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發布時間: 2024-09-13 17:11:24

㈠ 我喜歡吃什麼用英語寫40個詞還有漢語

What do I like to eat? 我喜歡吃什麼
I like eating hotpot, barbecue and roast fish.
I like eating fruit, like apples, bananas, and pears.
I like eating chocolate, cookies, hamburgers,youghurt,bread, sandwiches and candies.
I like eating vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, cucumber, spinach, celery, and cabbages, etc.

㈡ 蘋果用英語怎麼說




蘋果的相關 短語

青蘋果 Green apple ; APOD ; Be Delicious ; Granny Smith

蘋果手機 IPHONE ; Apple iPhone ; Apple ; Copy Iphone

蘋果機頂盒 Apple Interactive Television Box ; Apple set-top box

蘋果杯 Apple Cup


1. What will be the effect of the alliance between IBM and Apple?


2. He decided on roast chicken and vegetables, with apple pie to follow.


3. Any faults in the original cider stood out sharply after distillation.


4. Daniel leaned back on the sofa, still chewing on his apple.


5. Stew the apple and blackberries to make a thick pulp.


6. The patient can have apples, apple juice, apple sauce, and so forth.


7. Nutmeg, parsley and cider all complement the flavour of these beans well.


8. Primrose was given an apple, left over from our picnic lunch.


9. He took another bite of apple.


10. Rhys offered him an apple.


11. Use any pastry trimmings to decorate the apples.


12. I want an apple.


13. Richard crunched into the apple.


14. Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.


15. Finely slice the cooking apples.



Eating unpeeled apples may keep extra pounds and obesity-related diseases at bay, a study in PLoS ONE suggests.

《美國公共科學圖書館-綜合》(PLoS ONE)雜志刊載的一項研究結果顯示,蘋果連皮吃能幫助減肥,使機體遠離肥胖相關的疾病。

Ursolic acid is a natural compound found in the waxy coats on apples and other fruits and herbs. Previous research showed that ursolic acid increased the activity of a protein that stimulated muscle growth and glucose metabolism in mice.


In this follow-up study, researchers in Iowa tested ursolic acid on mice with diet-inced obesity. For six weeks, one group of mice had unlimited access to a diet of high-fat food proven to cause obesity, glucose intolerance and fatty liver disease. Two other groups of mice had unlimited access to the same diet, but supplemented with either 0.14 grams or 0.27 grams of ursolic acid per 100 grams of food. For comparison, an apple contains 50 milligrams of ursolic acid, equivalent to about 6% of the lowest dose given to the mice.


Ursolic-acid mice developed more skeletal muscle but gained less weight than nonsupplemented mice, even though food intake was higher in ursolic-acid mice. Supplemented mice had greater strength and exercise capacity, and higher resting energy expenditure. Ursolic acid triggered an increase in high-energy brown fat associated with reced obesity, though it isn't known how, researchers said. The results were the same for both ursolic-acid doses.


Caveat: Humans and mice may have differing capacities for the absorption, distribution and excretion of ursolic acid, researchers said.


Vertigo and gender: Women develop vertigo slightly more often than men. But a study found that men with vertigo, a common balance disorder, suffer more anxiety and depression. The results contrast with earlier studies that reported psychiatric distress is higher in women with vertigo. Vertigo is a spinning sensation that can leave people feeling dizzy or nauseous. About 40% of Americans have at least one episode of vertigo in their lifetimes.


The latest study, published in BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders, assessed emotional response to vertigo in 202 patients treated at a Swiss clinic from 2007 to 2009. Subjects included 124 women and 78 men in their late 40s, of whom more than half had had vertigo symptoms for more than a year. Subjects rated their disability as mild, moderate or severe. Anxiety and depression were assessed on a hospital scale as possible, probable or abnormal. MRI brain scans, neurological assessments and other tests were administered.

