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發布時間: 2024-10-01 09:28:42

1. 初一英語知識點總結


1.go on vacation go to summer camp stay at home

study for exams Central Park show sth to sb

.help him find his father walk back to… go shopping

the Palace Museum think of have fun doing sth

.bus trip the Great Wall Tian』an Men Square

.a Beijing Hutong make sb do sth

.decide to do sth all day


1.Where did you go on vacation? I went to summer camp.

Where did they go on vacation? They went to New York City.

Where did he go on vacation? He stayed at home.

Where did she go on vacation? She visited her uncle.

2. Did you/he/she/they go to Central Park?

Yes, I/he/she/they did.

No, I/he/she/they didn』t.

3. How were the movies? They were fantastic

4. have fun doing something 干某事有樂趣

= enjoy oneself doing something

We have fun learning and speaking English .

We enjoy ourselves learning and speaking English .

我們學英語有很多樂趣 .

5. find sb. doing sth. 發現某人在干某事 find sb. do sth. 發現某人干過某事

I find him reading the novel (小說).

I found him go into the room .

6. corner 角落,角,拐角處

in the corner 在角落裡(指在建築物裡面)

at the corner 在拐角處(指在建築物外面或道路的拐角)

My bike is at the corner .

7. be lost 迷路了=get lost , lost (adj.)

The girl was lost in the big city .

8. help sb. (to) do sth.=help sb for sth 幫助某人干某事

He always helps us learn English

9. make sb. do sth. 讓/使某人干某事 let / have sb. do sth. do前不帶to

The movie makes me relaxing .

Let the boy do his homework alone .

10. feel+ adj. 感到...

I feel hungry / tired /happy / excited

11. decide to do sth. 決定干某事

They decided to go to Hainan on vacation .

Uint 11 What do you think of game shows?

一. 片語

1.. TV shows(電視節目)

soap opera sitcom a comedy an action movie a documentary a thriller cartoon Beijing Opera

Animal World Tell it like it is Law Today game show

CCTV News News in 30 Minutes Man and Nature

Chinese Cooking Around China talk show Lucky52

Sports news sports show Culture China

2. write an article for the school magazine.給學校雜志寫一篇文章
3. a thirteen - year - old boy.一個十三歲的男孩
4. wear colorful clothes.穿著顏色鮮艷的衣服
5. interview sb. 采訪某人 in fact. 實際上
6. wear scarves. 戴著圍巾 think of 想起,考慮到

1. What do you think of soap operas? I can't stand them.
2. What do you think of sports shows? I don't mind them.
3. What does she think of "Hilltop High"? She doesn't like it.
4. What does Tony think of Tommy? He likes him.
5. What do they think of Amanda? They love her.
1. wear (v. 動詞) "穿,戴,佩"。根據不同賓語,翻譯不同的漢語意思。
wear earrings 戴耳環 wear a dress 穿連衣裙wear a watch 戴手錶
wear a beard 蓄鬍子wear long hair 留長發
2. think "想,考慮,思索"(v. 動詞)可以和許多介詞搭配,組成新的意思。
A:think of "考慮";"有...的看法",有時等於think about.
What does he think of Beijing Opera?他對京劇有什麼看法?
My mother always thinks of everything!我媽媽總是想到所有的東西。
think highly of sb. /sth. 對某人或某物評價甚高
Mr Black thinks highly of his son. 布萊克先生對他兒子評價甚高。
B:think about "考慮"(指計劃,觀念,看它是否相宜、可行)
He is thinking about going to China.他正在考慮去中國。
3. too與either的區別
(1)—My brother likes to play soccer.我哥哥喜歡踢足球。—I do, too.我也是(喜歡)。
(2)—My brother doesn't like to play soccer.我哥哥不喜歡踢足球。—I don't, either.
We also love talk shows.我們也喜歡訪談節目。
4. a thirteen - year - old boy 一個十三歲的男孩
a five - month - old baby 一個五個月大的嬰兒
5. enjoy (v. 喜愛,享受)
enjoy後面接名詞、代詞或動名詞,注意與like/ love用法的區別。like/ love還可以接動詞不定式(to do)。
I enjoy the soap operas.我喜愛肥皂劇。
I enjoy watching the soap operas.我喜愛看肥皂劇。
但我們不能說:I enjoy to watch the soap operas.
只能說:I like / love to watch the soap operas.
6. mind 表示"介意,反對"的意思時,通常用在疑問句、否定句中。
Would you mind opening the window?請你打開窗子好不好?
He doesn't mind the cold weather at all.他一點都不在乎寒冷的天氣。
Would you mind (doing) ...?Do you mind (doing) ...?
7. stand 表示忍受(多用於否定句、疑問句)
He can't stand the hot weather.他忍受不了炎熱的天氣。
Can you stand the pain?你忍受得了疼嗎?
9. What do you think of ...? 你認為...怎麼樣?(談論對某事物的喜好程度)可選擇的回答有:
(1)I like it.
(2)I don't mind it.
(3)I don't like it.
(4)I can't stand it.
(5)I like it very much.
(6)I love it.
(7)It's beautiful.

(8)They're fantastic

Unit 12 Don't eat in class.

1. in class 在課上 2. on school nights 在上學的晚上 3. school rules 校規
4. no talking 禁止交談 5. listen to music 聽音樂 6. have to 不得不
7. take my dog for a walk 帶狗去散步 8. eat outside 在外面吃飯9. in the hallway 在走廊上 10. wear a uniform 穿制服 11. arrive late for class 上學遲到 12. after school 放學後 17. be in bed 在床上 13. practice the guitar 練習彈吉它 14. in the cafeteria 在自助食堂里15. meet my friends 和我朋友見面 16. by ten o'clock.十點之前 18. the Children's Palace 少年宮 19. help my mom make dinner 幫助我媽做飯
1.Don』t arrive late for school=Don』t be late for school

2.Don』t fight =

3.Don』t listen to music in the classroom.

