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發布時間: 2024-09-17 11:45:54

① 他乘地鐵去學校 用英語【三種】

He goes to school by subway.
He takes the subway to school.
He goes to school on the subway.

② 我喜歡坐地鐵上班用英語怎麼說

I like to go to work by subway.

I like to go to work by subway.

③ 坐地鐵(三種) 用英語怎麼說

1.go to work by subway/tube/underground
2.take a tube/subway to work
3.go to work on the tube
4.travel on the underground
5.by metro


1、用「by+交通工具」表示交通方式.如:by bike, by bus, by car , by plane , by train , by subway 等.但是,「步行」用on foot , 而不是by foot. 例句:They go to school by subway every day . 他們每天乘地鐵去上學.

2、用"take a +交通工具」表示交通方式.如:take a bus , take a train , take a ship , 但「騎自行車」要用ride a bike 來表示. 例句:Mr . Smith often takes a train to work . 史密斯先生常坐火車去上班.

④ 他總是乘坐地鐵來學校用初一英語怎麼說


He always goes to school by subway.

He always takes the subway to school.

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