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發布時間: 2024-09-19 11:57:40

⑴ myfamily英語作文怎麼寫

  • 寫作思路

  • 關於我的家人的介紹,開頭可以對家人的感情,比如愛、喜歡、幸福;中間寫具體家人的工作生活學習等方面情況,可以分2-3段寫,根據需要突出人物特點即可;結尾和開頭呼應,首尾呼應, 表達情感。

  • 雙語範文參考

  1. I love my family very much.

    My father is a driver. He is very busy at work every day. He has few opportunities to have lunch and dinner with him. My mother is a housewife. She cooks for us every day. I like mplings cooked by my mother best.

    My sister is a middle school student. She studies very hard. I'm a girl. I'm studying in primary school and in grade five. I often get full marks in math and occasionally in Chinese.

    This is my family. I love them.

  2. 我非常愛我的家人。




  • 寫作模板參考

  • I love my family very much.

    My father is ..................... every day............ My mother is a .............

    My sister is ...........She studies...............I'm a girl. I'm..............................

    This is my family. I love them.

  • 我非常愛我的家人。




⑵ 我早飯通常都是媽媽做的(用英語怎麼拼)

My mother usually cooks my breakfast. 沒學過被動的用這一句。
My breakfast is usually cooked by my mother. 學了被動的可以用這一種。

⑶ 在家裡我吃到了媽媽做的飯 用英語專門翻譯

At home I eat the mother's food.

⑷ 我的媽媽善長做飯,我最喜歡吃她做的飯菜了。她喜歡去逛商場,也喜歡拿著我的手機玩游戲。英語怎麼翻譯

My mother is good at cooking, and I like to eat her food. She likes to go shopping, but also like to hold my mobile phone to play games.

⑸ 我最愛吃媽媽做的飯了用英語怎麼說

I love my mother's cooking

⑹ 寫一篇英語作文,主題是你晚飯想吃什麼不少於五句話,加翻譯

Today, after school, my mother asked me what I wanted to eat for dinner今天放學回家後,媽媽問我晚飯想吃點什麼.
I told my mother I would like to have braised pork ribs我跟媽媽說想吃紅燒排骨
I like my mother's food best我最喜歡版媽媽做的權食物
Steamed fish, stewed chicken feet, stewed hoof and what's best清蒸魚,紅燒雞爪 ,紅燒蹄髈什麼的媽媽做的最好吃
But my favorite is braised pork ribs不過我最喜歡的還是紅燒排骨
I decided to help my mother cook so that she would not be so tired我決定幫媽媽一起做飯,這樣她就不會這么累

⑺ 我最愛吃媽媽做的飯了用英語怎麼說

I love what my mom cooks the best.

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