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發布時間: 2024-06-29 09:25:49

❶ 鎴戞渶鍠滄㈢殑鍙戞槑鏄浠涔堬紵

My favorite invention is the internet. It has revolutionized the way we communicate, learn, and access information. With just a few clicks, we can connect with people all over the world and access endless amounts of knowledge and entertainment.
The internet has also made everyday tasks more efficient and convenient. We can order groceries, pay bills, and even attend virtual events all from the comfort of our own homes.
Overall, the internet has had a profound impact on society and continues to shape our world in incredible ways.

❷ 鎴戝枩嬈㈢殑緗戠粶鍙戞槑鑻辮鎬庝箞璇達紵

My favorite invention is Internet. It makes human's life so easy and convenient now. With it we can learn everything we like online, go shopping online, pay all kinds of bills online, make friends online,enjoy beautiful landscapes online as well銆-銆any time any where. People who is far away from the home can meet the family everyday and talk to them face to face, so they are less homesick now. The internet makes the big world a small one. I really appreciate it.

❸ 我最喜歡的發明的英語 作文翻譯

My favorite Invention
We knew there had been many inventions last century,for example,telephone,phonograph,airplane,computer and so on.What's my favorite invention?I think my favorite invention should be telephone.With invention of the telephone in 1876,the people who live in eastern and western hemisphere seemed nearer and nearer to live.The most usuful invention was invented by Alexander Gray Ham Baer.Many young people admire Baer.If we study hard now,we can invent something useful for the world in the future.

❹ 英語作文「我最喜歡的發明」

I think the invention which I favorite is computer.there are some reasons as following list.First, the computer make our life more and more easy and convenient. Now, there are more and more people shopping on line.Second, the high efficiency is also brought by the computer, in our life, the most job can not leave the computer. Third, the computer takes so much happy time. So many movies ,music and so on are so closed because of the computer.

❺ 我最喜歡的發明英語作文帶翻譯

My favorite invention
In our life,there are many great inventions,such as the light,the pencil,the bag...
At the age of 6,my father brought a car,he took me to school on the first day of school.It was so exciting.I fell in love with this invention on that day.
The car can go anywhere and save time,but it also pullutes our environment.I holp I can invent "clean" cars.
I hope the cars will enter every family,and I love cars best.

❻ 我最喜歡的發明(英文)

My Favorite Invention

To me,everything is so interesting in my life.Such as some inventions,

which act important roles at everywhere.My favorite invention is light

.It is simple but useful to everyone.It can shine that make people can

see in the night and hence I think it is a symbol of hope.That's why

it's so fantastic in our life.

Finally,I hope the light can keep shining in everywhere and at everytime.

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