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發布時間: 2024-09-26 02:06:58

① 綜合課用英語怎麼說活動課用英語怎麼說隊會課呢

綜合課Comprehensive class
活動課Active class
隊會課The team meets class

② 紅杉樹的英語單詞王課程怎麼樣


③ 求大神翻譯一下這段文字 英語四級介紹 課程多、單詞全,輕輕鬆鬆過英語四級! 英語四級君——C

Four English words, Jun introction course, with the English four levels! English grade four - CET4 test customs clearance artifact! Word back, grammar, listening, reading, writing, translation, writing, translation, translation! [free courses, offline Download] covers words and grammar, consolidate the foundation, including listening, reading, writing, translation of strengthening and improve the exam sprint. Online viewing, offline learning can be. 300 class, take you to graally improve the English level, easily pass the four grade exam! [live on the line, to help you over the four level] foundation, strengthen, sprint, sub stages of the course, the pro forma more fully! The word back, anytime, anywhere, the first back, after testing, the process is more smooth, more effective memory! [forum Q & A, eliminate the problem] there is a problem, not to mention the teacher, learning tyrants, and so you challenge! [live on the line, to help you over the four level] foundation, strengthen, sprint, sub stages of the course, the pro forma more fully! Thank you


1、hello 2、class 3、my 4、name 5、回is 6、Miss 7、答good 8、morning 9、afternoon 10、goodbye 11、I 12、am 13、Mr 14、what 15、your 16、please 17、sorry 18、can 19、you 20、spell 21、it 22、yes 23、thank 24、how 25、are 26、fine 27、thanks 28、Mrs 29、too 30、this 31、she 32、teacher 33、friend 34、her 35、his 36、nice 37、to 38、meet 39、time 40、go 41、now 42、bye 43、see 44、tomorrow

⑤ 急用,幫忙翻譯一下以下單詞,「復習課」「死記硬背」「學中有玩,玩中有學」「低年級英語教學」

復習課-review class
死記硬背-remember by rote
學中有玩,玩中有學-combine learning with playing
低年級英語教學-English teaching in primary school

⑥ 「補課」英語單詞

1、make up missed lessons; 2、remedial teaching;
The teacher helped his pupils make up the lessons they had missed.

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