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㈠ 露營的英語怎麼發音

camping 英[ˈkæmpɪŋ] 美[ˈkæmpiŋ]
n. 野營,露營;
[例句]I once went camping at Lake Darling with a friend

㈡ camp 的意思 棋類 用英語怎麼說

camp [k�0�3mp] vi. 扎營;露營 vt. 扎營;使扎營 n. 露營 camp1 [k�0�3mp] n. 1. 帳篷;野營地 2. (臨時或半永久性)兵營,營房,軍營 3. 野營生活;軍旅生活 4. (獵人、漁民等的)臨時帳篷;小屋,茅屋 5. (度假者、旅遊者,尤指青少年的)野營地,宿營地 6. 扎營的人,住在營地的人;野營團;露營隊 7. [比喻] 陣營;(志同道合的一群人)集團 8. (羊群或牛群的)放牧區 9. 競選總部 vi. 1. 扎營,設營: 例句: The army camped in the mountain.
軍隊在山中扎營。 2. 宿營,露營;露宿: 例句: The travellers camped under the shade of trees.
這些旅行者在樹陰下露宿。 We camped out for five days.
我們露營了五天。 3. 勉強暫住(常與out連用): 例句: Since they would soon be transfered to Shanghai,they were camping out in the staff living quarters.
因為他們不久將調往上海,所以他們只好在職員宿舍里勉強暫住。 4. [口語]盤踞,據守: 例句: They camped in front of the municipal government.
他們群集在市政府前不肯離去。 vt. 1. 使扎營(住宿);使宿於營中: 例句: The hunters camped themselves in the valley.
獵人們在山谷中扎營。 2. 為…提供住處;臨時安頓: 例句: The soldiers were temporally camped in the open.士兵們暫時被安頓在戶外露天處。 短語 1. break (up) camp撤營;拔營;收起帳篷;開拔 2. carry the war into the enemy's camp向敵反擊;反駁;提出反控訴 3. in the same camp志同道合的;在一個陣營里 camp2 [k�0�3mp] [俚語] n. 1. 同性戀者,搞同性戀的人;忸怩作態的男子同性戀者 2. (同性戀者的)庸俗下流;忸怩作態;(尤指男子同性戀者的)娘娘腔,矯揉造作的女人腔 3. 矯揉造作得令人發笑的東西 adj. [美國俚語] 男子同性戀的 (男子)女人腔的;庸俗下流的;忸怩作態的 陳腐可笑的;誇張做作滑稽可笑的[亦作 campy] vi. 1. 搞同性戀 2. 行動矯揉造作,裝模作樣,忸怩作態 vt. 裝腔作勢地做;使矯揉造作;使忸怩作態 短語 camp it up[美國俚語]矯揉造作;舉止庸俗下流;忸怩作態;做得肉麻 CAMP abbr. 1. Campaign Against Marijuana Planting [美國英語]反對種植大麻運動,取締大麻工作組 2. Continuous Air/Atmosphere Monitoring Program 空氣(或大氣)監測計劃 cAMP abbr. 【生物化學】cyclic AMP 棋類:chess [t�0�6es] board game

㈢ 野營用英語怎麼說

野營 指到野外搭了營帳住宿,如今人們都喜歡到野外野營。那麼你知道野營用英語怎麼說嗎?下面跟我一起來學習關於野營的英語知識吧。




野營的相關 短語

去野營 go camping ; Goes to Camp ; bike riding ; hiking

野營者 Camper ; Cfirmer ; Crever ; Cin the morningplifierer

野營伴侶 Camppal ; CrevPing

野營設備 Camping equipment ; Bivouac equipment

野營旅行 camping trip ; camp trip

野營車 camper ; Camping cars ; camping trailer

野營手提袋 Bags for campers


1. Do you go camping ?


2. The campers got their provisions at the village shop.


3. They go to the same campsite year in year out.


4. That shop furnishes everything that is needed for camping.


5. The campers amassed a large pile of branches before starting their fire.


6. Father stepped in and forbade me to go camping.


7. The troops will be passing through our village on their camping trip.


8. She had psyched herself up so much for the camping trip that she forgot her sleeping bag.


9. Our camping rig includes cooking pots and sleeping bags.


10. This magazine caters for teenagers who go in for athletics, camping, etc.

這種雜志是供 愛好 體育運動 、 野營等的青少年閱讀的.

11. If you go camping you'll have to rough it.


12. A torch is useful at night when you are camping.


13. They spent the summer in a camp in the mountains.


14. We are camping in the hills for our holiday this year.


15. They packed the food and camping equipment in the trailer.


關於野營的英文閱讀:外出野營 防止動物覬覦你的食物

Getting back to nature can be an incredibly rewarding experience – unless critters come along and ruin it! Here's how to keep your food from being plundered.


Warning Never keep food in your tent. If an animal picks up the scent, your food –and you – could become its next meal.


Step 1 Keep your food and food trash in a locked cooler and, if you've got a car nearby, store it in your trunk at night to keep it away from prying paws.


Step 2 If there's no car in sight, pack your food and trash into a cloth or nylon sack. Put a few rocks in the bottom of a sock to weigh it down; then tie a long piece of rope to the end.


Step 3 Find a tree that's 100 feet or more away from your tent, and toss the sock over a limb that's at least 15 feet off the ground and 10 feet from the trunk. Untie the rope from the sack and attach it to your food bag, then hoist it up. Tie the rope around a lower branch to secure it.


Tip Make sure the bag hangs down a few feet from the branch to prevent smaller animals from crawling out on the branch to get it.


Step 4 Bears will stop at nothing to get your food. If you're camping in bear country, store your edibles in a bear-resistant canister, available at most camping stores.


Step 5 In a pinch, put your food into waterproof bags and sink them in a nearby stream. Build a barrier of rocks around the bags and then place more rocks on top, or tie off the bags to a stake secured on the shore. Storing food under cool water can also help keep your perishables from spoiling.


Step 6 Always keep your campground clean and pick up any food and trash you drop on the ground. It won't just make your trip better, it could save your life.


Fact A bear's sense of smell is seven times stronger than a bloodhound's.



1. 野營必備葯品

2. 野營怎樣吃飯

3. 露營用英語怎麼說

4. 怎麼用英文邀請別人去野營

5. 野營吃什麼好

6. 八年級英語課文翻譯

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