當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 比起咖啡我更喜歡茶英語怎麼寫


發布時間: 2024-06-29 12:01:43

A. 我比較喜歡喝茶不喜歡喝咖啡 翻譯成英文 用prefer

I prefer tea to coffee.

B. 用preferd to的短語翻譯比起咖啡來,我更喜歡喝茶

compare to coffee, i prefer to drink tea
也可以說,between coffee and tea, I would prefer tea或者i would prefer to drink tea.

按說最好的說法是 i prefer tea over coffee.

因為從來沒有prefer to 。 prefer to do something是可以的,但是沒有任何的意義,很多動詞都可以加to在後面。
而相對prefer something over something則是一個習慣用語。

C. 加一道,「相比咖啡我更喜歡喝茶。(prefer doing to doing和後者相比更喜歡前者)

  1. I prefer drinking tea to coffee.

  2. The moreearnest you are, the less mistakes you will make.

  3. He says that there is something wrong with this machine.

  4. What's the matter with his bike?

  5. Now that you have nothing to do, what about seeing a movie with me tonight?

  6. 湯姆·克魯斯打抄算今天早襲上完成任務。

  7. 這些政策也許會阻止公共場所的一些活動。


D. I like tea more than coffee. 翻譯成我喜歡茶,不喜歡咖啡對么

樓上的說的對. 只有比較, 沒有說到喜歡不喜歡. 也許說話人最喜歡的是可樂, 但是只有茶和咖啡, 不得不選茶.

E. 幫忙翻譯幾句英語!!

1 I am looking for a flat on the ground floor.
2 She』s a bit taller than her sister.
3 She is less experienced in Computers than Frank.
4 I prefer tea to coffee.
5 London is just as busy as Shanghai.
6 Shanghai is not so exciting as London.

F. 英語作文《更喜歡喝茶還是咖啡》

Nowadays, more and more people, especially young people, like drinking coffee. But to me, I prefer tea to coffee. First, I don't like the taste of coffee. It is kind of bitter. But tea tastes much better than coffee. Second, I think much coffee is not good for your health. It will make you nervous and stressed. Last, I think tea is a symble of Chinese history. So I like tea better than coffee.

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