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發布時間: 2024-09-17 20:48:50

㈠ 晚餐的英文怎麼說


supper;dinner;evening meal


supper:英 ['sʌpə] 美 ['sʌpɚ]

n. 晚餐,晚飯;夜宵

dinner:英 ['dɪnə] 美 ['dɪnɚ]

n. 晚餐,晚宴;宴會;正餐


after supper 晚飯後

have supper 吃晚餐,吃晚飯

last supper 最後晚餐

after dinner 餐後;晚餐後

have dinner 吃晚飯

dinner party n. 宴會

dinner table 餐桌

at dinner 用餐;吃晚餐;正在用餐,正在吃飯

eat dinner 吃晚飯,吃晚餐

family dinner 家宴;家裡聚會吃飯

thanksgiving dinner 感恩節晚餐

cooking dinner 做飯

annual dinner 周年晚宴;公司年會

have a dinner 進餐,吃飯

gala dinner 晚宴

cook dinner 做飯;做晚飯

buffet dinner n. 自助餐

make dinner 做晚餐

stay for dinner 留下來吃飯

candlelight dinner 燭光晚餐;燭光晚宴

farewell dinner 送別宴

dinner set n. 成套的餐具

welcome dinner 歡迎宴會


She rustled up a supper for us.


Do you want to supper me?


You can stay to supper, then I take you home by my car.


Please stay for supper.


I'll keep the fish for supper.


Please don't partner me up with Mr. Jones for the dinner.


Is that your dinner?


I am here to have dinner!


We can have dinner there.


I do hope you』ll stay for dinner with us.


㈡ 英語作文談談你早餐午餐晚餐喜歡吃什麼,我是初一的要期中考試了求個簡單的能得高分的作文求你們了啊

Breakfast is very important, saying "eat early, eat lunch, dinner to eat less." The "good", not delicacies and lavish meals, but nutritious and healthy natural.
"From tomorrow, concerned about food and vegetables." Poet Hai Zi wrote. The original look, I marvel at the reality outside his romantic feelings, and now, but to find that everyone had to "care foodstuff and vegetables," the. Home more than a juicer, bread, yogurt machine, soybean milk ...... do not know when their own hands and clothing slogan quietly become a "green health, safety first.

㈢ 你晚餐喜歡吃什麼英語

你晚餐喜歡吃什麼英語:What do you like for your evening meal

1.,wearewriting to you.


4.Thankyousomuch forthelovelyevening.MywifeandIhadsuchagoodtime.


㈣ 用英語寫一篇你早餐,中餐,晚餐喜歡吃的東西

I would like bread and milk for breakfast.Iwould like rice and vegetables for lunch.I would like noodles for supper.

㈤ 對於早餐 中餐 晚餐而言喜歡吃什麼用英語怎麼說

㈥ 牛津英語小學六年級下冊第15課內容介紹



The food we eat


[00:29.88]'What would you like for dinner tonight?'Mrs Li asks Kitty and Ben.

[00:34.42]'今晚你想要什麼樣的晚餐? ' 李太太問基蒂和本。

[00:38.95]'Would you like rice,noodles or spaghetti?'

[00:42.33]'你想要米飯,面條還是義大利面? '

[00:45.71]'I'd like rice for dinner',says Ben.


[00:52.38]'Would you like meat,chicken or fish?'asks Mrs Li.

[00:56.86]'你想要肉,雞肉還是魚? ' 問李太太。

[01:01.34]'I'd like steamed prawns with garlic',says Kitty.

[01:05.31]' 我想要用蒜蒸對蝦',基蒂說。

[01:09.28]'Me,too,'says Ben.


[01:13.95]'OK,we'll have rice and steamed prawns with garlic.


[01:21.50]I'd also like some vegetable soup.


[01:26.78]What kind of vegetable would you like?


[01:31.32]Would you like spinach,watercress or peas?'asks Mrs Li.

