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發布時間: 2024-06-28 01:30:06

『壹』 我們彼此都互相喜歡著的,但是為什麼卻不好意思說出來 英語

Both of us love each other, but why are we so shy to tell the other about it?

『貳』 我喜歡夕陽 , 英語怎麼說

更正一下 是一對 而不是內一隊容
I like the sunset, whenever I saw a elderly couple walking hand in the sunset of mutual help her start with, I have an urge you want to cry, come to think of two young people from this time is how Burongyia their happiness good good and happiness! This is the sunset U.S., I hope I have the door one day, I am still young in the door is not possible to help her walk with the setting sun. . . .

『叄』 互相喜歡的英語怎麼寫


like each other更多釋義>>


我們互相的喜歡 We love each other;Our mutual love;We are like

『肆』 「如果你喜歡我,那咱們就互相勉勵,考上好大學!」用英語怎麼說

屌絲版:if you set affetion on me, we shall encourage each other for the same good university.
逆襲版回:答should you be much into me, the pursuit for the renowned university is the best inspiration.

『伍』 互相用英語怎麼說

問題一:互相用英語怎麼說 each other

問題二:互相聊天用英語怎麼說 chatting with each other in English.
他互相聊天是嗎? 一個人怎麼樣才可以「互相」呢?

問題三:相互替換用英語怎麼說? Replace With Each Other

問題四:互相幫助用英語怎麼說 互相幫助
help ea海h other
mutual help
assist each other

問題五:相互介紹用英語怎麼說 introce(介紹) each other.

問題六:朋友之間要互相幫助用英語怎麼說? Between the friend must help mutually

問題七:彼此喜歡 相互喜歡 用英語怎麼說?拜託各位大神 like each other.

問題八:我們經常互相討論問題,用英語怎麼說 We often discuss problems with each other【網路翻譯~】

『陸』 我們喜歡在午餐時互相聊天 用英語怎麼說

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