這項最新研究刊登在《BMC耳鼻喉疾病》(BMC Ear, Nose and Throat Disorders)雜志上,研究對象為2007年至2009年在一家瑞士診所治療過的202位病人,研究人員對這些病人對眩暈症的情緒反應進行了評估。研究對象包括快50歲的124名女性和78名男性,其中半數以上已經有一年多的眩暈症症狀。研究對象按照輕微、中等和嚴重評定眩暈症對自己精神狀況的影響。焦慮和抑鬱程度按照醫院標准劃分為可能、很有可能或反常。研究人員還對他們做了核磁共振腦部掃描、神經檢測及其他檢查。

Severe disability was reported by 25% of the women compared with 19% of the men. But emotional distress was significantly higher in the men, possibly because dizziness over a long period is more disabling in men and a greater risk factor for anxiety and depression, researchers said. Of men who rated their disability as severe, 60% had abnormal anxiety and 67% had abnormal depression. That compared with 26% and 19% of women, respectively.


Caveat: The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale used to assess symptoms of anxiety and depression provides only limited information on mental disorders, researchers said. Other risk factors for mental disorders weren't assessed.

注意:研究人員說,用於評定焦慮和抑鬱症狀的醫院焦慮抑鬱量表(Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale)只能為精神失常狀況提供有限的信息。其他容易造成精神失常的因素未得到評估。


1. 介紹蘋果英語作文

2. 蘋果用英語怎麼說

3. 對蘋果公司英文的評價

4. 蘋果樹用英語怎麼說

5. 蘋果的英文是什麼

6. 蘋果英語怎麼說

㈢ 我認為約翰喜歡吃草莓和蘋果英語


I think John likes strawberries and apples













㈣ 在早上他們喜歡吃蘋果和香蕉用英語怎麼說


They like to eat apples and bananas in the morning.




