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發布時間: 2024-09-14 09:24:29

Ⅰ 英語口語的小對話《你喜歡什麼書》


A: Cathy, would you like to go to the book store with me tomorrow?

A: 凱茜,你明天跟我去書店轉轉吧?

B: Fine, what are you going to buy?

B. 好的。你有什麼想買的嗎?

A: Well, I want to buy some novels. I heard that my favorite writer has just published a new book.

A: 嗯,我想買些小說。我聽說我最喜歡的作家剛剛又出了一本新書。

B: That's great. What kind of stories do you like best?

B: 不錯。你最喜歡讀什麼類型的故事?

A: I think I like the detective stories best. Well, what about you?

A: 我最喜歡讀偵探故事。你呢?

B: I prefer to love story , such as Gone with the Wind.

B: 我更喜歡讀愛情故事,比如《飄》。

A: I know that book. It's really a great book in American literary history.

A: 我知道那本書。它可是美國文學史上非常了不起的一本書。

B: You are right, it is. Have you read any books written by some young writers born in 1980s?

B: 沒錯。你讀過那些80後作家寫的書嗎?

A: Do you mean the popular post-1980s literature now?

A: 你指的是現在流行的80後文學嗎?

B: Yes.

B: 是的。

A: Well , I usually read their writings on the Internet.

A: 我通常情況下都是在網路上閱讀他們的作品。

B: Haha, a good way to save money.

B: 哈哈,這樣倒是很省錢啊。






A: Students, I am placing a weighty problem before you.

B: Professor, can you break down the problem for us, so that we can see what the primary factors are? Then we will be able to focus on what is essential in our essays.

A: I』d be happy to point out the significant factors for you, but your own ideas will be decisive factor in determining how good your essay is.

B: I am sure our essays will put forward some substantial ideas about this problem. I wouldn』t be surprised if you found some of our ideas outstanding.

A: 同學們,我現在要給你們提出一個重大的問題。

B: 教授,您能把問題給我們拆解一下,好讓我們明白哪些是重要因素嗎?這樣我們就能在論文中集中探討主要的方面。

A: 我很樂意給你們指出重要因素,但是你們自己的觀點才是決定你們論文好壞的關鍵。

B: 我相信我們的論文會就這個問題提出一些有價值的觀點。極有可能的是,你會發現我們的一些觀點真的很棒!


weighty: 重大的;舉足輕重的;權威性的。

break down: 分析,分解。

primary: 首要的;主要的;基本的。

factor: 因素,要素。

essential: 絕對必要的;非常重要的;本質的。

put forward: 提出。

significant: 值得注意的;重要的';意味深長的。

decisive: 決定性的,需要做出抉擇的;關鍵的。

substantial: 實質的;本質的;有價值的。

拓展:學英語口語:第23課 不誠實的


A: This advertisement is really deceptive and dishonest.

B: There are laws against false advertisements; how can they do that?

A: Well that company has a record of being dishonest; I』m not surprised.

B: What deceitful businessman! Those rogues should be put out of business!

A: 這則廣告具有欺騙性,不誠實。

B: 不是有法律禁止做虛假廣告嗎?他們怎麼能這么做?

A: 哦,我不覺得有什麼奇怪的,這家公司有過不誠實的前科。

B: 這些個奸商!應該把這些混蛋趕出商界。


deceptive: 騙人的,造成假象的。

dishonest: 不誠實的,不正直的,不老實的。

false: 騙人上當的,誆騙的,不忠實的,無信義的。

deceitful: 欺詐的(尤其是通過隱藏真相來達到欺騙目的);騙人的,不老實的。

rogue: 無賴,流氓,惡棍。

Ⅱ 你喜歡讀哪一類的書寫一篇英語作文

"My favorite book"

One of my favorite book is "lubin sun Crusoe. This book really I benefited a lot from!

I read the book, see the ship deck stand such a man: he gave up the rich and comfortable life, disgust the scrurinsed life and began a near-death el survival big challenge. Various adversities and problems is overwhelm lubin sun, on the contrary make him more strong. God gives lubin sun difficulties, for he also more challenging! Storm tsunami, the whole ship except lubin sun none escape by luck, true survival challenge is just beginning! To survive, he island in order to find proper shelter, on the shore run a whole day, in a rocks was found under a shelter. Lubin sun in hill pitched a tent, and as far as possible some bigger, inside hit again a few stake to hang hammock. The next day, he put all the boxes and board, do lengji materials, pile into a temporary fence, fortifications. But just 10 days, sudden collapse. Lubin sun not only the fallen fertilizsr be shipped, return to pack the ceiling, and USES below columns support up, lest appear again landslide disaster. Never give up, lubin sun laid the basis of life. Myself alone, until "on Friday, the emergence of this hope" queen came back to rise! Finally aboard a ship returned to his own country.

