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發布時間: 2024-07-06 20:54:51

1. 你喜歡健身嗎英文

問題一:你喜歡去健身房運動嗎?英語翻譯 1 你喜歡健身嗎?/ 你喜歡鍛煉身體嗎?
Do you like worikng out?(work out是很口語的一句話,美劇里經常出現)
2 你喜歡去健身房運動嗎?
Do you like doing sports in gym?
3 你每周去健身房運動幾次?
How many times do you work out in the gym every week?
4 他每周去健身房運動3次。滲槐源
He goes to the gym three times a week.
5 他很喜歡我做的飯菜
He enjoys my cooking very much.
6 我們明天要去參加體檢
We are going to have a checkup tomrrow.


問題二:你喜歡什麼運動?的英文 What sports do you like ?
而Which sport(s) do you like ?這里的運動就既可以用單數,又可以用復數,用單數時指的是喜歡的一項運動,用復數時指的是喜歡的一些運動,做題時,可根據問題的回答來選擇用單數還是復數.

問題三:你要去健身房嗎用英語 你好。你要去健身房嗎,翻譯成英語是:Do you want to go to the gym?

問題四:你喜歡什麼運動,翻譯英語 What's sport do you like?

問題五:用英文寫一篇關於你喜歡的運動並明梁說說你為什麼叢態喜歡它,它有什麼好處並帶翻譯 My favorite sport is swimming. When I was eight years old, I
learned how to swim, from then on, I love swimming,because it can make
us feel cool in the summer time, there are also a lot of people swimming
in winter. Swimming is agood aerobic exercise, it can help us to
exercise our lungs and heart. It also helps us to exercise lung
capacity. Not only that, swimming can make our body better, it makes us
more powerful legs and arms. In short, the benefits of swimming very
much, I like it very much.我最喜歡的運動是游泳.當我八歲的時候,我學會了游泳,從那時起,我就愛上了游泳,因為這

2. 你喜歡運動嗎英語翻譯


3. 你喜歡體育運動嗎你覺得體育運動怎麼樣你都有哪些運動物品呢請用英語寫下來不少於50詞

I like sports, because sports can exercise, especially is running. There are a lot of sports equipment, such as the shot like.

4. 你喜歡去健身房運動嗎英語翻譯

1 你喜歡健身嗎?/ 你喜歡鍛煉身體嗎?
Do you like worikng out?(work out是很口語的一句話,美劇里經內常出現)
2 你喜歡去健身房運容動嗎?
Do you like doing sports in gym?
3 你每周去健身房運動幾次?
How many times do you work out in the gym every week?
4 他每周去健身房運動3次。
He goes to the gym three times a week.
5 他很喜歡我做的飯菜
He enjoys my cooking very much.
6 我們明天要去參加體檢
We are going to have a checkup tomrrow.


5. 你喜歡體育運動嗎用英語怎麼說

你喜歡體育運動嗎翻譯成英語是:Do you like sports?,主要是用到了Do you like局勢,更多句式如下:

Do you like ice cream?


Do you like watching baseball on TV?


Do you likepeaches?


6. 你喜歡體育運動嗎你覺得體育運動怎麼樣你都有哪些體育物品呢,請用英語寫下來,不少於50詞,簡單一

There are many kinds of interesting sports, such as basketball, football, swimming and running, but the most I like is swimming. When I was a little child, my father took me to the river which near my house to learn swimming. Then, I found it's really fun and cool when I swim in the water, especially in summer, It's the most exciting thing to do when summer comes. I like swimming. It's so wonderful.

7. 你喜歡運動嗎翻譯英語

你喜歡運動嗎: Do you like to do sport或Do you like sports

希望對你有幫助 如有疑問 請在線交談 祝你考上理想的學校

8. 英語作文 你喜歡體育運動嗎你覺得體育運動怎麼樣你都有哪些運動物品呢請用英語寫下來吧!(不少於

I love sports.I think sport is healthy.I have a volleyball,tow ping pong bats,four ping pong balls and soccer.I like pleying them,I only watch them on TV.

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