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發布時間: 2024-09-22 15:50:04

⑴ 做我喜歡的事 用英語怎麼說

可用關系代詞型連詞 what 引導的賓語從句翻譯
~Do what I like to do.
~Do what I am fond of.

⑵ 他們喜愛的事用英語怎麼表達

the things that they like to do ,這是個定語從句,that後的是補充說明the things 的,用於修飾

⑶ 每個人都做起了自己喜歡的事情用英語寫

Everyone had started to do what they like to do
Everyone start to do what they like to do
Everyone is doing what they like to do

⑷ 幫我把個句子翻譯成英語:我認為青少年應該被允許有更多的空閑時間去做他們喜歡的事情!

I think that teenagers should be allowed to have more free time to do what they like!

⑸ 做自己喜歡的事情,不要跟隨別人 英語翻譯

do what you like to do and don't follow others

⑹ 我們有更多時間做我們喜歡的任何事情英語標准翻譯

We have more time to do anything we like

⑺ 他們都有自己喜歡做的事用英語怎麼說

They all what something that they like doing.

【俊狼獵英】 團隊為您解答,歡迎追問!

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