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『壹』 實際英語單詞怎麼寫

fact n.事實;實際,實情
factor n.因素;因子,系數
factory n.工廠,製造廠
faculty n.才能,能力;系,科
fade vi.褪色;逐漸消失
Fahrenheit n.華氏溫度計
fail vi.失敗;失靈;不能
failure n.失敗;失敗的人
faint a.微弱的;虛弱的
fair a.公平的;相當的
fair n.定期集市;博覽會
fairly ad.相當;公平地
faith n.信任,信心;信仰
faithful a.忠誠的;如實的
fall vi.落下;跌倒;陷落
false a.不真實的;偽造的
fame n.名聲,名望
familiar a.熟悉的;冒昧的
family n.家,家庭;家族
famine n.飢荒;嚴重的缺乏
famous a.著名的,出名的
fan n.(運動等)狂熱愛好者
fan n.扇子,風扇 vt.扇
fancy n.想像力;設想;愛好
far a.遠的 ad.遠,遙遠
fare n.車費,船費,票價
farewell int.再會 n.告別
farm n.農場,農庄;飼養場
farmer n.農民,農夫;農場主
farther ad.更遠地 a.更遠的
fashion n.樣子,方式;風尚
fashionable a.流行的,時髦的
fast a.快的;偏快的 ad.快
fasten vt.扎牢,扣住
fatal a.致命的;命運的
fate n.命運,天數
father n.父親;神父;創始人
father-in-law n.岳父;公公
fatigue n.疲勞,勞累
fault n.缺點;過失;故障
faulty a.有錯誤的,有缺點的
favour n.好感;贊同;恩惠
favourable a.有利的;贊成的
favourite a.特別受喜愛的
fear n.害怕;擔心 vt.害怕
fearful a.害怕的,可怕的
feasible a.可行的;可能的
feast n.盛宴,筵席;節日
feather n.羽毛;翎毛;羽狀物
feature n.特徵,特色;面貌
February n.二月
federal a.聯邦的;聯盟的
fee n.費,酬金;賞金
feeble a.虛弱的;微弱的
feed vt.喂(養) vi.吃飼料
feedback n.回授,反饋,反應
feel vi.有知覺 vt.觸,摸
feeling n.感情;感覺,知覺
fellow n.人,傢伙;夥伴
female n.雌性的動物;女子
fence n.柵欄
fertile a.肥沃的;多產的
fertilizer n.肥料
festival n.節日;音樂節
fetch vt.拿來;請來,接去
fever n.發熱,發燒;狂熱
few a.很少的;少數的
fibre n.纖維,纖維質
fiction n.小說;虛構,杜撰
field n.田野;田;運動場
fierce a.兇猛的,狂熱的
fifteen num.十五;十五個
fifth num.第五 n.五分之一
fifty num.五十,五十個
fight vi.打(仗);斗爭
figure n.數字;外形;人物
file n.檔案 vt.把…歸檔
fill vt.裝滿,盛滿;占滿
film n.影片;膠卷;薄層
filter vt.過濾 n.濾紙
final a.最後的;決定性的
finally ad.最後;不可更改的
finance n.財政,金融;財源
financial a.財政的,金融的
find vt.找到;發覺;找出
finding n.發現;調查的結果
fine a.美好的;纖細的
fine n.罰金,罰款
finger n.手指;指狀物
finish vt.完成,結束 n.結束
fire n.火;火災 vi.開火
fireman n.消防隊員;司爐工
firm n.商行,商號,公司
first num.第一 ad.最初
fish n.魚,魚肉 vi.釣魚
fisherman n.漁民,漁夫,打魚人
fist n.拳(頭)
fit vt.適合;安裝vi.適合
five num.五,五個,第五
fix vt.使固定;決定
flag n.旗,旗幟;旗艦旗
flame n.火焰;光輝;熱情
flare vi.閃耀 vt.使閃亮
flash n.閃光 vi.閃,閃爍
flat a.平的,扁平的
flat n.一套房間;單元住宅
flavour n.味,味道;風味
fleet n.艦隊;船隊,機群
