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發布時間: 2024-09-10 17:47:13

Ⅰ 英語作文獨自居住

Living Alone
Some students prefer to live alone, while others want to live with their roommates. The way I like is living alone. First, living alone is quite. I can

study and read books in a quite environment. I can sleep well because nobody is snoring at night. Second, I feel free when I am alone. I don』t need to worry

about disturbing my roommates when I want to play or study late at night. Also, I don』t need to do the cleaning all the time. It』s easier to keep the room

tidy if I live alone. From all the reason above, I choose the live alone.

Ⅱ 獨立做某事用英語怎麼說(獨立要

do sth. on one 's own 或者。do sth. alone 或者。do sth. by oneself
獨立做某事 Do sth alone 說明: adv. 獨自 I don't like going out alone at night. 我不喜歡夜晚回單獨外出。 He lives alone. 他獨居答獨處。

Ⅲ 我喜歡一個人呆在屋子裡英語怎麼說

後一句正確,介詞at 後通常不內加定冠容詞the,at school,at farm,at station,at home,at night, in the school ,in your school,in the night,
on my uncle's farm,etc.

Ⅳ 獨自生活 用英語怎麼寫

live by oneself 這個含義很廣,看上下文了。
live independently 更多地強調獨立,比如一個4歲孩子,雖然和父母一起,但可以獨立穿衣吃飯睡覺。
live alone 更多地強調孤單,而不是堅強,比如失去親人,被動地一個人生活。

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