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發布時間: 2024-09-28 00:54:41

⑴ 獅子的英語單詞

例句:1、The lion will often stalk its prey for hours.獅子經常悄然跟蹤獵物達幾個小時。
2、Her aim was good and she hit the lion with her first shot.她瞄得准,第一槍就打中了獅子。
3、We watched the lions from the safety of the car.我們從車里看獅子,很安全。
4、She looked like a lion baulked of its prey.她看上去像一頭被奪走了獵物的獅子。
5、Lions can never be completely tamed.獅子永遠不能被完全馴化。
6、Lion is my favourite animal.獅子是我最喜歡的動物。
7、To my surprise,the young lion became friend with the monkey.令我驚訝的是,小獅子和猴子成了朋友。
8、The lion let out an almighty roar that scared the other animals.獅子發出一聲威力十足的嘶吼,震懾了其他動物。

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