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發布時間: 2024-09-13 19:07:56

㈠ 以上這些我最喜歡的是魚,你呢用英語怎麼說

This is my favorite fish

㈡ 「魚是你最喜歡吃的食物嗎」用英語怎麼說

上面的全是拿網頁上的翻譯出來的.別相信.說了老外也聽不懂.是CHINGLISH.CHINA-ENGLISH.中國式英語.正確的應內該是:DO YOU LIKE EATING FISH?或者你容們一起吃飯的時候.你問:WHAT'S ABOUT FISH?

㈢ 寫句子: I like fish. 還是 I like Fishes. 哪個對 中文意思:我喜歡魚(不是喜歡吃魚肉)

I like fish我喜歡魚

㈣ 我喜歡魚英語怎麼說該怎麼變否定


I like fish.

I don't like fish.

㈤ 【英語】「他喜歡吃魚」用英語怎麼說


所以,用英語說:He likes to eat fish


㈥ 你喜歡吃魚嗎 幫忙翻譯一下,謝了

Do you like eating fish?

㈦ 關於魚英語短文寫出魚的特點及你最喜歡的一種魚,不少於10句

Generally speaking,fish is a kind of species which usually lives in the water.There are various kinds of fish in the world.Some are very common while others are very precious.In fact,fish has many functions and is of vital to people's life.Some countries like Japan
have great dependence on fish.And fish is the main food for Japanese.
Actually,I am very fond of golden fish because it is so beautiful and usually used as a decoration.In a word,fish is very important to human beings.

㈧ 「你喜歡吃魚嗎」用英語怎麼說

Would you like some fish?

㈨ 你喜歡吃魚么用英語怎麼說

翻譯:Do you like eating fish?

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