是成為一名翻譯。因此我需要更關注英語和加倍努力。最後,我最想去長城。我非常高興能將我自己介紹給大家,悲切我還有強烈的意願要和大家成為朋友。朋友是能夠分享快樂和悲傷的人,我希望能成為那樣的人。

❻ 我最想去的地方200字作文用英語帶含義

My America Dream
I have a dream, that is going to America. America is a beautiful country. And the country is very popular.
I want to make money in America. I will have a very amazing life. My life in America must be very exciting. In America, I will find many interesting things. All of them are waiting for me to enjoy.
I want to be a Chinese teacher in America. I will meet many interesting people there. I will also enjoy talking with them. My life may be very difficult, but I am very confident to face to the challenge.
Whatever my life is rich or poor. I will value my life in America. Try my best.
But it』s just a beautiful dream. I must study hard for the dream.


❼ 用英文介紹一個最喜歡地方不少於150

My favourite place is the Great Wall. It is more than ten thousand kilometers,like a long dragon flying among the mountains,which is the most famous interest of China.It is a symbol of Chinese civilization, has been playing an important role in the history and culture of China. When i saw the Great Wall for the first time,i was shocked by its view.I like the Great Wall, it is my favourite place.


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