當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 人們特別喜歡機器人英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2024-09-19 01:20:04

1. 我喜歡這個機器人很酷的英語怎麼讀

I love this robot.

I love this robot.

2. 我非常喜歡這個機器人他會陪伴我很久的用英語怎麼說

這句話用英語說是:I like this robot very much. It will accompany me for a long time.

3. 人們家裡會有機器人 用英語怎麼說

People will have robots in their homes.

4. 人們每家將有一個機器人 英語翻譯

There will be a robot in each family.

5. 『機器人』用英語怎麼說


6. 機器人英語怎麼說 機器人英語是什麼



3、例跡卜滲句:My robot and I go to school.我的機器人和我去上學。

7. 機器人對人類的好處有什麼(請用英語回答,要求有原因及例子。)

Robot has played an important role in the instries and people's daily life.
Robot can do many things that are hard or impossible for men to do. Robot has replaced people to do many boring jobs. We can't neglect the advantage that robot has given to people.
But robot can really do people great harm. With robot working day and night, many bosses will use many robots in stead of workes. So many workers are in the danger of losing jobs.We will see a large number of peopel who are under unemployment because of the robots.
With robots doing many different kinds of jobs, people may become much lazier than before. I think that is not good for humans. People need to do some things to keep healthy.
With more and more robots proced and invented, I am afraid the robot will take over the earth. That may be the worst thing that people are not willing to see.

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