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發布時間: 2024-10-01 09:55:00

『壹』 關於職業的英語單詞及音標

Accounting Assistant 會計助理
Accounting Clerk 記帳員

Accounting Manager 會計部經理

Accounting Stall 會計部職員

Accounting Supervisor 會計主管

Administration Manager 行政經理

Administration Staff 行政人員

Administrative Assistant 行政助理

Administrative Clerk 行政辦事員

Advertising Staff 廣告工作人員

Airlines Sales Representative 航空公司定座員

Airlines Staff 航空公司職員

Application Engineer 應用工程師

Assistant Manager 副經理

Bond Analyst 證券分析員

Bond Trader 證券交易員

Business Controller 業務主任

Business Manager 業務經理

Buyer 采購員

Cashier 出納員

Chemical Engineer 化學工程師

Civil Engineer 土木工程師

Clerk/Receptionist 職員/接待員

Clerk Typist & Secretary 文書打字兼秘書

Computer Data Input Operator 計算機資料輸入員

Computer Engineer 計算機工程師

Computer Processing Operator 計算機處理操作員

Computer System Manager計算機系統部經理


Deputy General Manager副總經理

Economic Research Assistant經濟助究助理

Electrical Engineer電氣工程師

Engineering Technician工程技術員

English Instructor/Teacher英語教師

Export Sales Manager外銷部經理

Export Sales Staff外銷部職員

Financial Controller財務主任

Financial Reporter財務報告人

F.X. (Foreign Exchange)Clerk外匯部職員

F.X. Settlement Clerk外匯部核算員

Fund Manager財務經理

General Auditor審計長

General Manager/ President總經理

General Manager Assistant總經理助理

General Manager's Secretary 總經理秘書

Hardware Engineer (計算機)硬體工程師

Import Liaison Staff 進口聯絡員

Import Manager 進口部經理

Insurance Actuary 保險公司理賠員

International Sales Staff 國際銷售員

Interpreter 口語翻譯

Legal Adviser 法律顧問

Line Supervisor 生產線主管

Maintenance Engineer 維修工程師

Management Consultant 管理顧問


Manager for Public Relations公關部經理

Manufacturing Engineer 製造工程師

Manufacturing Worker 生產員工

Market Analyst市場分析員

Market Development Manager 市場開發部經理

Marketing Manager 市場銷售部經理

Marketing Staff 市場銷售員

Marketing Assistant 銷售助理

Marketing Executive 銷售主管

Marketing Representative 銷售代表

Marketing Representative Manager 市場調研部經理

Mechanical Engineer 機械工程師

Mining Engineer 采礦工程師

Music Teacher 音樂教師
Naval Architect 造船工程師

Office Assistant 辦公室助理

Office Clerk 職員

Operational Manager 業務經理

Package Designer 包裝設計師

Passenger Reservation Staff 乘客票位預訂員

Personnel Clerk 人事部職員

Personnel Manager 人事部經理

Plant/ Factory Manager 廠長

Postal Clerk 郵政人員

Private Secretary 私人秘書

Proct Manager 生產部經理

Proction Engineer 產品工程師

Professional Staff 專業人員

Programmer 電腦程序設計師

Project Staff (項目)策劃人員

Promotional Manager 推售部經理

Proof-reader 校對員

Purchasing Agent 采購(進貨)員

Quality Control Engineer 質量管理工程師

