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發布時間: 2024-07-04 22:36:45

① 我叫馮詩淇我今年九歲了我很喜歡小白兔用英語怎麼說

I『m Feng Shiqi. I』m nine years old and I like little rabbits very much.

② 我喜歡小白兔,他們的食物有什麼用英語說一說吧

我喜歡小白兔的英文是I like rabbits。
他們的食物有什麼的英文是what do they eat?他們吃什麼,意思差不多

③ 我非常喜歡小白兔,它有兩只紅眼睛,它喜歡吃胡蘿卜的英語,怎麼說

I like little white rabbit very much. It has two red eyes. It likes carrots.

I like little white rabbit very much. It has two red eyes. It likes carrots.

④ 我喜歡的動物是小白兔——英語作文外加翻譯

my favourite animal
my favourite animal is rabbit.It is very cute and smart,I like spend time with it when I am free.i ike watching it eat food and i really want to draw a picture with it to remember it.though we can not play together forever,i also love it .finally,a good pet is like a friend.it can spend time with you and make you have a good time.


⑤ 我最喜歡的動物是小白兔怎麼用英語說 答必採納 

my favorite animal is rabbit

⑥ 我最喜歡的動物是小兔子的英文怎麼寫

My favourite animal is bunny/rabbit.

⑦ 我喜歡小白兔的英語作文


My family has a lovely little white rabbit. It is dressed in a white big white jacket, like a group of white snow, so I give this lovely little rabbit to take a nice name called white.

The cute little white rabbit has a pair of sensitive large large ears, ears are pink, as long as someone said it was lovely, it ears erected up, it seems to hear people know it! Long ears, there is a pair of ruby as beautiful as the red eyes, do not know that white red eye! White mouth is very cute mouth, and its mouth has three, eat something to the speed is no "Rabbit" is enemy. White two thin legs, short and thin, but very strong, you can not look at the usual character a bit casual, a running posture has a mold like, like a string of arrows, and like A sprint champion. Running, the back of the small tail like a white small pompon, a Alice Alice is really interesting and lovely!

White appetite can be good, whether it is grass or leaves, whether it is rice, or it is the best to eat carrots ... ... it is what it is, as long as you can eat, are fed into their big and round Belly. Once I had finished eating my snack, I went out for a walk, and as a result I put my little white alone at home, because the white nose was sensitive, along the aroma, climbed the table, and tasted me Delicious snack! When I come back, my poor snack has been eaten half of the white! Make me mbfounding! But you will never blame the white, because it is so vibrant, innocent and lovely ah The

White is my good friend, in life it added a lot of fun for me, I like that lovely white!

⑧ 我喜歡小白兔它有一雙紅紅的眼睛長長的耳朵調短短的尾巴愛吃胡蘿卜用英語怎麼

I like the little white rabbit, it has a pair of red eyes long ears, a short tail, love to eat carrots.



(1 )順序法


But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their "expectation of life" , the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.

分析:該句的骨幹結構為"It is realized that……" ,it為形式主語,that引導主語從句以及並列的it is even possible to……結構,其中,不定式作主語,the time……是"expectation of life" 的同位語,進一步解釋其含義,而time後面的句子是它的定語從句。五個謂語結構表達了四個層次的意義:A.可是現在人們意識到;B.其中有些礦物質的蘊藏量是有限的;C.人們甚至還可以比較合理地估計出這些礦物質" 可望存在多少年" ;D.將這些已知礦源和儲量將消耗殆盡的時灶蘆間。


可是現在人們意識到,其中有些礦物質的蘊藏量是有限的,人們甚至還可以比較合理的估計出這些礦物質" 可望存在多少年" ,也就是說,經過若干年後,這些礦物的全部已知礦源和儲量將消耗殆盡。

(2 )逆序法


例如:It therefore becomes more and more important that , if students are not to waste their opportunities , there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.

分析:該句由一個主句,一個條件狀語從句和一個賓語從句組成," ……變得越來越重要" 是主句,也是全句的中心內容,全句共有三個謂語結構,包含三層含義:A.……變的越來越重要;B.如果要使學生充分利用他們的機會;C.得為他們提供大量更為詳盡的信息,作更多的指導。



(3 )包孕法


例如: You are the representative of a country and of a continent to which China feels particularly close.您是一位來自於使中國倍感親切的國家和大洲的代表。

What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differences. 使我們走到一起的,是我們有超越這些分歧的共同利益。

(4 )分句法


Television, it is often said , keeps one informed about current events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining.

分析:在此長句中,有一個插入語"it is often said",三個並列的謂語結構,還有一個定語從句,其中三個並列的謂語結構盡管在結構上屬於同一個句子,但都有獨立的意義,因此在翻譯時,可以採用分句法,按照漢語的習慣把整個句子分解成幾個獨立的分句,翻譯成:人們常說,通過電視可以了解時事,掌握科學和政治的最新動態。從電視里還可以看到層出不窮、既有教育意義又有娛樂性的新節目。

(5 )重組法


例如:Decision must be made very rapidly; physical enrance is tested as much as perception , because an enormous amount of time must be spent making certain that the key figures act on the basis of the same information and purpose.


(6 )綜合法


例如:People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.

分析:該句共有三層含義: A:人們不敢出門;B :盡管警察已接到命令,要作好准備以應付緊急情況;C :警察也和其他人一樣不知所措和無能為力。在這三層含義中,B 表示讓步,C 表示原因,而A 則表示結果。按照漢語習慣順序,我們可將句子翻譯為:盡管警察已接到命令,要作好准備以應付緊急情況,但人們不敢出門,因為警察也和其他人一樣不知所措和無能為力。

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