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發布時間: 2024-09-21 17:44:33

1. 友好的親切的討人喜歡的英語怎麼讀

friendly ,amiable ,pleasant and lovely

2. 郵件中的:請看附件;請知悉,英語怎麼說.要比較正式的用語

請看附件:Please refer to the attachment.或 Please refer to the attached.
請知悉回:答Please be notified.或 Please be kindly notified.

3. 請你幫個忙用英語怎麼說

請你幫個忙,英語是Please do me a favor.

please 英[pli:z] 美[pliz]
int. 請;
vt. 討好; 使高興; 使滿意; 討人喜歡;
[例句]Can you help us please?

me 英[mi] 美[mi]
pron. (人稱代詞I的賓格) 我;
n. 自我; 自我的一部分; 極端自私的人; [音樂] 固定唱法時的E音;
[例句]I had to make important decisions that would affect me for the rest of my life

favor 英['feɪvə] 美[ˈfevɚ]
n. 歡心; 好感; 寵愛; 關切;
vt. 支持; 贊成; 照顧; 促成;
[例句]You'd think you were the one who did me the favor, and not the other way around.

4. 我有一隻寵物貓、它非常討人喜歡。翻譯成英語怎麼寫

我有一隻寵物貓、它非常討人喜歡。I have a pet cat, it is very like.

5. (討人喜歡的) 用英語怎麼說 (>^ω^<)

討人喜歡[tǎo rén xǐ huān]的英語為:try to keep sb. in good humour; likable [likeable]; cute


  1. 但是討人喜歡的途徑是做能夠讓別人愛你的事情。

    Butthewayto belovableistodolovablethings, 」 he adds.


  2. 雖然她很討人喜歡,可是和她共度一夜之後,我還是想讓她走人。

    Shewaspleasant,butafterone nightwithherIwantedherto leave.


  3. 「那我和你一起去吧,」埃倫總是那麼討人喜歡。

    'I'll comealongwithyou,then, 'Ellen,alwaysagreeable.

  4. 他是一個有魅力且討人喜歡的年輕人。

    He is an attractive and likable young man.

  5. 在這些情況下,你可以通過做出些討人喜歡的肢體語言,來使自己看上去心情更加愉快。In these cases, you can actually put yourself into a more likable mood by assuming more likable body language.

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