Real Estate Staff 房地產職員

Recruitment Co-ordinator 招聘協調人

Regional Manger 地區經理

Research&.Development Engineer 研究開發工程師

Restaurant Manager 飯店經理

Sales and Planning Staff 銷售計劃員

Sales Assistant 銷售助理

Sales Clerk 店員、售貨員

Sales Coordinator 銷售協調人

Sales Engineer 銷售工程師

Sales Executive 銷售主管

Sales Manager 銷售部經理

Salesperson 銷售員

Seller Representative 銷售代表

Sales Supervisor 銷售監管

School Registrar 學校注冊主任

Secretarial Assistant 秘書助理

Secretary 秘書

Securities Custody Clerk 保安人員

Security Officer 安全人員

Senior Accountant 高級會計

Senior Consultant/Adviser 高級顧問

Senior Employee 高級雇員

Senior Secretary 高級秘書

Service Manager 服務部經理

Simultaneous Interpreter 同聲傳譯員

Software Engineer (計算機)軟體工程師

Supervisor 監管員

Systems Adviser 系統顧問

Systems Engineer 系統工程師

Systems Operator 系統操作員

Technical Editor 技術編輯

Technical Translator 技術翻譯

Technical Worker 技術工人

Telecommunication Executive 電訊(電信)員

Telephonist / Operator 電話接線員、話務員

Tourist Guide 導游

Trade Finance Executive 貿易財務主管

Trainee Manager 培訓部經理

Translation Checker 翻譯核對員

Translator 翻譯員

Trust Banking Executive 銀行高級職員

Typist 打字員

Wordprocessor Operator文字處理操作員


『貳』 請翻譯幾個英語單詞

default [di'fɒ:lt]
n. 違約, 不履行責任, 缺席, 默認值
vt. 疏怠職責, 缺席, 拖欠, 默認
vi. 疏怠職責, 缺席, 拖欠, 默認
[計] 默認; 默認值; 預設值
[經] 違約, 債務不履行, 拖欠
load [lәud]
n. 負荷, 擔子, 重擔, 裝載量, 負載, 工作量, 載入
vt. 裝載, 裝填, 使擔負
vi. 裝貨, 上客, 裝料
[計] 載入, 裝入程序
[化] 負載; 載荷; 負荷; 載; 裝載; 裝填
[醫] 負荷, 載負
[經] 裝載, 裝貨, 負擔
save [seiv]
n. 救球
vt. 解救, 挽救, 儲蓄, 保存, 節省, 保留
vi. 挽救, 節省, 救球
prep. 除...之外
[計] 保存
[經] 節省, 節約, 避免
n. 桌面
[計] 桌面
windowed 這個你寫錯了
a. 有窗的
[計] 窗口的

fullscreeen 全屏

EXIT exit ['eksit]
n. 出口, 退場, 離去, 去世
vi. 退出, 脫離, 去世
[計] 退出; DOS內部命令:本命令用於退出當前的命令處理器(COMMAND.COM)

light [lait]
n. 光, 光亮, 燈, 日光, 發光體, 光源, 傑出人物, 火花, 眼光
a. 輕的, 少量的, 輕微的, 輕快的, 輕浮的, 明亮的, 淡色的, 容易的
vt. 點燃, 照亮
vi. 點著, 變亮, 突降, 偶然碰到
ad. 輕地
[化] 光; 輕的; 淺色的
[醫] 光

aguarium 是不是寫錯了

control control [kәn'trәul]
n. 控制, 管理, 克制, 控制器, 操縱裝置
vt. 控制, 操縱, 抑制
[計] 控制; 控制器
[醫] 監督, 管理; 控制, 調節, 節制; 對照
[經] 控制, 管理, 核對

display [dis'plei]
n. 顯示, 陳列, 炫耀, 顯示器
vt. 陳列, 顯示, 表現, 誇示
[計] 顯示器; 顯示

about [ә'baut]
prep. 在...周圍, 大約, 有關, 關於
ad. 大約, 四處, 在附近, 周圍
[經] 大約, 約


『叄』 英語information schema怎麼翻譯

Information Schema:信息模式;綱要信息

音標:英 [ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃn ˈskiːmə] 美 [ˌɪnfərˈmeɪʃn ˈskiːmə]



information resource dictionary schema信息資源詞典綱目

information suite schema信息包圖

schema information模式信息

Schema for holdings information收藏信息的規劃


Rather mappingfile, onyourdatabase'sinformationschema.


You lateon .