㈤ 鍚勭嶉熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇


鐑чゼ銆Clay oven rolls 娌規潯銆Fried bread stick 闊鑿滅洅銆Fried leek mplings

姘撮ズBoiled mplings 钂擱ズ銆Steamed mplings 棣掑ご銆Steamed buns

鍓插寘銆Steamed sandwich 楗鍥銆Rice and vegetable roll

錏嬮ゼ銆Egg cakes 鐨錏嬨100-year egg 鍜擱腑錏嬨Salted ck egg

璞嗘祮銆Soybean milk

楗 綾伙細

紼楗璕ice porridge 鐧介キ銆Plain white rice 娌歸キ Glutinous oil rice

緋綾抽キ銆Glutinous rice 鍗よ倝楗銆Braised pork rice 錏嬬倰楗銆Fried rice with egg

鍦扮摐綺ャSweet potato congee

闈 綾伙細

棣勯エ闈 Wonton 澶х櫧鑿

celery 鑺硅彍

leek 闊鑿

caraway 棣欒彍

spinach 鑿犺彍

carrot 鑳¤悵鍗

loofah 涓濈摐

pumpkin 鍗楃摐

bitter gourd 鑻︾摐

cucumber 榛勭摐

white gourd 鍐鐡

needle mushroom 閲戦拡鑿

tomato 鐣鑼

eggplant 鑼勫瓙

potato, 椹閾冭柉

lotus root 鑾茶棔

agaric 鏈ㄨ

vinegar 閱

peanut oil 鑺辯敓娌

soy sauce 閰辨補

ginger 鐢熷


green pepper 闈掓

pea 璞岃眴

bamboo shoot 絝圭瑡

seasoning 璋冨懗鍝

green soy bean 姣涜眴

soybean sprout 榛勮眴鑺

mung bean sprout 緇胯眴鑺

kale 鐢樿摑鑿

broccoli 鑺辨ぐ鑿

mater convolvulus 絀哄績鑿

dried lily flower 閲戦拡鑿

mustard leaf 鑺ヨ彍

tarragon 钂胯彍

beetroot 鐢滆彍鏍

lettuce 鐢熻彍

preserved szechuan pickle 姒ㄨ彍

salted vegetable 闆閲岀孩

lettuce 鑾磋嫞

asparagus 鑺﹁崯

dried bamboo shoot 絎嬪共

water chestnut 鑽歌崰

long crooked squash 鑿滅摐

gherkin 灝忛粍鐡

yam 灞辮妺

taro 鑺嬪ご

champignon 棣欒弴

dried musroom 鍐鑿

white fungus 鐧炬湪鑰

garlic 澶ц挏

onion 媧嬭懕

wheat gluten 闈㈢瓔

miso 鍛沖檶

caviar 楸煎瓙閰

barbeque sauce 娌欒尪閰

tomato ketchup, tomato sauce 鐣鑼勯叡

mustard 鑺ユ湯

salt 鐩

sugar 緋

sweet 鐢

sour 閰

bitter 鑻

lard 鐚娌


breakfast 鏃╅

to have breakfast 鍚冩棭槨

lunch 鍗堥

to have lunch 鐢ㄥ崍槨

afternoon tea 涓嬪崍鑼(4-5鐐歸挓)

high tea 鍗堣尪,鑼剁偣(涓嬪崍榛勬槒鏃)

dinner, supper 鏅氶キ

to dine, to have dinner, to have supper 鍚冩櫄楗

soup 奼

hors d'oeuvre (姝i愬墠鐨)寮鑳冮熷搧

entree 姝h彍

main course 涓昏彍

sweet, dessert 鐢滈

snack 鐐瑰績,灝忓悆

helping, portion 浠,瀹

sandwich 涓夋槑娌,澶硅倝闈㈠寘


meat 鑲

beef 鐗涜倝

veal 灝忕墰鑲

lamb 緹婅倝

sirloin 鐗涜剨鑲

steak 鐗涙帓

chop 榪為ㄨ倝,鎺掗


闂棰樺洓錛氶熷搧鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇1foodstuff n 椋熷搧錛岄熺墿錛涚伯椋燂紝椋熸枡

