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Ⅰ 架子鼓用英語怎麼說

你好很高興為您解答,架子鼓的英文是Drum kit,希望我的回答能夠幫助你 祝你生活愉快!

Ⅱ 誰能用英文介紹架子鼓

Drum set, namely jazz drum, is a very important percussion instrument in jazz band.


It usually consists of a stepped bass drum, a snare drum, or two or more thumping drums.


One or two cymbals with a sling, a cymbals with a cymbals rhythm, and a cymbals with pedals.


Of course, sometimes e to the need to play some additional such as cowbell, wood fish, sand hammer, triangle iron, bell, tree.


No matter how many devices are added, they are played by one person.


A drummer strikes parts with a drumstick to make them sound.


The drumsticks used in jazz music have wooden sticks.


A drum brush made of steel wire, a bundle of sticks made of thin wood, etc.





Ⅲ 打架子鼓用英語怎麼說

[網路] play the drums; Playing drums;
[名] Drum kit, Drum set;
[例句]另一部音樂游戲Rock Band更是將吉它、麥克風和架子鼓都弄成了控制器。
Another music hit, Rock Band, goes even further with guitar, microphone and drum-kit controllers.

Ⅳ 爵士鼓術語..要英語加中文的

bass/ bass drum/ kick/ kick drum/ 大鼓,底鼓
twin bass/ double bass/ twin kick/ 雙大鼓
twin pedal/ double pedal / 雙踏板
bass drum beater/ 踏板上面的敲槌 tom 桶鼓
mountend tom 掛架上的桶鼓
floor tom 地桶
snare/ snare drum 軍鼓
snare/ snappy snare 響弦 hoop/ 邊圈, 壓圈
rim/ 邊圈
bearing edge 鼓身與鼓皮接觸的部分.
drumhead/ head 鼓皮
batter head/ 打擊麵皮
snare head 響弦皮
bottom head/ resonant head/ 桶鼓底鼓的底皮
tension 張力
tone 音高
tune (動詞, 給鼓調音) tuning (名詞, 給樂器調音) 以下是關於鑔片的, hi-hat 踩鑔
crash 碎鑔 ride 點鑔 splash 水鑔
china/ china crash 中國鑔, 反鑔
bell 鑔帽, 鍾形部位
taper 鑔片的主要平面部分
edge 鑔片邊 stick 鼓槌
tip 鼓槌頭部
nylon tip 尼龍頭, wood tip 木頭
neck 鼓槌頸部
butt end 鼓槌尾部 pattern: 形式,主要是用來分析槌法如何分配用的。 sticking: 槌法。 play 16th notes in different stickings. : 用不同的槌法演奏16分音符(rlrl, rrll, rlrr 等等)。 rudiments: 基本功 stroke: 擊
single stroke: 單擊一次
single stroke roll: 單擊滾奏, RLRLRLRL........ ,有時簡稱為singles
double stroke: 雙擊一次
double stroke roll: 雙擊滾奏,RRLLRRLLRRLLRRLL........., 有時簡稱doubles
flam: 單疊 lR, rL
drag: 雙疊 llR, rrL paradiddle和類似的詞彙: 一個para就是一個交替, 一個diddle就是一個"嗒嗒"的雙擊。 所以 paraparadiddle 就是 RLRLRR,LRLRLL. flam-paradiddle-diddle 就是 lRLRRLL,rLRLLRR。 均可以此類推。 accent: 重音 throw in accents in ur paradiddles : 在復合跳中加入重音。 32nd/16th/8th/quarter/half/whole note: 32分/16分/8分/4分/半/全 音符。 triplet: 三連音
sextuplet: 六連音 dynamics: 強弱 even: 平均 常有這句話: make sure that each note/stroke is even. 確保每個音符/擊打都平均。 beat: 拍 和我們的習慣一樣,一般指4分音符作為一拍。
keep time: 保持時值。 a drummer is to keep time. 鼓手的職責就是保持時值。
weak/off hand: 弱手 train ur off hand. 訓練你的弱手。 lead: 起 a left-lead pattern 一個左起的形式。 lead with your weak hand. 用你的弱手起。

Ⅳ 我的愛好是架子鼓用英語怎麼說

My hobby is playing drums.

Ⅵ 我喜歡打架子鼓英語

I like playing the Drum Set


Ⅶ 打架子鼓用英語怎麼說

play the drum

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