當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 我知道你喜歡中國的英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2024-09-23 23:27:40


手機提問寫不完內啊容I know you have been to China on China's culture and art is very interested in me and my students will be performing comic and other programs and intends to invite you to watch our

Ⅱ 我從你信里得知你對中國傳統文化有興趣英語咋說


Ⅲ 請用英語翻譯我想知道的是你為什麼喜歡中國的食物

I wonder why you like Chinese food.

What I want to know is why you like Chinese food.

Ⅳ 「知道你將要來中國我很高興」的英語譯文

1、I am very glad to know that you will come to China.
2、I am very happy to know that you are coming to China.
3、I am very pleased to know that you are about to come to China.


Ⅳ 我聽說你對中國傳統文化很感興趣的英語

I heard that you were very interested in the Chinese traditional culture.

Ⅵ 我非常喜歡中國這個國家。英文翻譯

i`d like China very much.
i like China very much
i love China so much

Ⅶ 我知道你非常喜歡中國戲曲 I know you likeChineseoperaverymuch

I know you like Chinese
opera very much.因為英語
語法習慣是倒裝。所以very much
放句子最後。very muchs是副詞。

Ⅷ 怎麼用英語高級的寫「我知道你喜歡中國食物」

I know that you like Chinese food.
You are known to like Chinese food.

Ⅸ 我知道你非常喜歡中國的書法這句話的英語翻譯怎麼寫

I know you like Chinese calligraphy very much

Ⅹ 我愛你中國,中國加油的英語怎麼說

I love you China,Go China

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