2food n 椋熺墿錛涘吇鏂

3provisions n 瑙勫畾錛坧rovision鐨勫嶆暟錛夛紱椋熷搧錛涢勫

4viands n 椋熺墿錛涚伯椋燂紙viand鐨勫嶆暟褰㈠紡錛

5pabulum n 椋熺墿錛岃惀鍏伙紱綺劇為熺伯

6vivers n 椋熷搧錛岄熺墿錛坴iver鐨勫嶆暟錛


1銆乨rumsticks (lower part of the leg of a cooked chicken鐘朵技榧撴岄儴鍒) 灝忛浮鑵

2銆乧hicken wings 楦$繀鑶

3銆乵inced 錛坱o cut or chop into veryall pieces錛 steak 緇炶倝

4銆乸ig liver 鐚鑲

5銆乸ig feet 鐚鑴

6銆乸ig kidney 鐚鑵

7銆乸ig heart 鐚蹇

8銆乸ork chop鐚鎺

9銆乷ked meat/bacon 閱鴻倝

10銆乫illet 鏃犻ㄧ殑鑲夌墖鎴栭奔鐗


12銆乸ork-pieces 涓鍧楀潡鐨凜鑲

13銆乴ean meat 鐦﹁倝

14銆乫at 鑲ヨ倝

15銆乻treaky pork 浜旇姳鑲

16銆乸ork dripping 鐚娌規淮

17銆乴ard 鐚娌

18銆乭ock 韞勮唨

19銆乿eal 灝忕墰鐨勮倝

20銆乴amb 緹婅倝

21銆乯oint 鏈夐ㄧ殑澶у潡鑲

22銆乫rying steak 鍙鐓庨熺殑澶х墖鐗涙帓

23銆乵inced beef 鐗涚粸鑲

24銆乺ump steak 澶у潡鐗涙帓

26銆乴eg beef 鐗涢敭鑲

27銆乷x-tail 鐗涘熬

28銆乷x-heart 鐗涘績

29銆乷x-tongue 鐗涜垖

30銆乸ig bag 鐚鑲


1銆乻almon 椴戦奔/澶ч┈鍝堥奔/涓夋枃楸

2銆乧od 槌

3銆乼una 鍚炴嬁楸礆紝閲戞灙楸

4銆乸laice 姣旂洰楸/鍋忓彛楸

5銆乷ctopus 絝犻奔 /鍏鐖楸

6銆乻quid 涔岃醇 /楸塊奔

7銆乭addock 榛戠嚎槌

8銆乼rout 槌熼奔銆侀傚悎钂告潵鍚

9銆乧arp 椴ら奔

10銆乧od Fillets 槌曢奔鍧

11銆乧onger /eel 嫻烽硹

12銆乻ea bream 嫻烽菠

13銆乭ake 槌曢奔綾

14銆丼panish mackerel 椴呴奔

15銆乭airtail/ribbonfish 甯﹂奔

16銆乺oe 楸煎瓙

17銆乷yster 鐗¤泿 /鋩

18銆乧lam 錏よ湂

19銆乺azor clam 錏忓瓙

20銆乻callop/fan shell 嫻鋒墖璐

21銆乵ussel 鋩

22銆乧rab 鋙冭煿

23銆乸rawn 瀵硅櫨

24銆乻hrimp 鉶

25銆乴obster 榫欒櫨

26銆乨ried/shelled shrimps 鉶劇背

27銆乨riedall shrimps 鉶劇毊

28銆乧rab stick 錡硅倝鏉

29銆乸eeled prawns 鉶句粊

30銆乵antis shrimp/sauilla 鉶捐檸

31銆亀inkles 鐢拌灪


1銆乷nion 媧嬭懕

2銆乻pring onions錛圔r錛/green onion(Am) 钁

3銆乴eeks 澶ц懕

4銆乬arlic 澶ц挏

5銆乬inger 濮

6銆乸otato 椹閾冭柉

7銆乧arrot 鑳¤悵鍗

8銆乺adish 钀濆崪/灝忚悵鍗

9銆亀hite radish 鐧借悵鍗

10銆亂am 灞辮嵂

11銆乻weet potato/pachyrhizus 鍦扮摐

12銆乼aro 鑺嬪ご

13銆乤ubergine(Br)/eggplant(Am) 鑼勫瓙

14銆乧elery 鑺硅彍

15銆乧abbage 鍗峰績鑿>>

闂棰樺叚錛氱編鍛崇殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳鏂囨庝箞璇磀elicious food

闂棰樹竷錛氭渶濂藉悆鐨勯熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇磘he most delicious food