[01:36.05]你想要菠菜,水田薺還是豌豆? '李太太說。

[01:40.78]'Let's have fresh spinach.I like it best',says Ben.

[01:45.10]' 讓我們吃新鮮的菠菜。 我最喜歡它,本說。

[01:49.43]All right,we'll have spinach soup with beef'says Mrs Li.


[01:58.20]'I'd like fried eggs with peas and pork,too,'says Kitty.

[02:03.08]'我也想要加豌豆和豬肉的煎蛋,' 基蒂說。

[02:07.95]'OK.We'll have two dishes and a soup for dinner tonight',says Mrs Li.


[02:17.61]'Mum,can we have desset after dinner,please?'asks Ben.


[02:26.99]'Yes,I'd like fruit with ice-cream,'says Kitty.


[02:34.85]'Me,too,'says Ben.


[02:39.58]'All right.Would you like strawberries or mangoes?'Mrs Li laughs.


[02:48.83]'Both!'say Ben and Kitty together.


[02:54.58]page 63


[02:58.23]Look and read






[03:07.69]fried cabbage/(with pork)

[03:10.67]油煎洋白菜 (和豬肉)

[03:13.65]fried spinach/(with beef)

[03:16.73]油煎菠菜 (和牛肉)

[03:19.81]fried Chinese white cabbage/(with garlic)

[03:23.89]油煎中國白色的洋白菜 (和大蒜)

[03:27.96]boiled lettuce/(in oyster sauce)

[03:30.69]煮萵苣 (在牡蠣醬里)



[03:35.98]steamed eggs/(with pork)

[03:39.10]蒸蛋 (和豬肉)

[03:42.22]fried eggs with ham and onions


[03:47.68]fried eggs with peas and mushrooms




[03:55.89]chicken soup


[03:58.84]spinach soup with beef


[04:03.17]carrot soup with pork


[04:07.25]watercress soup with fish


[04:12.00]sweetcorn soup with crab meat


[04:17.28]cream of mushroom soup




[04:26.61]fried chicken wings


[04:30.84]steamed fish


[04:34.39]fried squid with green pepper and onions


[04:40.45]baked lobster with cheese


[04:45.10]steak in black pepper sauce


[04:49.93]fried pork chop in tomato sauce


[04:55.58]steamed prawns with garlic


[05:00.23]crab curry


[05:03.99]chicken curry





[05:13.65]冰淇淋/ 酸牛奶/布丁

[05:17.34](fruit)with ice-cream/yoghurt


[05:23.79]mango pudding


[05:26.95]page 65


[05:30.79]Look and read



[05:36.67]1 the fish stall

[05:39.45]1 魚畜舍欄

[05:42.23]2 the vegetable stall

[05:44.96]2 蔬菜貨攤

[05:47.69]3 the fruit stall

[05:50.51]3 水果貨攤

[05:53.33]4 the frozen food stall

[05:56.66]4 結冰的食品攤

[05:59.99]a meat stall


[06:12.38]Look and say


[06:15.82]What have you bought,Mum?


[06:20.50]Have you bought some prawns?


[06:24.44]Yes,I've bought some prawns.


[06:28.39]Where did you buy them?


[06:32.05]In the market,at the fish stall.


[06:36.41]How much were they?


[06:39.88]They were fifty yuan.


[06:43.12]page 66


[06:46.36]Look and say


[06:49.39]The Li family usually go out for lunch at the weekend.


[06:56.94]What kind of food would you like to have?


[07:02.50]I'd like to have pizza.


[07:06.66]OK.Let's go to a pizza cafe.


[07:12.12]Here's one.


[07:15.07]Tommy Target

[07:16.55]湯米 目標

[07:18.02]Would you like to have___or___?(...dish)

[07:21.44]你願意喜歡有 _ _ _ 或者 _ _ _ ? (盤子)

[07:24.87]I'd like to have___.


[07:28.34]In the market,at the___stall.


[07:34.87]What kind of food would you like to have?


[07:40.30]I'd like to have___.Let's go to a_____.


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