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發布時間: 2024-07-04 09:54:41

① 我妹妹喜歡聽英語歌英文怎麼說

My sister likes to listen to English songs

n. 歌曲回,歌集(song的復數)答更多釋義>>


Songs 歌曲,歌曲兩首活潑動聽的原創歌曲,核電站(San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station)
Our Songs Our Songs,Our Songs,我們的歌謠

② 我喜歡聽搖滾音樂用英語怎麼說

我喜歡聽搖滾音樂的英語翻譯:I like listening to rock music。


1、用「like」來表示:I like listening to music。

2、用「love」來表示:I love listening to music。

3、用「enjoy」來表示:I enjoy listening to music。

rock and roll

搖滾音樂的全名是「Rock and Roll」,美國人簡寫為「Rock n' Roll」。Rock是岩石的意思,也譯為搖滾。和搖滾有關的笑話:某人說「I rock you roll」意思就是我搖你滾。單獨說ROCK也是搖滾的意思。如果你在酒吧點東西,比如你要一杯啤酒加冰,你可以說「give me a glass of beer on rock」這里的「ON ROCK」就是加冰的意思。

③ 濂藉惉鐨勯煶涔愶紝鍠滄㈢殑姝岋紝鑻辮

Sweet music,
enjoyable music,

④ 「聽你愛聽的歌,感受你的感受」翻譯成英語怎麼說

listen to the songs that you likes listening to and feel what you feel

⑤ 喜歡的音樂愛聽的歌。(譯英語)

您好,翻譯為:Like. music. to. hear. song. 希望幫助你

⑥ 英語翻譯 :我很喜歡聽他的歌 每次聽他的歌 我都會覺得很輕松很快樂

I enjoy listening to his song. Whenever I listen to his song ,I feel very relaxed and happy .

⑦ 我喜歡聽英文歌曲用英語怎麼說

你好,我喜歡聽英文歌曲用英語表達式是:」I love listening to English songs「。


」I often choose to listen to music to ease my mood, and I like to listen to English songs the most. I love pop genre English songs, and their melodies make it easy for me to be fascinated by it. My favorite singer is Taylor Swift, and I've listened to every album of her, and the lyrics and melodies in it are very good「.

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