闂棰樺叓錛氣滄垜鍠滄㈢殑椋熺墿鏄鈥濈敤鑻辮鎬庝箞鍐橫y favorite food is



The food that I like is a milk and, chocolate



What's your favourite food My favourite food is hamburger



My favorite food is ice cream and salad, but I only can eat them in hot weather



I the most favorite food is a mango, the most favorite color is purple and white



I like hot food, especially Sichuan cuisine

闂棰樹節錛氭湁璁稿氬ソ鍚冪殑椋熺墿鐢ㄨ嫳璇鎬庝箞璇磘here are a lot of delicious food




1鍦熻眴 potato 2鐣鑼則omato 3銆傝姳妞拌彍broccoli 4鑺硅彍celery 5钂済arlic 6媧嬭懕onion

7璞囪眴cowpea 8鐧借彍cabbage 9澶ц眴soybean


1鑻規灉apple 2姊╬ear 3棣欒晧banana 4妗冨瓙peach 5瑗跨摐watermelon 6鏌犳琹emon

7鑿犺悵pineapple 8鐏榫欐灉dragon fruit 9鐚曠尨妗儁angtao 10姍樺瓙orange

11鏌氬瓙grapefruit 12鏉廰pricot 13妞板瓙coconut 14鏋jujube 15鍝堝瘑鐡渉ami melon



1鐚鑲塵eat 2楦¤倝chicken 3鐗涜倝beef 4緹婅倝mutton 5楸糵ish 6楦鑲塪uck

騫叉灉 dried fruit

1鑺辯敓peanut 2鏍告 nut 3鏉忎粊almond


1楦¤泲egg 2楦錏媎uck egg 3鍜歌泲salted egg 4鐨甯preserved







钄鑿滅被鐨勮嫳璇鍗曡瘝姣斿傦細Tomato 瑗跨孩鏌褲丳otato 椹閾冭柉銆丼weet potato 綰㈣柉銆丄sparagus 鑺︾瑡銆丄loe 鑺﹁崯銆丅roccoli 瑗垮叞鑺便丅ean Sprout 緇胯眴鑺姐丅itter gourd 鑻︾摐鍜孊ok-choy 灝忕櫧鑿溿



apple 鑻規灉銆乸ear 姊ㄣ乤pricot 鏉忋乸each 妗冦乬rape 钁¤悇銆乥anana 棣欒晧銆乸ineapple 鑿犺悵銆乸lum 鏉庡瓙銆亀atermelon 瑗跨摐銆乷range 姍欍乴emon 鏌犳銆乵ango 鑺掓灉銆乻trawberry 鑽夎帗銆

medlar 鏋囨澐錛屾ф煡鏋溿乵ulberry 妗戞す銆乶ectarine 娌規冦乧herry 妯辨冦乸omegranate 鐭蟲Υ絳夈


Potato 椹閾冭柉銆丆arrot 綰㈣悵鍗溿丱nion 媧嬭懕銆丄ubergine 鑼勫瓙銆丆elery 鑺硅彍銆乄hite Cabbage 鍖呭績鑿溿丷ed cabbage 緔鑹插寘蹇冭彍銆 Cucumber 澶ч粍鐡溿乀omato 鈒冭寗 Radish 灝忕孩钀濆崪銆丮ooli 鐧借悵鍗溿乄atercress 瑗挎磱鑿溿丅aby corn 鐜夌背灝栥丼weet corn 鐜夌背銆丆auliflower 鐧借姳鑿滅瓑銆


head 澶淬乥rain 鑴戙乻kull 棰呴, 澶寸洊楠ㄣ乭air 澶村彂銆乫orehead 棰濄乼emple 澶闃崇┐銆乪yebrow 鐪夋瘺銆乪yelash鐪肩潾姣涖乷phryon鍗板爞銆乪ye 鐪肩潧銆乪ar 鑰蟲湹銆乶ose 榧誨瓙銆乧heek 闈㈤娿乧hest 鑳擱儴銆

pit 鑳稿彛銆乶avel 鑲氳剱銆乤bdomen 鑵歸儴銆乼high 澶ц吙絳夈



鑻 ['æp(ə)l]  緹 ['æpl]

n 鑻規灉錛岃嫻鏋滄爲錛岃嫻鏋滀技鐨勪笢瑗匡紱[緹庝繗]鐐稿脊錛屾墜姒村脊錛岋紙媯掔悆鐨勶級鐞冿紱[緹庝繗]浜猴紝瀹朵紮銆

渚嬶細An apple for you, an apple for me


渚嬶細I have an apple and you have two



鑻 [peə]  緹 [pɛr]

n [鍥鑹篯 姊ㄦ爲錛涙ⅷ瀛

n (Pear)浜哄悕錛(鑻)鐨灝

渚嬶細I took this apple for a pear until I tasted it


渚嬶細Pick an orange, pick a pear



鑻 ['eɪprɪkɒt]  緹 [ˈeprɪˌk蓱t]

n 鏉忥紝鏉忓瓙錛沎鍥鑹篯 鏉忔爲錛涙潖**

adj 鏉**鐨

渚嬶細What apricot, peach, pear, jujube trees are everywhere


渚嬶細Another classy aroma, not as grand of classy as cedar, apricot or fresh butter but still it onlyoccurs in the very finest coffees



