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發布時間: 2024-09-23 21:22:08

㈠ 你喜歡旅遊嗎為什麼用英語回答。三分鍾口語。

Of course, I like to travel. Tourism is for people to seek pleasant feelings in spirit, to an unknown place, to learn new things, relax the body.
Tourism can make people broaden one's horizon, washing mood, can see a world ofbeautiful rivers and mountains of a country.
The perception of life, to understand the local customs, experience around theoddities, read 10000 books is, traveling thousands of miles is better than reading countless people! People's heart is very yearning for the beautiful things, and are called tourism place just accords with people's hearts yearning.
Travel can increase their field of vision, can meet a variety of different types of friends,can also understand the cultural practices in the travel, enjoy all kinds of wonderfulscenery ~ ~ more importantly can taste different Food ~ ~

㈡ 你喜歡旅遊嗎為什麼英語口語回答兩三分鍾內。

㈢ 你喜歡旅遊嗎為什麼用英語回答。三分鍾口語。

Like to travel.Becausethe same mountains, the same water, spring, summer, autumn and winter four seasons, each season seems to give these mountains and rivers a different meaning. I feel different every time I go.


A netizen once said, "now I go to travel for no other reason. I just regret that I haven't been there when I'm old and can't walk any more."


Not to mention the whole world, as far as China is concerned, how long can you spend visiting scenic spots, large and small?


The world is so big, although there are countless beautiful sceneries, there are always a few scenic spots that are the cinnabar moles in your heart. If you don't go, you will never forget.




Hong Kong. It is a highly prosperous international metropolis, covering Hong Kong Island, Kowloon, the new territories and 262 surrounding islands. With the convenience of Hong Kong and Macao passes, a large number of people also travel to Hong Kong.


After all, Hong Kong is a city of food and recreation. Maybe you will meet some TVB star on the street. If it's with children, you can go to Disneyland to have a good time.


Here is the pleasure of one-stop shopping and the old street with strong cultural atmosphere. In particular, the opening of the Pearl River, Hong Kong and Macao Bridge is more convenient to understand the charm of large-scale projects.


㈣ 鑻辮浣滄枃:浣犲枩嬈㈡棶娓稿悧錛熶綘鍘昏繃鍝浜涘湴鏂癸紵閭i噷鐨勬櫙鑹插拰浜轟滑緇欎綘鐣欎笅浜嗕粈涔堝嵃璞★紵鍝浜涘湴鏂逛綘榪樻病鏈夊幓榪囷紵

I like to travel .Beijing is a good place to travel. There are many perfect tourist attractions,like Tian'an Men , Summer Place , Great Wall. Last year l went to Beijing. I went to visit Tian'an Men . I thought it was beautiful . But I didin't went to Summer Place and Great Wall. I want to go to visit them by train next year.I think it'll be great錛


㈤ 你熱愛旅遊嗎你最嚮往的旅遊勝地是哪裡呢請根據你對該地的了解及自己的想法寫一篇80詞左右的英語作文

I would like to visit France. As most of the travellers know, France is a very attractive country. I would like to appreciate travellers to visit there not only because of its beautiful scene, and also the fantastic food. I do not interested in countries such as Iraq and Thiland. Due to the recent wars and social turmoil, it is quite unsafe to travel to these countries. Normally i take air-plane to travel. Thus, i think air-plane is the best way for people to travel around the world. Furthermore, it saves a lot of time and strength for me.

㈥ 你喜歡到處旅遊嗎用英語怎麼說

Do you like to travel around??

㈦ "你喜歡旅遊么"英語怎麼說

1.Would you like traveling?
2.Do you (feel) like /appreciate traveling?
其中「喜歡」可以用love/like/be fond of/be keen on/filled with joy/elate...等代替。

㈧ 我愛旅遊這句用英語怎麼說和你愛旅遊嗎

I like/love travelling.
Do you like/love travelling?

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