4.Don』t run in the hallways

5.Don』t smoke .It』s bad for your health.

6.Don』t play cards in school

7.Don』t talk in class

8.Don』t watch TV on school nights.

9.Don』t sleep in class.

10.Don』t play sports in the classrooms.

11.Don』t sing songs at night.

12.Don』t talk when you eat.

13.Don』t wear hats in class.

14.Do homework by 10:00.

15.Clean your house!

16.Make the bed.

17.Can we ……? Yes ,we can . No, we can』t.

Eg:Can we arrive late for class ?

No, we can』t. We can』t arrive late for class.

18.Do you have to wash your clothes? Yes, I do./No, I don』t.

三. 重難點解析:
1. 情態動詞have to 的用法,意思是"必須、不得不",它側重於客觀上的必要和外界的權威。(1)結構:主語+have to+動詞原形+其他
(一般現在時,主語是第三人稱單數時,用has to;句子是過去時,用had to.)如: We have to wear sneakers for gym class. 在體育課上,我們必須穿運動鞋。Tom has to practice the guitar every day. 湯姆每天必須練習彈吉它。I had to get up at 5:00 am last Monday. 上周一,我不得不早上5點起床。

(2)否定形式:主語+don't have to+動詞原形+其他
(一般現在時,主語是第三人稱單數時,用doesn't have to. 句子是過去時,用didn't have to)
如:Nick doesn't have to wear a uniform. 尼克不必穿制服。We didn't have to do our homework at once. 我們不必馬上完成作業。
(3)疑問句:Do (Does或Did)+主語+have to +動詞原形+其他
如:Do you have to stay at home on weekends? 周末你必須呆在家裡嗎?Yes, I do. / No, I don't.
是的,我必須。不,我不必。Did he have to go to bed by 11:00 last night? 昨晚,他不得不11點前上床睡覺嗎?
2. 情態動詞can的用法
Can you play the guitar? 你會彈吉它嗎?Judy can speak a little Chinese. 朱蒂會說一點中文。I can dance and sing. 我能唱歌又能跳舞。
Can the students run in the hallways? 學生們可以在走廊上跑嗎?We can eat outside. 我們可以在外面吃東西。Can I come in? 我能進來嗎?
注意 同樣是情態動詞,can 和have to 的用法是有區別的,和大部分情態動詞一樣,can在否定句中,直接在can後加上not,在疑問句中,把can放到主語前面,並且沒有人稱和數的變化。
3. hear,listen和sound都有"聽"的意思,但三者是有區別的。
I'm sorry to hear that you are ill. 聽說你生病了,我很難過。
I never heard such an interesting story. 我從來沒聽過這么有趣的一個故事。
(2)listen"聽"側重於"聽"這一動作。Listen to me carefully. 認真聽我說。
The children like to listen to music. 孩子們喜歡聽音樂。
(3)sound"聽起來",它是系動詞,後面接形容詞等。That sounds great. 那聽起來真不錯。
It sounds like fun. 聽起來挺有趣。
4. be in bed "在床上、卧床"in 和bed之間不能用冠詞,bed也不用復數。
He is in bed for 10 years. 他卧床10年了。Dave has to be in bed early every night.大衛每晚必須很早睡覺。
5. arrive late for 與be late for 意思相近,"遲到"Don't arrive (be)late for school. 上學別遲到。I arrived (was)late for the meeting yesterday. 我昨天開會遲到了。
6. No talking ! "禁止交談!"no後面加上名詞或動名詞(doing)也表示不要做某事。與don't +do的用法相似。No wet umbrellas! / Don't put wet umbrellas here! 禁止放濕雨傘!
No food! Don't eat food here! 禁止吃食物!No smoking! Don't smoke here! 禁止吸煙!
如:Look out! 小心!Wait here for me! 在這等我!
Be sure to come here on time! 務必准時來到這里!
祈使句的否定形式多以do not(常縮寫成don't)開頭,再加上動詞原形。
Don't arrive late for school. 上學別遲到。
Don't fight! 別打架!
Don't look out of the window. 不要向窗外看。


2. 我的愛好聽音樂的英語作文帶翻譯100守

My hobby is listening to music. When I was a child I enjoy listening to music especially the cartoon music, I often lose myself in it. When I am in trouble, music can make me calm down. When I am very tired , it can make me comfortable . When I am angry with something , it aslo can make me happy again.Do you like listening to music? If not, I hope you can have a try, you will find it beneficial.

3. 孩子們正在聽音樂的英語單詞拼寫

Kids are listening to music.

4. 求英語學霸們,這個文章的翻譯是什麼

- 喜歡,音樂很美。這是什麼
- 四季。今天我們要畫四季。MIke, 你最喜歡哪個季節
- 冬天,我喜歡雪
- 我也喜歡雪,wuyifan你最喜歡哪個季節
- 春天,春天很美
- 是的


5. the children like to listen to music!這里用的是like to如果用like +ing可以嗎the children like

like to 相當於want to 想要做某事的意思,它表示的是發生的一次性動作,不是經常性的。

而like doing,是喜歡做某事,這是一種習慣的的事情或者愛好 。兩個表達的意思不一樣

the children like to listen to music!孩子們想要去聽音樂

the children like listening to music 孩子們喜歡聽音樂。


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