flesh n.肉,肌肉;肉體
flexible a.易彎曲的;靈活的
flight n.航班;飛行;逃跑
float vi.漂浮 vt.使漂浮
flock n.羊群,群;大量
flood n.洪水 vt.淹沒
floor n.地板;樓層
flour n.麵粉,粉;粉狀物質
flourish vi.繁榮,茂盛,興旺
flow vi.流動;飄垂;漲潮
flower n.花,花卉;開花
flu n.流行性感冒
fluent a.流利的,流暢的
fluid n.流體,液體
flush vi.奔流;(臉)發紅
fly n.蠅,蒼蠅 vi.飛行
focus vi.聚焦,注視 n.焦點
fog n.霧;煙霧,塵霧
fold vt.折疊;合攏 n.褶
folk n.人們,家屬,親屬
follow vt.跟隨;結果是
following a.接著的;下列的
fond a.喜愛的;溺愛的
food n.食物,食品,養料
fool n.蠢人,傻子 vt.欺騙
foolish a.愚蠢的;魯莽的
foot n.腳;最下部;英尺
football n.足球比賽;足球
footstep n.腳步;腳步聲;足跡
for prep.為;給;因為
forbid vt.禁止,不許;阻止
force vt.強迫 n.力,力量
forecast n.預測,預報 vt.預示
forehead n.額頭,前部
foreign a.外國的;外來的
foreigner n.外國人
foremost a.最初的;第一流的
forest n.森林;森林地帶
forever ad.永遠,總是,老是
forget vt.忘記,遺忘
forgive vt.原諒,饒恕,寬恕
fork n.餐*;*;分*
form n.形式;形狀 vt.形成
formal a.正式的;禮儀上的
formation n.形成;構成;形成物
former a.在前的 n.前者
formula n.公式,式
forth ad.向前;向外,往外
fortnight n.兩星期,十四天
fortunate a.幸運的,僥幸的
fortunately ad.幸運地,幸虧
fortune n.命運,運氣;財產
forty num.四十,第四十
forward ad.向前;今後,往後
found vt.創立,創辦;建立
foundation n.基礎;地基;基金
fountain n.泉水,噴泉;源泉
four num.四,四個,第四
fourteen num.十四,第十四
fourth num.第四,四分之一
fox n.狐狸;狡猾的人
fraction n.小部分;片斷;分數
fragment n.碎片,破片,碎塊
frame n.框架,框子;構架
framework n.框架,構架,結構
France n.法國,法蘭西
frank a.坦白的,直率的
free a.自由的;空閑的
freedom n.自由;自主
freely ad.自由地;直率地
freeze vi.凍;結凍vt.使結冰
freight n.貨運;貨物;運費
French a.法國的 n.法國人
frequency n.屢次;次數;頻率
frequent a.時常發生的;經常的
frequently ad.時常,常常
fresh a.新的;新鮮的
friction n.摩擦,摩擦力
Friday n.星期五
fridge n.電冰箱
friend n.朋友,友人
friendly a.友好的,友誼的
friendship n.友誼,友好
frighten vt.使驚恐,嚇唬
frog n.蛙
from prep.從…來;離開
front a.前面的 n.前部
frontier n.邊境;邊疆;新領域
frost n.冰凍,嚴寒;霜
frown vi.皺眉,蹙額
fruit n.水果;果實;成果
fruitful a.多產的;肥沃的
fry vt.油煎,油炸,油炒
fuel n.燃料 vt.給…加燃料
fulfil vt.履行;滿足;完成
full a.滿的;完全的
fun n.樂趣,娛樂;玩笑
function n.功能;職務;函數
fund n.資金;基金;存款
fundamental a.基礎的,基本的
funeral n.葬禮,喪禮,喪葬
funny a.古怪的;滑稽的
fur n.軟毛;毛皮,裘皮
furious a.狂怒的;狂暴的
furnace n.爐子,熔爐;鼓風爐
furnish vt.供應,提供;裝備
furniture n.傢具;裝置,設備
further ad.更遠地 a.更遠的
furthermore ad.而且,此外
future n.將來,未來;前途

