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發布時間: 2024-09-28 15:17:35

1. 用英語介紹你最喜歡的季節,為什麼(不少於十句話)

My favorite season is winter. Although it is cold, I like it because it sometimes snow heavily. When it snows, everything is white so it is very beautiful. I can play with snow with my friends and make snowman,too. In winter I can skate and go skiing. It is a bit fun to skate and ski. Besides when winter vacation comes, I have lots of time to do anything I like. I can travel and read books. What's more, the most important festival- Spring Festival is in winter. We have lots of fun ring Spring Festival. So I like winter best.
我的一點想法。不知道冬天是不是你喜歡的季節,其實網上有很多:my favorite season,用心去查查,會找到你想要的

2. 現在我喜歡滑冰和在雪地里玩 用英語

Now I like skating and playing in the snow

3. 求寫一篇英語作文 題目 我最喜愛的季節-冬季











4. 用英文介紹你最喜歡什麼季節,為什麼,在這個季節你會做什麼

不知你的文化程度如何,如果是小學或初中建議第2.第3.篇 如果是高中.大學或以上建議第一篇,總體來說本人認為第三篇最簡短,最直擊題意。希望你可以採納,謝謝。。。
1.My favorite season is winter. People view winter as harsh and cold and bitter. I do not see winter the same way they do. I feel winter is meaningful, because winter's cold reminds me of the warmth I have around me. I feel winter is fun, because I can play with snow. I feel winter is friendly because I do not have to enre the harsh rains and the possibility of being wet. Just the soft snow that falls gently upon my shoulders.

I love winter also because many of the holidays occur ring winter time. There are Thanksgiving day, Christmas, Yuan Xiao, New Year, and many more. They all come together to warm this cold season. Which reminds me of the importance of warm and friends and family in the world.

I love winter with all my heart. However, I do realize that there is a cost to everything. In order to have my winter, I will have to enre the baking summer, the raining and annoying spring, the leafy and sad autumn, before I can see my winter again. Which makes me worship my winter even more. It helps me to understand that I can only get, after I give. I love winter, for now and ever.
I like summer best!In summer,the weather is sunny and hot.I can eat my favourite food—ice creams!I'm very happy!I like swimming in the pool with my friends.In summer,the flowers are beautiful,the grss is very green.I can have a picnic with my parents.And we have fun!
I like summer best!Do you like it,too?
3.There are four seasons in China, spring, summer, autumn and winter. My favorite season is winter. when it is very cold, sometimes it will snow heavily and the scenery is very beautiful. Then I can play with the snow, such as making a snowman, fight with my friends with snow. I can also skate and ski. My parents always take me to go skating and skiing in winter. What's more, my favorite festival-the Spring Festival is in winter and I have a long winter holiday,too. So I like winter best.
中國有四季, 春夏秋冬. 我最喜歡冬天.當天氣非常冷時,有時會下大雪. 景色非常地美. 然後我就可以玩雪, 例如: 堆雪人,和朋友打雪仗. 我還可以滑雪,滑冰. 冬季時我父母總是帶我去滑雪和滑冰. 而且我喜歡的春節也在冬天, 冬季還有個很長的寒假,所以我最喜歡冬季

5. 我喜歡冬天,因為冬天可以打雪仗和堆雪人。而且可以滑冰。我喜歡冬天。翻譯成英文

我喜歡冬天,因為冬天可以打雪仗和堆雪人。而且可以滑冰。我喜歡冬天。翻譯專成英文是I like winter because it allows snowball fights and snowmen. And can skate. I like winter.





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