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發布時間: 2024-07-03 09:27:02

⑴ 我喜歡我的農村生活英語作文

I prefer to live in the country, for its pure and simple ways. My life needn』t be wealthy or complicated. Green trees and blue sky, a book and a cup of tea, a considerate lover and a warm family, that』s all I want.
in the country, the condition is obviously different. It is pleasant to live with green mountains, clear springs and grand plains. Blue sky, green trees, red sunsets and golden crops. Wow! What a lovely picture! So at present, more and more citizens are eager to escape from the city.

⑵ 英語翻譯 1我喜歡寧靜的鄉村,勝過喧鬧的城市 3他寧願站著,也不願坐著 4澳大利亞人說英語

1 I like the quiet countryside, better than the noisy city
3 he would rather stand and sit
4 Australians speak English

⑶ 我喜歡鄉村的英語作文

My home is in the city,but I like living in the village very much.Because the air in village is fresh,I will be very healthy.And there are many plants and animals,I can play with dogs,rabbits and sheep.Finally,the people in there are vey friendly,so I will enjoy myself!

⑷ 鎴戠殑鏉戝簞鑻辮灝忕煭鏂

My village is a beautiful place.There are many hills,trees and rivers in my village.Everyone lived here enjoys the life and we always try our best to make our village more and more beautiful.I believe my village will have a bright future.I love my village!

My village is a beautiful place.There are many hills,trees and rivers in my village.Everyone lived here enjoys the life and we always try our best to make our village more and more beautiful.I believe my village will have a bright future.I love my village!

My name is Lin ZhenXi. My village is beautiful. It is in the mountains. There are many small houses and a river. There is a bridge over the river. There ate many fish in the river. There is a road beside the river. There are many flowers near the road. There is green grass and many trees. We can run on the grass. There is a lake near my village. The water is clean.

⑸ 相比城市生活,我更喜歡鄉村生活這句話用英文怎麼說

I prefer country life to city life

⑹ 我喜歡鄉村,因為鄉聰的空氣好,晚上能看見星星,翻譯成英語,謝謝!!速度,急!!!!!!!

I love countryside because the air is fresh and the stars can be seen there at night.

⑺ 英語作文 我喜歡鄉村生活 七年級 謝了哈

I like to live in the countryside.I live in a smallvillage.There is a river near it.Lots of trees are around my house.I can seea lot of farms and birds.There is less noise.The air here is cleaner andfresher.There are fewer cars.I read aloud early in the morning.When it isgetting dark,the moon is bright in the sky.It』s very quiet .What a nice placeI live in

⑻ 我更喜歡平靜的鄉村生活而不是現代的都市生活(翻譯成英語)

I'm more like a quiet life in the countryside and not the modern city life

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