鑻 [piːtʃ]  緹 [pitʃ]

n 妗冨瓙錛涙冩爲錛涙冪孩鑹詫紱鍙椾漢鍠滄㈢殑浜猴紙鎴栫墿錛

adj 妗冭壊鐨勶紱鐢ㄦ冨瓙鍒舵垚鐨

vi 鍛婂瘑

vt 鍛婂彂

渚嬶細Does she want a peach or a papaya


渚嬶細If want the adequately fragrance peach, sugariness to be developed, do not put it in freezer to save



鑻 [greɪp]  緹 [傘rep]

n 钁¤悇錛涜憽钀勯厭錛涜憽钀勬爲錛涜憽钀勮壊

渚嬶細I like all fruits with the exception of grape


渚嬶細Banana, grape, apple, which of these do you like


㈥ 境界的彼方第五集說的「我想吃蘋果糖」什麼意思呀











㈦ 蘋果用英文寫作文

1. 求一篇寫蘋果的英語作文,要初三的

Apple is my favourite food. As we all know ,apple is healthy food.It is delicious. And if you eat an apple every day, it will be good for your health. When I feel thirsty , eating an apple is a good choice. As the proverb says ,"An apple keeps the doctor away." So I like them very much. Do you like them,too?

In one word,eating apple is good for our health.So we should enjoy it.

2. 用蘋果寫一篇英語作文

An apple is a kind of fruit .I like eating it very much.An apple is round.Its colour is green,it is not big,.It *** ells sweet and tastes good ,and it is a little sour.An apple is full of vitamin in it,it is good for us.So we say,"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"。

3. 英語作文蘋果手機

蘋果手機 Rush to Purchase Iphone

About five year ago, iphone became very popular, most young people chased the trend, they would take every measure to buy a iphone, it was said that some teenagers bought their kidneys just for the purpose of buying a kidney, it is silly and unwise. Today, iphone is still the most popular cellphone, it has bees the symbol of richness and power, people are proud of owning an iphone. But every year, iphone will update, it means if people want to use the newest one, they must buy one iphone every year. This cellphone is not cheap, it is even more expensive than the portable puter. People should be wise to this proct, for most people, they don't have the money to buy one every year, what's more, they new one and the old one divers not so much. People can save the money to enjoy other things.

4. 以蘋果為題的英語作文

Apple is rosaceae plants of the genus apple subfamily, decious trees. Apple fruit is rich in minerals and vitamins, as people are most often eat a fruit. Apple dietary fiber content is rich, also contains a lot of pectin, has a great help to adjust the intestinal flora.Apple is rosaceae plant fruit, about 25 species of genus which, for the most part belong to this kind of or for this and other types of hybrids. There are o variants of this: the tao gave birth to apple and paradise, is often used as dwarf or half dwarf anvil. Proction used as rootstock, still sit haitang, Chinese flowering crabapple fruit, Chinese flowering crabapple, henan hubei haitang mountain and the stator, etc. Apple trees for cross-pollination, 2 ~ 4% of flower fruit ideal. Although mature apple's size, shape, color, and acidity with different varieties and environmental conditions of the difference is very big, but usually round, diameter of 50 ~ 100 mm (2 ~ 4 inches), with red or yellow.Apple varieties thousands, divided into liquor varieties variety, cooking, tail food in three broad categories. Three kinds of varieties of color, size, fragrance, *** oothness, there may be brittle, flavor), etc all have differences. Many varieties of sugar high, medium acidity, low tannin content. Apple in addition to the raw food, cooked food method are many, monly used for stuffing, snacks apple scones is probably the earliest American sweet tooth. Fried apple often feed with sausage, pork chops and other dishes, especially prevalent in Europe.(蘋果是薔薇科蘋果亞科蘋果屬植物,落葉喬木。







5. 我最喜歡的水果(蘋果) 英語作文60詞

There are so many kinds of fruit.But my favourite friuit is apple.Maybe lots of people like to eat apple ,so do i.

