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發布時間: 2024-06-25 13:22:18

Ⅰ 英語作文我最喜歡的職業5句話


When I was a child, I dreamed of being a policeman.


But my parents always said it was a dangerous job.


My uncle and antin even told me that one of their police friends had been seriously injured at work.


I'm not afraid of anything. I can handle anything in life. I am working hard for my dream.


I am confident that I will study in the police school in the future.


Ⅱ 用英語說我喜歡警察

I like the police

Ⅲ 英語作文我最喜歡的職業

My favorite job is the Police. The following are the reasons why I love this job. First of all, I think this job will make life very fulfilling. Second, this career can maintain social order. The police can also help many people. In addition, the police have better income我最喜歡的職業是警察。以下是我喜歡這個職業的理由。首先內,我認為這個職業會使生活很充實。其次,這容個職業可以維護社會治安。警察也可以幫助很多市民。另外,警察收入也比較好

Ⅳ 我現在是警察,因為我非常喜歡警察用英語怎麼說

I'm a policeman(policewoman女性用這個)now because I love police very much。

Ⅳ 我最喜歡的工作是當一名人民警察英語作文

When I grow up I want to be a policeman .I want to be a policeman because I believe police is the symbol of justice.Without Policemen keep our society in order we cannot have a peaceful life.I always dream about one day I can in police uniform and take a secret action to punish bad peoples.I hope one day my dream will come true and I will study hard from now on to achieve this goal.

Ⅵ 我的理想是當一名警察的英語怎麼翻譯

To be a police is My ideal!

Ⅶ 英語作文寫自己喜歡的職業我想寫男警察

中文翻譯:每個人都有自己的理想,我也不例外。從很小的時候,我就羨慕身穿帥氣警服,佩帶武器的警察叔叔 。他們在別人有困難的時候幫助別人,為人民服務。獲得人名群眾的贊賞。為了我們的生命安全,和財產的安全,日夜兼程的保衛我們。所以我非常喜歡警察。
這就是警察的責任與義務,和他們光榮的品質,他們都是正義的化身,我一定要好好學習,將來做一名為人民服務的好警察,為大家安全做出貢獻的英雄,讓我們努力學習為我們的理想做出奮斗,為自己人生的道路打下基礎,為日後在社會競爭立於不敗之地。讓我們努力奮斗吧!!! 英文翻譯:Everyone has their own ideals, I am no exception. From an early age, I envy dressed in smart uniforms, weapons and wearing police uncle. That they have a difficult time in someone else to help others, serve the people. Appreciated by the masses to obtain the names. The sake of our safety and property security, day and night to defend our hardships. So I very much like the police.
My ecation has told me that the police is to maintain social justice, serving the people of the model. The teacher told us that the professional police work is mainly to maintain social order, so they are often captured a variety of irregularities elements, by the people praise as a hero, which is in other occupations, people rarely have the opportunity to receive treatment. Because of this, no matter how cunning murderous criminals whenever they hear the police officers fled to the city. And the police for their hard-working people's interests, in the festival can not be reunited with their families, can not share their happiness with them, it is necessary for our security to work harder, they never deserted,
The real police, at all times bear in mind their role and responsibilities, from the bones Jieruchou, even off a police uniform, police officers dressed in civilian clothes and still retain character, even if retirement does not change the professional quality jobs, their genes will be something which every one police career mark, and to these fine qualities on to their generations.
This is the police's responsibilities and obligations, and their glorious quality, they are the embodiment of justice, I must learn in the future to serve the people to do a good cop, for everyone contribute to the security of the hero, let us try ideal for us to learn to make the struggle for their life's path lay the foundation for the future in an invincible position in the social competition. Let us work hard bar! ! !

Ⅷ 我喜歡警察這個職業的英語

您好,翻譯為 I like the job of the policeman.

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