Lubin sun is great, persistence, studied in this deserted island life 27 years. He dares to fight with the bad environment, diligence, the island of labor management in good order. He in adversity exercise yourself, achievement some extraordinary career.

The book teaches us only by sticking to victory, only work to make us out of difficulties, action is more important than faith... My life will also with this book and set sail, in life's sailing, advance bravely, never give up!
翻譯是 《我最喜歡的一本書》
我看完了這本書,彷彿看到輪船甲板上站著這樣的一個人:他放棄了富裕而又舒適的生活,厭惡那庸庸碌碌的人生,從而開始了一次與死神決斗的生存大挑戰。種種的不幸與困難並沒有壓倒魯濱孫,反而使他更加堅強。上蒼給予魯濱孫的困難,對於他也更具有挑戰性! 風暴海嘯,全船除魯濱孫無一倖免,真正的生存挑戰才剛剛開始! 流落孤島,他為了找到合適的住所,在岸上跑了一整天,在一個山岩下找到了一個棲身之所。魯濱孫在小山下搭了一個帳篷,而且盡量大些,裡面再打上幾根木樁來掛吊床。第二天,他把所有的箱子以及木板、做木排的材料,堆成一個臨時性圍牆,作防禦工事。但只過了十幾天,突然發生塌方。魯濱孫不但把落下來的鬆土運出去,還裝了天花板,下面用柱子支撐起來,免得再次出現塌方的災難。永不放棄,魯濱孫奠定了生活的基礎。自己一個人過,直到"星期五"的出現,這個希望才重新油然升起!最後乘坐一艘輪船回到了自己的國家。
這本書教會我們只有堅持才能勝利,只有實幹才能讓我們擺脫困境,實干比信念更重要…… 我的人生也會隨著這本書而起航,在人生的航海中,勇敢前進,永不放棄!

Ⅲ 關於你喜歡讀的書籍,每周閱讀時間地點和閱讀收獲的英語作文

I like reading,so I love many diffe rent kinds of books very much,because they not only broaden my horizonsbut also give me inspiration, and 「Harry Porter」 is my favorite one.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by the British author J. K. Rowling. The books chronicle the adventures of the adolescent wizard Harry Potter and his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, all of whom are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The main story arc concerns Harry's quest to overcome the evil dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to subjugate non-magical people, conquer the wizarding world, and destroy all those who stand in his way, especially Harry Potter.

Since the 30 June 1997 release of the first novel Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, the books have gained immense popularity, critical acclaim and commercial success worldwide.The series has also had some share of criticism, including concern for the increasingly dark tone. As of June 2011, the book series has sold about 450 million copies and has been translated into 67 languages, and the last four books consecutively set records as the fastest-selling books in history.
A series of many genres, including fantasy and coming of age (with elements of mystery, thriller, and romance), it has many cultural meanings and references. According to Rowling, the main theme is death, although it is primarily considered to be a work of children's literature. There are also many other themes in the series, such as love and prejudice

I think it』s the best book I』ve ever read.It shows us a universal truth:「Nothing is difficult if you put your heart intoit!」 is why I like it best.What about you

Ⅳ 「我最喜歡讀這本書。」用英語怎麼說呢

我最喜歡讀這本書I like to read this book most.

Ⅳ 你喜歡讀什麼類型的書用英文回答

1.I like read popular science books.(我喜歡讀科普書.)
2.I get a lot of reasons get through the book.
3.my favorite book is Les Miserables.I like it because it's interesting.(我最喜歡的書是<悲慘世界內>.我喜歡它,是因為它很容有趣.)
或者I like Les Miserables.I like it because it's interesting.

Ⅵ 我喜歡讀英語故事書用英語怎麼說

I like reading English story books

Ⅶ 翻譯英語 你平時喜歡看什麼樣的英語課外書

What extracurricular books do you like reading usually/at ordinary times?

注釋:課外書 extracurricular books

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