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發布時間: 2024-09-13 22:38:58

『壹』 我最喜歡的體育活動用英語怎麼說

The Sports Activities I Like Best

『貳』 英語作文《我最喜歡的活動》

一樓的回答至少是初中水版平吧!權My favorite sport is badminton.I play badminton in my school with my classmates every day .last summer our school had a badminton match,I took part in the game ,and at last,I won the game.I was very happy. After this I like badminton more.

『叄』 喜歡做某事」的英語

1、I am into it.

這句話也是表示說「我喜歡」,不過著重的是interested in an activity(喜歡某一項活動)。


My brother is into watching Kung Fu movies.



Nowadys a lot of people are into fitness,and many people are into Yoga these days.


2、I have grown to like...


I used to love burgers, but now I have grown to like vegetarian food.


3、I『m fond of...

這句話的意思就是說你like something for long time(喜歡一件事很長時間),並且有情感在裡面(emotional attachment)。

比如說:I am fond of my dog.我很喜歡我的狗。就說明你對你的puppy有感情了,比I like my dog.這句表達更具情感色彩了。這里大家要記住了,fond後邊只能加of,不能說fond for或者fond about。

4、It appeals to me.

當有人提出一個很好的點子或者建議,為表示贊同你可以說That appeals to me.如果你喜歡朋友的計劃(plans),你也可以說That sounds good.It really appeals to me.這樣就能完美替換I like the idea啦。

5、It goes down well.

這句話只用於人做的事情(like something you do),比如你上班做報告,老闆很喜歡你的報告,這時候你就可以說:It went down well with my boss.我的老闆很喜歡。

如果你去聽了一節非常無聊的課程,你想表達自己不喜歡這個課,你可以說:It doesn`t go down well with me.一定要記住,這句話只適用於描述人對人的行為表示,既是人們喜歡或不喜歡你所作所為。

『肆』 用英語回答我喜歡的活動怎麼說

1) I like to play football.
2) I like table tennis.
3) I like dancing and singing.
4) I like travel.

『伍』 最喜歡的娛樂活動 用英語怎麼說

原文 : 最喜歡的娛樂活動

譯文 : Favorite recreation

『陸』 最喜歡的活動英語

最喜歡的活含弊動英語是:Favorite activity。


(1)Sothe :shopping.所以這些本應該分布在全世界的錢給美國人補貼於他們最喜歡的事情了:購物.?在你讀一年級的時候,你喜歡什麼活動?

(3) wasateenager,.他告訴我當他年輕的時候,他經常打籃球。而晌老渣爬山是他現在最大的體育愛好.So,set asidea .所以,每個星期花點時間宴悄參加下自己最喜歡的運動。

『柒』 我喜歡這個活動我一定會去參加的用英語怎麼說

I like this activity and I will definitely go to it.

『捌』 我最喜歡的活動 這篇英語作文如何寫

The Sports Activities I Like Best
Of all the sports,I like table-tennis best. I think it is not only a sport but also an art, because it is a game that needs strength and skill.
Some people think that playing table-tennis needs little strength, but I don't think so. In playing table-tennis, we should judge the direction of the ball, and hit it back with great strength so that we can win the game. At the same time we need to pick up the ball which falls to the ground. So after one game you will be very tired if you have tried your best.
Though I can't play it very well, I still show great interest in it. I think playing table-tennis can build our bodies, keep us healthy and train our brains. What's more, it an help us to learn to co-operate with each other. So I like it very much.

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