The apple is round.And Its color is red and green.Why do i like apple?Because It is taste very delicious,and very sweet.The most important is that it is very nutritious.Eating apples is good for our health, so we should eat more apples

So i like apple very much.


6. 我最喜歡的蘋果英語作文帶翻譯


My favorite fruit is apple.It is red and round.It looks beautiful and cute.When eating,it is sweet and crisp.It tastes very good.I love eating it when I was very young.When grow older,I love it more.The sound to speak apple in Chinese has the same meaning with safety.I hope everyone can be safe all the time,do not like my grandmother.I feel very sad as she passes away.Then I have a special love for apple.

我最喜歡的水果是蘋果,它是紅色的,圓的,它看起來很漂亮,很可愛。吃的時候,它很甜,很脆。它的口感非常好。我很喜歡吃它,當我長大的時候,我更喜歡它。 。在中國人說蘋果的聲音和安全有同樣的意義。我希望每個人都可以一直安全,不喜歡我的祖母。她過世後我感到非常難過。然後我對蘋果有了特別的喜愛。

7. 【英語作文iPad的好處和壞處】

Today,the Ipad is fashion proct,is a lot of young people and pursue it.The function of the Ipad many,than the average puter phone function more diverse,and easy to carry,can enjoy the pleasure of Inter bring immediate and convenient,this is why many young people pursue causes.In the study,Ipad make learning easier,more convenient,also can broaden the knowledge,and make learning better.But the Ipad itself to the study the negative effects are obviously.Luxury Ipad very easy let students inlge among them,addicted to the game,addicted to parisons.Ipad is the time high-tech proct,in the hope that we can make good use of,play the Ipad really works.。

8. 我喜歡吃蘋果英語作文

I like to eat apples

I like to eat apples, because the apple is rich in nutrition, diet, has adjuvant therapy function. It is the world's four largest one fruit, I especially like the red apple. Apple dietary fiber content is rich, also contains a lot of pectin, to adjusting intestinal flora has a great help. The apple contains a lot of pectin, a soluble fiber may rece cholesterol and bad cholest琺粻粹救誄嚼達楔憚盲erol level. Apple in addition to raw food, cooking methods are also many, used as a dessert filling, apple pie. My mother often tells me to do apple sweet circle, it is really very good!


9. 求一篇關於大學生索要蘋果三件套英語作文


大學生開學要「蘋果三件套」氣哭母親A female college student made mother angry to tears because of 「Apple's three-piece」 本月中旬起,清華大學等各高校將陸續迎來新生報到。記者近日發現,不少新生已經在為即將開始的大學生活添置「裝備」,各種數碼產品自然不可缺少,而一些新生動輒要求購買「蘋果三件套」,讓不少普通市民家長直呼「傷不起」。

From the middle of this month, Tsinghua University and other universities will continue to wele the freshmen .Recently the reporter discovered that many freshmen have been equiped for the uping college life. actually a variety of digital procts are naturally indispensable, even some freshmen frequently required to buy 「Apple's three-piece」, so many parents to address that they can not afford. " 記者來到中關村某電子產品賣場,看到一名中年女子蹲在牆角,手捏紙巾,低頭不時抽泣。銷售人員告訴記者,她的女兒即將去外地上大學,今天特意過來買數碼產品,「她上來就要買iPhone4s、iPad3和mac book這『蘋果三件套』,而且都得是高配,超過2萬元支出讓母親覺得有些吃不消。」


The reporter came to an electronic procts store in Zhongguancun, and saw a middle-aged woman squatting on the corner ,pinching the tissue,and sobbing from time to time . Sale *** an told reporters that her daughter is about to go outside to the university.Today specifically e to buy digital procts, "On seeing this "Apple's three piece, she chouldn't help buying iPhone4s, iPad3, and mac book , and these things had to be high equiped. mothers feel a little too much because of the more than 20,000 yuan expenditure. After hearing that, these girls shouted: "You bought for me or let me lose face in the university." Then she left her mother, and sped away.。

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