當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 喜歡貓還是狗的英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2024-09-16 07:09:23

A. 我寧願喜歡貓也不喜歡狗 , i prefer cat to dog , 這樣寫對嗎


B. 我既喜歡貓,又喜歡狗這個英語句子怎麼寫

I like cats and dogs.
I like dogs as well as cats.
I like dogs and I like cats as well.

C. 我不喜歡貓,喜歡狗 用英語翻譯,2種方式

I don't like/love cats, i like/love dogs
i prefer dogs than cats
i like/love dogs more than cats
i don't like/love cats but dogs

D. 關於喜歡貓還是狗的英語短文 急急急。,

Like cats or dogs
If my pets, I like cats and dogs. If I could have a pet, this let me hard. Cute and naughty, cat, it is to let a person not exhausted happy joy you unhappy, scrapes, always on your side to tease you hit you, that can let you forget the unhappy things. The dog is loyal and brave, whatever things are master first, it is like a true friend, but it is beside security. If you are, you can choose cat or dog?

E. 你喜歡哪種動物,貓還是狗用英語怎麼說

Which animal do you like better, cat or dog?

F. 我喜歡貓更勝於喜歡狗 翻譯英語是什麼

I like cats better than dogs.I prefer cats than dogsI prefer cats rather than dogs.

G. 求翻譯成英文。你更喜歡貓還是更喜歡狗

What do you like more? cats or dogs?
Do you like cats or dogs better?
Cats or dogs, which one do you like more?

H. Do you like cats___ dogs。該填什麼

Do you like cats_or dogs你是喜歡貓呢還是狗呢?

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