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發布時間: 2024-05-24 01:30:41

❶ ________ _____ ______like English 鎴戜咯閮藉枩嬈㈣嫳璇

Both of us like English!鏈涢噰綰

❷ "兩個我都喜歡"用英文怎麼說

最簡單的說法就是 I like both. 或者Both ok.

如果你嫌太短也可以說Ilike both of them.

❸ 我倆都喜歡踢足球(英語翻譯

We both like playing football.
Both of us like playing football.

❹ 我們倆都喜歡數學英語怎麼寫2種

We both like math.
Both of us like math.

如對本題有疑問可追問,Good luck!

❺ 我們兩個都很喜歡跳舞英語

We two both like dancing very much.
我們兩個可以用we two來表示
like 表示「喜歡」
喜歡做某事用 like doing
very much 是「很版:非常權」的意思

❻ 「兩樣物品我都喜歡」 用英語

兩樣物品我都喜歡 I like both of them/ them both.

我喜歡的東西 things I like

我最喜歡的東西 my favorite things

❼ "兩個我都喜歡"用英文怎麼說

1) Both I like.
2) I like both anyway.

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