當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 我喜歡聽到這樣的聲音英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2024-09-30 02:52:46

1. 求正確的英語、日語翻譯:我喜歡聽到你穿高跟鞋走路的聲音,那種聲音就像是美妙的音樂,它能使我的情緒...

I like to hear the sound of your high heels to walk, that sounds like a wonderful music, it can relax my mood.

2. 我喜歡看到你的酒窩,喜歡聽到你低沉的聲音,要是你不抽煙那就更完美了!英語怎麼說

I like to see your dimples, like to hear you are in a low voice, if you don't smoke that is more perfect

3. 我喜歡聽下雨的聲音,能安靜的入睡。用英語怎麼翻譯

I like to listen to the sound of rain, can be quiet.

4. 我喜歡她,尤其是她的聲音。的英語翻譯

I am fond of her, especially her sound.

5. 我喜歡聽著雨滴落在地上的聲音看書。怎麼用英語翻譯

I love reading with the sound of the raindrop falling to the ground.

6. [我喜歡他性感的聲音而且喜歡他所有的歌]用英語怎麼說

I like his sexy sounds and all of his musics

7. 我經常聽到他在他的房間里唱歌,我喜歡他的聲音 英語翻譯

I often hear him sing in his room, I like the sound of his voice

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