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發布時間: 2024-09-22 15:10:49

① 我喜歡吃冰激凌用英語怎麼說

1. I have a preference for ice cream.
2. I enjoy eating ice cream.
3. Ice cream is one of my favorite treats.

② 我喜歡冰激凌英文寫小短文小學

I am a primary school student.Let me tell you something about my eating hobby.
My favourite food is ice-cream.It is sweet and cold. My favorite food is apple.So i often buy apple ice-cream. I don't like eating banana ice-cream.I think it is smell.
What about you? Do you like ice-cream? What's your favourite food? Can you tell me,please?

③ 我喜歡冰激凌但我不吃糖我不想長胖的英文怎麼寫

I like eat ice cream But i do not eat 糖 I do not want fat

④ 英語我喜歡冰激凌陳述句


I like ice cream.
I love ice cream.


請採納 好評

⑤ 我喜歡吃冰淇淋的英文 怎麼寫

我喜歡吃冰淇淋的英文:I like to eat ice cream


1、ice cream cone 甜筒

2、chocolate ice cream 巧克力冰淇淋




ice 讀法 英[aɪs]美[aɪs]


詞語用法 :

1、ice常與over, up連用,作「(使)表面上結冰」解。ice在英式英語中可作「冰淇淋」解,這時用作可數名詞。ice作名詞的基本意思是「冰,冰塊」,指的是水在零攝氏度或零度以下凝結成的固體,是不可數名詞。說「一塊冰」用a piece〔cube〕 ofice來表示。



1、ice a bottle of beer 冰鎮一瓶啤酒

2、ice drinks 冰鎮飲料

3、ice soup 冰鎮湯

4、ice tea 冰鎮茶

⑥ 我喜歡吃冰激凌作為甜點 用英語怎麼說

I like/love to have icecream for desert.
I like/love having icecream for desert.

⑦ 我喜歡冰激凌因為它很好吃的英語

您好,很高興翻譯為 i like. ice-cream. because. it. is. good. delious. very. much. 希望您採納

⑧ 關於冰激凌英語三年級的寫話


  1. 冰激凌特別涼但是很好吃The ice cream is especially cold but it's very good.

  2. 冰激凌是我最喜歡吃的食品Ice cream is my favorite food.

  3. 冰激凌有很多種顏內色和容味道,很好吃Ice cream has a lot of color and taste, it is good to eat

⑨ 我喜歡吃冰激凌 用英語怎麼說

I like to eat ice-creams.或
I like eating ice-creams.或
I enjoy eating ice-creams.或
I am fond of eating ice-creams.

⑩ 一篇簡單的英語自我介紹,我是一名女孩,11歲,喜歡冰激凌,不喜歡咖啡

I am an eleven years old girl. I like ice cream and I hate to drink coffee.

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