『貳』 英語單詞大全讀法及翻譯


1. provide及物動詞,意為「提供,供應」。如:
That hotel provides good meals.
2. provide常用於下列結構:
(1) provide sb. with sth. (提供給某人某物) 如:
The managers provided us with a few computers. 經理們向我們提供了幾台計算機。
(2) provide sth. for sb. (為某人提供某物) 如:
They provided food and medicine for the refugees. 他們給難民們提供了食品和葯品。

1. remind sb.意為「提醒某人」。如:
He reminded me in time just as I would make the same mistake again.
2. remind sb. to do sth.意為「提醒某人做……」。如:
The teacher reminded us to pay attention to the pronunciation of the new word.
3. remind sb. of sb. / sth.意為「使某人想起……」。如:
The earrings remind me of my grandma.
4. remind sb. that ... 意為「提醒某人……」。如:
Please remind me that I should bring him a present for his birthday.

prefer是及物動詞,意為「更喜歡,更喜愛」,相當於like ... better。
1. prefer sth.意為「更喜歡……」。如:
He prefers country life. 他更喜歡鄉村生活。
2. prefer doing / to do sth. 意為「更喜歡干……」。如:
I prefer watching / to watch TV.
3. prefer sb. to do sth. 意為「寧願某人做……」。如:
I prefer you to stay here a little longer.
4. prefer sth. to sth.意為「比起……更喜歡……」。如:
She prefers English to Chinese.
5. prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 意為「喜歡做……而不喜歡做……,寧願做……而不願做……」。如:
I prefer doing to talking.
Children prefer to stay at home rather than go out with you.

1. interest 作及物動詞。
①interest sb.意為「使某人感興趣,引起某人注意」。如:
Geography doesn』t interest him.
②interest sb. in (doing) sth.意為「使某人在……方面感興趣」。如:
He tried to interest me in buying the house.
2. interest作名詞。
①意為「興趣」時,常作不可數名詞。常見短語show / have interest in (doing) sth.,意為「對……表現出 / 有興趣」。如:
She showed great interest in the meeting.
He has two great interests. One is sports and the other is music.
3. interested是形容詞,常用結構be interested in (doing) sth.意為「對(做)……感興趣」,主語是人。如:
John is interested in history. 約翰喜歡歷史。
He is interested in drawing pictures.
4. interesting也是形容詞,意為「令人感興趣的」,既可以作表語,也可以作定語。如:
The story is very interesting. 這個故事很有趣。
This is an interesting movie. 這是一部有趣的電影。

practice v. 練習;實習。後面多跟名詞(片語)或v-ing形式作賓語。如:
I want to practice my spoken English in the English Corner this weekend.
Listen! Someone is practicing playing the piano.
practice n. 實踐;練習;經驗。多為不可數名詞。如:
Practice makes perfect. [諺]熟能生巧。
Have you had any practice in nursing the sick?

decide v. 作出決定;下決心(做某事)。後面多跟動詞不定式作賓語。如:
She decided not to go alone. 她決定不單獨去。
decide的名詞形式是decision,固定搭配make a decision意為「作出決定」。如:
She could not make a decision about the dress.

unless conj. 除非;若非;如果不。它是個從屬連詞,引導條件狀語從句。由於unless具有否定意義,因此它引導的是個否定的條件。在中學階段可以把它看作是if ... not的同義表達。值得注意的是,unless從句如同if從句一樣也常用一般現在時態表將來。如:
Unless he works hard, he will not pass the final exams.
=If he doesn』t work hard, he will not pass the final exams.
I』ll not go to her birthday party unless she invites me in person.
=I』ll not go to her birthday party if she doesn』t invite me in person.

point out 指出 point at 指著
point to 指向、說明很可能會(有)
( )2. Mr. Wang _____ the danger of doing so.
A. came out B. pointed out
C. worked out D. gave out

catch fire 著火 catch hold of 抓住、抓牢
catch sight of 望見 catch up with 趕上、追上
be caught in 遇上、突然遭受
( )3. He studied so hard that he _____ all his classmates in the end.
A. put up with B. caught up with
C. came up with D. ended up with

carry off 叼走、奪走、贏得 carry on 進行、繼續下去
carry out 實施、執行
( )—When did they begin to ____ their plan?
—Last month.
A. carry out B. put out
C. turn out D. look out

ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直、始終
at a time 每次、一次 at all times 在任何時候、經常
at one time 一度、曾經 at the same time 同時、一起
by the time 到……時候 at the time 那時候
at times有時、間或 behind the times 過時、陳舊
from time to time 不時、有時
have a good / great time 玩得愉快
in time 及時 once upon a time 從前、以前
on time 准時 take one』s time 慢慢來、不著急
time and time again 一再
( )—Did your father work in a factory ____?
—Yes, but now he works in a bank.
A. at a time B. at one time
C. at the same time D. at all times

break down 損壞、壞掉
break into 破門而入、非法進入
break off 突然終止、中斷
break out (戰爭、火災等)爆發、突然發生
( )He ____ in the middle of his story and hurried home.
A. broke down B. broke into
C. broke off D. broke out

a set of 一套 set an example 樹立榜樣
set fire to 對……放火 set off 動身、激起、引起
set up 建立、創立、開辦
( )The Chinese Communist Party was ____ in 1921.
A. put up B. taken up C. made up D. set up

run after 追逐、追求 run away 逃跑、跑掉
run into 遇到、撞上 run off 跑掉、迅速離開
run out of 用完、用盡
( )We ____ coal and had to burn wood.
A. ran out of B. ran away
C. ran off D. ran into

fall asleep 入睡 fall behind 落後
fall down 跌倒、垮下來 fall in love with 愛上
fall into 落入、陷入 fall to pieces 崩潰、解體
fall into the habit of 養成……習慣
look after 照顧 look at 看 look for 尋找
look down on (upon) 看不起、輕視
look forward to 盼望 look into 調查、研究
look out 當心、注意 look over 查看、檢查
look through 瀏覽
look up (在詞典或參考書中)查閱(詞或資料)
keep away (from) 避開、不接近 keep back 扣留
keep down 控制 keep in mind 記住
keep off 避開、不接觸 keep one』s word 遵守諾言
keep on (doing sth) 繼續(做某事)
keep out 不讓……進入 keep up 保持
keep up with 跟上、不落在……後面
get along 進展、相處 get away (from) 離開、逃走
get back 回來、收回 get in the way 妨礙
get over 克服、恢復、原諒 get to 到達
get into 進入、陷入 get married 結婚
get off 下車、離開 get together 聚首、歡聚
get on 上車、進展、相處 get out 出去、離開
get up 起床、站起身 get used to 習慣於
get in touch with 和……取得聯系
call back 回電話 call for 要求、需要
call in 找來、請來 call off 取消
call on 拜訪 call up 給……打電話
by the way 順便說(問)一下
in many ways 在很多方面
in this / that way 這樣 / 那樣
in the (one』s) way 礙事、妨礙
on the (one』s) way to 在……路上
make a decision 做決定、下決心
make a face 做鬼臉 make a living 謀生
make friends with 與……交友
make fun of 取笑 make... into 把……做成
make mistakes 犯錯 make room 讓地方、讓位置
make noise 發出令人不愉快的聲音
make one』s (the) bed 整理床鋪
make sure 務必、確保 make up 組成、構成
make up one』s mind 決定 make use of 利用
give away 贈送、分發
give back 還給
give in 讓步、投降
give off 散發出
give out 分發、發放
give up 放棄
come across (無意中)碰到、遇到
come along 跟著來、快點
come back 回來
come down 下來、下降、跌價
come from 來自
come on 趕快、加油
come in 進來
come out 出來、出版、開花、發芽
come over 順便來訪
come true 實現、達到
come up 走過來、走近
come up with 提出
1. 作及物動詞。如:
Let』s continue our meeting. 咱們繼續開會吧。
2. 作不及物動詞。如:
Ten minutes later, the class continued.
3. continue to do sth.與continue doing sth., 均可表示「繼續做某事」。如:
She continued to play the piano. 她繼續彈鋼琴。
He continued working though he was ill.

consider 是動詞,意為「考慮,思考,認為」。常用於下列結構:
1. consider+n. / pron. 如:
We must consider the matter carefully.
2. consider doing sth. 如:
Mr. Wang is considering going to America.
3. consider+連接代(副)詞+不定式 如:
They should consider what to do next.
consider作「認為」講時,其後還可跟復合賓語,賓語補足語可以是名詞、代詞、形容詞、介詞短語和不定式(多為to be形式)等。如:
I consider myself to be lucky.

