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發布時間: 2024-09-24 22:41:13

『壹』 他好像不喜歡和人交往的英語

He doesn't seem to like to interact with people.

『貳』 用英語翻譯 : 我弟弟說他不喜歡和同學鬧矛盾 (have trouble with sb )

可以是 My younger brother said that he did not like to have trouble with his classmates.

『叄』 他不太招人喜歡,用英語怎麼說》

he is not so popular個人感覺這句比較地道,望採納

『肆』 一個人不喜歡和大家說話,該怎麼勸他,用英語寫一篇作文

How to persuade someone to join the TALK?

There comes a new student in our class, but it seems that he doesn't like to talk. He is always quiet, sitting in his seat and saying nothing. We all want him to join us in talking, so as the monitor, I have decided to persuade him to talk with us.

First, I'll tell him that the classmates are all so cute and fiendly. All other classmates want to be his friend. Don't worry too much, just come and join us.

Second, when there is a class activity, ask him to join the activity. And then ask everyone to share his/her story, including him. Give him some encouragement. Just ash everyone to listen carefully when someone is sharing a story.

Third, help him if he get some difficulties.

In a word, when he feels the love from you and your classmates, he will open his heart to join your talk.

『伍』 他不喜歡和別人玩游戲翻譯成英語

He doesn't like playing games with other people

『陸』 涓嶅枩嬈㈢敤鑻辮鎬庝箞璇

涓嶏紝浠栦笉鍠滄 No錛 he doesn#39t like it涓嶏紝浠栦笉鍠滄 No錛 he doesn#39t like it銆
I don#39t like it 榪欐槸鐭鍙ワ紝鎰忔濇槸鈥滄垜涓嶅枩嬈㈠畠鈥濆傛灉鏄鐩存帴鐢ㄥ崟璇嶏紝浣犲彲浠ョ敤鈥渓oathunlikedisinclinenwilling鈥濈瓑鍗曡瘝鏉ヨ存槑鈥滄垜涓嶅枩嬈㈢殑鈥濆傛灉鐩存帴鏄鈥滄垜鈥濊繖涓浜鴻村嚭鏉ョ殑璇濓紝鍒欑洿鎺ョ敤鍗曡瘝涓婅堪鍗沖彲銆
I think I#39ll pass on 褰撳埆浜哄彂鍑洪個璇鳳紝浣犺佸斿夌殑鎷掔粷錛屽氨鍙浠ヨ繖涔堣8It#39s not for me 濮斿夌殑璇達紝涓嶆槸涓嶅枩嬈錛屽叾瀹炴槸涓嶉傚悎鎴慖t#39s not for me to say why he left涓嶉傚疁鐢辨垜璇村嚭浠栫誨紑鐨勫師鍥犮
dislike錛 hate錛 donnot like絳夌瓑錛屼笉榪囦笁涓鏄鏈甯哥敤鐨勩

鐪嬩綘瑕佹庝箞琛ㄨ揪浜 濡傛灉鏄涓涓鍗曡瘝錛岄偅灝辨槸dislike錛屼緥濡 He dislikes sth濡傛灉鏄涓涓綆鍗曠殑鎴戣〃杈撅紝閭e氨鏄痙on#39t like錛屼緥濡 I don#39t like sth銆
璇戞枃鎵ф斂瀹樺姞鍏ヤ粬浠鑷宸憋紝鏃涓嶆槸鍜屼綘錛屼篃涓嶆槸鍜岄偅浜涘埆浜2like v 鍠滄㈡兂鎰挎剰甯屾湜 渚嬪彞I like these but she likes those璇戞枃鎴戝枩嬈㈣繖浜涳紝鑰屽ス鍠滄㈤偅浜3dislike vt 涓嶅枩嬈錛屽帉鎮 渚嬪彞Not銆
琛ㄧず涓嶅枩嬈㈠拰鍠滄㈢殑鑻辨枃鐭璇 鍦ㄨ嫳璇涓錛岃〃杈懼枩嬈㈡垨涓嶅枩嬈㈡湁寰堝 鏂規硶 錛屼笉鍚岀殑鏂規硶鍙嶆槧浜嗕笉鍚岀殑紼嬪害 濡傛灉浣犵埍鏌愭牱涓滆タ錛屽彲浠ヨ磓uotI lovequotquotI love eating icecreamquotquotI love travelquot濡傛灉浣犲緢鍠滄㈡煇鏍蜂笢瑗褲

『柒』 Tom 和Jack都不喜歡依靠別人 ,用英語怎麼說

Tom and Jack don't like to rely on others.
[tɒm] [ənd; (ə)n; ænd] [dʒæk] [doʊnt] [laɪk] [tuˌtə] [rɪˈlaɪ] [ɑn] [ˈʌðər] .
[tɑm] [əndˌ ənˌænd] [dʒæk] <a href="http://www.yinbiao5.com/19-20413.html" title="don" t'="" target="_blank" style="color: rgb(0, 70, 187); text-decoration: none; font-family: 微軟雅黑; font-size: 13.333333969116211px; line-height: 23.99305534362793px; white-space: normal;">[doʊnt] [laɪk] [tuˌtə] [rɪˈlaɪ] [ɑn] [ˈʌðər] .

『捌』 不,他不喜歡。求句的英語怎麼寫

No, he doesn't like it.

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