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發布時間: 2024-06-30 21:44:12

『壹』 蛇的英語是什麼

第三人稱單數:沒襪租 snakes復數: snakes現在分詞: snaking過去式: snaked過去分詞: snaked



tiger snake虎蛇 ; 澳洲虎蛇 ; 翻譯

Green Snake青蛇 ;[脊椎]翠青蛇

Queen snake女王蛇

Fox snake狐蛇 ; 狐狸蛇 ; 狡猾錦蛇


"i solve them all, " said the snake.


好渣The snake glided along.


They like to be around the eyes and mouth of your snake but this is by no means the only place you should look as they will settle anywhere.


『貳』 我最不喜歡的動物英語作文

Dislike snakes, there is a snake, everywhere, always when you just feel safe, reminder still in danger. And when you're in fear, it is carefree and leave. Ice-cold body, only have so hot touch skin, like a red-hot iron, every contact, can let you has to meet stinging pain. Cold eyes, only have weak timid eyes of compassion. Every time, like the daylights out of me. I fear lest it fangs, as my throat can be cut off, the more afraid of its venom can change one person half. Sometimes gentle like water, acted upon. From time to time is catching up, into the yellow dragon. Always surprise, always quick like lightning. So I dislike snakes討厭蛇,有一種蛇,無處不在,總是在你略微感到安全時,提醒著危險還在。而當你沉浸在恐懼中,它又悠然離開。冰冷的身體,只有觸碰到肌膚時才有那麼火熱,像是燒紅的烙鐵,每次接觸,都能讓你痛徹心扉。冷酷的眼神,只有膽怯的對視時才有微弱的憐憫。每次相望,都像把我魂飛魄散。我怕它的毒牙,好像能將我的喉嚨掐斷,更怕它的毒液,能將一個人半生改變。時而溫柔如水,任人擺布。時而奮起直追,直搗黃龍。總是出其不意,總是快如閃電。所以我討厭蛇

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