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Ⅰ 我最喜歡蘋果用英語寫作文

1. 英語作文我最喜歡蘋果

My favorite fruit is apple. It is red and round. It looks beautiful and cute. When eating, it is sweet and crisp. It tastes very good. I love eating it when I was very young. When grow older, I love it more. The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with safety. I hope everyone can be safe all the time, do not like my grandmother. I feel very sad as she passes away. Then I have a special love for apple.。

2. 我最喜歡的蘋果英語作文帶翻譯


My favorite fruit is apple.It is red and round.It looks beautiful and cute.When eating,it is sweet and crisp.It tastes very good.I love eating it when I was very young.When grow older,I love it more.The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with safety.I hope everyone can be safe all the time,do not like my grandmother.I feel very sad as she passes away.Then I have a special love for apple.

我最喜歡的水果是蘋果,它是紅色的,圓的,它看起來很漂亮,很可愛。吃的時候,它很甜,很脆。它的口感非常好。我很喜歡吃它,當我長大的時候,我更喜歡它。 。在中國人說蘋果的聲音和安全有同樣的意義。我希望每個人都可以一直安全,不喜歡我的祖母。她過世後我感到非常難過。然後我對蘋果有了特別的喜愛。

3. 我喜歡蘋果英語作文45字

我最喜歡蘋果 i like apple the most

my favorite fruit is apple. it is red and round. it looks beautiful and cute. when eating, it is sweet and crisp. it tastes very good. i love eating it when i was very young. when grow older, i love it more. the sound to speak apple in chinese has the same meaning with safety. i hope everyone can be safe all the time, do not like my grandmother. i feel very sad as she passes away. then i have a special love for apple.

4. 英語作文我喜歡蘋果

I Like Apple the MostMy favorite fruit is apple.It is red and round.It looks beautiful and cute.When eating,it is sweet and crisp.It tastes very good.I love eating it when I was very young.When grow older,I love it more.The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with safety.I hope everyone can be safe all the time,do not like my grandmother.I feel very sad as she passes away.Then I have a special love for apple.。

5. 我喜歡種蘋果 寫一片英語作文





Said to the fruit, with a yellow bananas, red apple, violet grape, orange, orange, light yellow melon。 Of (among) all the fruits, my favorite kind of apple. Apples and pears in the same class, in the world, about 7500 varieties, sweet and delicious, nutritious, is one of the fruits for old and young.

Different kinds, their color is different also, mostly with red, and yellow, weak green belt in red; Shape is different, and has a round head, round a headband, egg shape of the edges.

Apple can directly eat together the whole, can be canned, applesauce, apple salad, I most like to cut it into pieces to eat, because you can do other things,

6. 我喜歡吃蘋果英語作文

I like to eat apples

I like to eat apples, because the apple is rich in nutrition, diet, has adjuvant therapy function. It is the world's four largest one fruit, I especially like the red apple. Apple dietary fiber content is rich, also contains a lot of pectin, to adjusting intestinal flora has a great help. The apple contains a lot of pectin, a soluble fiber may rece cholesterol and bad cholest琺粻粹救誄嚼達楔憚盲erol level. Apple in addition to raw food, cooking methods are also many, used as a dessert filling, apple pie. My mother often tells me to do apple sweet circle, it is really very good!


7. 英語寫作100詞我最愛吃的水果是蘋果

I like eating various kinds of fruits, but what I like most is apple. Apple is red, round, and juicy. It looks so nice and tastes so sweet. Almost everyone likes it. And it's also very cheap. We can buy it everywhere.我喜歡吃各種各樣的水果,但我最喜歡的是蘋果。



我們到處都能買到它。Apple is not only delicious, but also nutritious, because it contains the vitamins we need. Having apples everyday can make us healthy and wise. Just as saying goes," An apple a day keeps the doctors away.蘋果不僅好吃,而且營養豐富,因為它包含了我們所需的維生素。


What's more, apple can be made into many kinds of foods and drinks. For example, apple milk shake is so popular among people. It's so easy to make. Here is the list: First, peel three apples and cut them into pieces. Second, put the apples and ice cream into a blender, and then pour some milk into the blender. Next, turn on the blender, and the milk shake will be ready in o minutes. Finally, drink the milk shake. This is the last but the most delightful step.更重要的是,蘋果可以製成多種食物和飲料。例如,蘋果奶昔很受人們的歡迎。




8. 我最喜歡的蘋果英語作文帶翻譯

我最喜歡的蘋果英語作文:My favorite fruit is apple.It is red and round.It looks beautiful and cute.When eating,it is sweet and crisp.It tastes very good.I love eating it when I was very young.When grow older,I love it more.The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with safety.I hope everyone can be safe all the time,do not like my grandmother.I feel very sad as she passes away.Then I have a special love for apple.我最喜歡的水果是蘋果,它是紅色的,圓的,它看起來很漂亮,很可愛。


我很喜歡吃它,當我長大的時候,我更喜歡它。 。



9. 我喜歡蘋果英語作文45字

I like apples, one of my favorite furit, has an ability to pleasure me after

sad things happen. Everytime I eat a happy, I fall into with sweetness of apples,

the taste of happiness and joy, make me *** ile and refresh me from the dark

world. An apple is always in my daily diet list because of the famous quote "an

apple a day, keeps the doctor away." I love eating apples.


Ⅱ 我喜歡你身體的每一個部分的英文翻譯

I love each inch of your skin, every part of your body.


Ⅲ 我喜歡一個黑色的書包用英文怎麼說

可以這樣說,I like a black schoolbag.這是最簡單的表達方式。可以這樣說,I like a black schoolbag.這是最簡單的表達方式。可以這樣說,I like a black schoolbag.這是最簡單的表達方式。可以這樣說,I like a black schoolbag

Ⅳ 我非常喜歡它。用英語怎麼說

I like it very much.

like 英 [laɪk]

美 [laɪk]

vt. 喜歡; (與 would 或 should 連用表示客氣) 想; 想要; 喜歡做;

prep. (表示屬專性) 像; (表示方屬式) 如同; (詢問意見) …怎麼樣; (表示列舉) 比如;

adj. 相似的; 相同的;

[例句]What was Bulgaria like?.


[其他] 第三人稱單數:likes 復數:likes 現在分詞:liking 過去式:liked 過去分詞:liked

Ⅳ 我最喜歡的科目用英語怎麼說

我最喜歡的科目的英文翻譯是My favorite subject.






1、Art has always been my favorite subject at school.


2、My favorite subject Was computer application.




n. (名詞)




v. (動詞)





n. (名詞)

subject, theme, topic


subject著重指文章、書籍、畫或談話等所涉及對象的題目或主題; topic指談話的話題或文章的題目; theme則指談話或文章的主題,即中心思想。例如:

1、The article has not exhausted the subject.


2、The accident was the sole topic of conversation.


3、All his articles seemed an expression of the same theme.


Ⅵ 我最喜歡的是擁抱用英語怎麼說

  1. My favorite is hugging.

  2. What I like best is hugging.

  3. What my favorite is is hugging.

Ⅶ 我喜歡這部電影的某些片段.用英語怎麼說

I like some clips of this film.

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