1. 作形容詞時,在句中既可作定語,也可作表語。
(1) good意為「好的,美好的」。如:
We』ve seen this good film.
The news is too good to be true.
(2) good意為「善良的,和藹的」,相當於kind。如:
Mrs. Wang is a good wife.
(3) good意為「新鮮的」,相當於fresh。如:
This meat doesn』t smell quite good.
(4) good意為「有益的,有幫助的」,常見短語be good for ...,意為「對……有益,有利於……」;其反義片語是be bad for ... ,意為「對……有害,有害於……」。如:
Milk is good for children. 牛奶對小孩有益。
2. 作名詞,意為「利益,好處」,常見短語do sb. good,意為「對某人有好處」。如:
Eat more fruit. It will do you good. 多吃水果,這對你有好處。
3. 與good有關的其他常見短語:
(1) be good at ...意為「擅長於……,在……(方面)做得好」,後接名詞、代詞或v-ing形式作賓語。其同義片語為do well in。如:
Are you good at English?
They are good at playing football.
(2) be good to ... 意為「對……友善」,一般接表示人的代詞或名詞,其中good可用friendly代替。如:
All the parents are good to their children.
(3) have a good / great time表示「玩得高興,過得愉快」。其同義片語為enjoy oneself。如:
They had a good time in the park.
[相關鏈接] good與well的區別
It』s a good car, and it runs well.
Are you well today? 你今天身體好嗎?

1. 作名詞,意為「(依次輪到每個人的)機會」。常用於It』s one』s turn to do sth,意為「輪到某人做某事」,以及wait one』s turn,意為「等著輪到某人」。如:
It』s your turn to clean up the classroom.
You』d better wait your turn to get the ticket.
2. 作動詞,意為「轉彎,轉變方向」。如:
The wheel turned slowly.
3. 常見短語動詞:
turn on 打開
turn off關掉
turn up調節(收音機等)使音量變大
turn down調節(收音機等)使音量變小
[友情提示] turn還可用作系動詞,後面跟形容詞作表語。如:
When autumn comes, leaves turn yellow.

1. 多作及物動詞,有時也可用作不及物動詞,意思是「弄乾凈,擦乾凈,打掃干凈」。如:
Please clean the blackboard. 請把黑板擦乾凈。
These plates clean easily (=are easy to clean).
2. 常用片語:
(1) clean up意思是「收拾整潔,清理,整頓」。如:
The city government has decided to clean up the city. 市政府已決定要整頓市容。
[友情提示] 可構成合成詞:clean-up。如:
I』m going home to have a good clean-up.
(2) clean out 意思是「把(房間、抽屜等)弄乾凈整齊,清除」。如:
I asked the children to clean out their drawers.
[友情提示] 可構成合成詞:clean-out。如:
The place needs a good clean-out.

『叄』 英語單詞:perform implement 和 execute 都有「執行,實行,實施」的意思 其區別和具體用法是

enforce 指強制性的執行,如執行法律和規章制度等。

1)Policemen and judges will enforce the laws of the city.
2)Since the tragic accident, safety regulations have been enforced more strictly in the factory.
3)Some cities are trying to enforce more strictly their anti-noise laws.
4)The company shall not be required to give notice to enforce strict adherence to all terms of this Agreement.

execute 可指行政命令方面的執行,也可指執行規章制度,計劃方案。

1)They will resolutely execute the orders issued by the Supreme Court.
2)He asked his lawyers to execute his will after he passed away.
3)The president has done very little to execute the program on the basis of which it won the election.
4)This seems to be the natural way to solve this issue, but it might be hard to execute.

implement 指按預訂的計劃、方案、方針、政策等付諸實現。

1)The government is resolutely implementing its policies to speed up the economy of the country.
2)As a reponsible country, China will implement relevant resolution of the Security Council in earnest.
3)We will implement / execute the company』s sales plans and achieve sales targets.
4)None of these intiatives will be easy to implement, but all are essential.

administer 指管理者或管理部門執行實施有關的計劃、方案、方針、政策等。

1)Discipline in schools is administered by the teachers and sometimes by senior students.
2)Our government has decided to adopt some new policies to administer and supervise the housing market.
3)But officials say the problem is that there are not enough testing centers worldwide to administer the new Internet-based version.
4)The department administers the harmless agricultural prodcuts, green food and organic food and implements certification and quality sup0ervision accordingly.

『肆』 實踐的英語單詞


『伍』 英語單詞「執行」怎麼說

1.to carry out; to execute; to enforce; to implement; to administer

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