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發布時間: 2024-09-13 15:42:50

A. 我不喜歡音樂,但是湯姆喜歡,用英語應該怎麼翻譯

A: I don't like music ,but Tom likes it.
B: I don't like music ,but Tom does( like it此處省權略謂語和賓語).

B. 你想問你的朋友湯姆是否喜歡游泳你可以怎麼問用英文回答

如果是問朋友是否喜歡游泳,用英語可以說Hi Tom, do you like swimming. 這種是最直接的問法,意思就是,湯姆,專你喜歡游泳嗎?委婉一點的 表達屬就是How about going swimming this weekend? 這周末去游泳怎麼樣?如果他喜歡游泳,他就會說好的,如果他不喜歡,他一般會說sorry.

C. 湯姆是一名學生......(英文翻譯)急急急!謝謝親們,感謝親們,盡量快點!

Tom is a student. He studies in No.10 elementary school. He gets up at 7 o'clock every morning, and then he brushes his teeth and washes his face. After eating breakfast at half past seven, he goes to school.
Tom is in Class two, Grade six. He has four classes in the morning and two classes in the afternoon. He studies English, Chinese,Maths and so on. Tom's english is pretty good. Tom also likes playing basketball. Look! He is playing basketball with his friends. He is good at playing the guitar, too. He plays the guitar three times a week.
Tom goes back home at 5 p.m., and has dinner at 7 p.m..He usually does homework after dinner. And sometimes he watches TV. He goes to bed at 10 p.m.
Today Tom was late for school, because he had stayed up late last night. Tom will go to Bussiness Street with his family If it doesn't rain next Sunday. They are going to buy some gifts for their friends, because Christmas is coming soon.

D. !(1)湯姆喜歡什麼運動(2)我們喜愛的科目是英語。 (3)湯姆喜愛的運動是乒乓球。 翻譯

What sport does Tom like?
Our favorite subject is English.
Tom's favorite sport is table tennis.或Tom's favorite sport is ping-pong.

E. 湯姆的用英語怎麼說

It's Tom's:這是湯姆的

F. 湯姆喜歡做什麼翻譯成英語用三種方式表

What does Tom like to do?

Tom love to do what?

Tom love what to do?

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