『肆』 三十六計之英文翻譯



1.瞞天過海crossing the sea under camouflage1

2.圍魏救趙relieving the state of Zhao by besieging2 the state of Wei

3.借刀殺人killing someone with a borrowed knife

4.以逸待勞waiting at one’s ease for the exhausted4 enemy

5.趁火打劫plundering a burning house

6.聲東擊西making a feint to the east and attacking in the west

7.無中生有creating something out of nothing

8.暗渡陳倉advancing secretly by an unknown path

9.隔岸觀火watching a fire from the other side of the river

10.笑裡藏刀covering the dagger6 with a smile

11.李代桃僵palming off substitute for the real thing

12.順手牽羊picking up something in passing

13.打草驚蛇beating the grass to frighten the snake

14.借屍還魂resurrecting a dead soul by borrowing a corpse

15.調虎離山luring8 the tiger out of his den9

16.欲擒故縱letting the enemy off in order to catch him

17.拋磚引玉giving the enemy something to ince him to lose more valuable things

18.擒賊擒王capturing the ringleader first in order to capture all the followers10

19.釜底抽薪extracting the firewood from under the cauldron

20.混水摸魚muddling the water to catch the fish; fishing in troubled waters

21.金蟬脫殼slipping away by casting off a cloak; getting away like the cicada sloughing12 its skin

22.關門捉賊catching the thief by closing / blocking his escape route

23.遠交近攻befriending the distant enemy while attacking a nearby enemy

24.假途伐虢attacking the enemy by passing through a common neighbor

25.偷梁換柱stealing the beams and pillars and replacing them with rotten timbers

26.指桑罵槐reviling/ abusing the locust14 tree while pointing to the mulberry

27.假痴不癲feigning15 madness without becoming insane

28.上屋抽梯removing the ladder after the enemy has climbed up the roof

29.樹上開花putting artificial flowers on trees

30.反客為主turning from the guest into the host

31.美人計using sective women to corrupt16 the enemy

32.空城計presenting a bold front to conceal17 unpreparedness

33.反間計sowing discord18 among the enemy

34.苦肉計deceiving the enemy by torturing one’s own man

35.連環計coordinating one stratagem20 with another

36.走為上decamping being the best; running away as the best choice

擴展:外企生存十大 英語單詞

1、Performance (n.) 人業績、表現

His performance this month has been less than satisfactory.


2、Performance Evaluation1 定期的員工個人評定

The performance evaluation test is a way of seeing how efficient a workers performance is.


3、Challenge (v.) 在外企的英文中它不當「挑戰」講而是「譴責、批評、指責」

His poor performance gave rise to the challenge from his boss.


3、Challenge (v.) 在外企的英文中它不當「挑戰」講而是「譴責、批評、指責」

His poor performance gave rise to the challenge from his boss.


4、Presentation (n.) 做介紹(一般指打投影儀的那種匯報)

His presentation on the Earth Summit proves that we really need to pay more attention to the global environment.

他在地球峰會上的 報告 證實了我們的確要更加關注全球的環境。

5、Quota2 (n.) 員工的(一年或半年的)任務量

Have you reached your predicted quota for this quarter?


6、Solid (n.) 可靠的、穩妥的

Their partnership3 is solid as a rock.


7、Complicated (adj.) 復雜的

English grammar is very complicated.


8/9、Vacation = Leave 休假 (n.)

It is my vacation soon, I think Ill go to Huang Shan to relax.


10、Follow up把某件事情繼續負責追究到底

Have you been following up on the news recently?


相關 文章 :

1. 如何提高學生記憶英語單詞的能力

2. 如何用英文表達三十六計

3. 購物車英文怎麼說單詞怎麼拼

4. 打電話英文怎麼說英語如何拼寫

5. 快速記憶方法

6. 英文等怎麼說等待英語如何拼寫

『伍』 學慣用品類英語單詞至少20個、帶中文意思和音標

尺子 ruler、橡皮 eraser、鉛筆 pencil、筆 pen、墨汁 ink、計算器 caculator、書包 school bag、文具盒 pencil case、字典 dictionary、課本 textbook、鬧鍾 clock、書桌 desk、地球儀 globe、地圖 map、小刀 knife、訂書機 stapler、記號筆 marker、蠟筆 crayon、三角板 setsquare、圓規 compasses,等等。



1、讀音:英['ruːlə(r)] 美['ruːlər]


3、例句:The ruler is divided into centimetres.



1、讀音:英['pensl] 美['pensl]




3、例句:He erases pencil marks.



1、讀音:英[pen] 美[pen]




3、例句:The pen slips out of my fingers.



1、讀音:英[ɪŋk] 美[ɪŋk]


3、例句:There's an ink stain on your shirt.



1、讀音:英[klɒk] 美[klɑːk]




3、例句:The clock shows half past two.


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