當前位置:首頁 » 英文單詞 » 我也喜歡她做的紅燒肉英語怎麼說


發布時間: 2021-01-25 22:17:01

㈠ 紅燒肉英語怎麼說音標

Pork braised in brown sauce/bouilli【['bu:ji:】

㈡ 紅燒肉用英語怎麼說誰能告訴我

red cooked pork
stewed pork
simmer pork
braised pork

㈢ 紅燒肉英語怎麼說誰能告訴我

Roast Pork

㈣ 用英文翻譯紅燒肉的做法

Please help translate the Chinese cookbook according to the practice of Chinese menu, braised pork are as follows:
1, buy back that lean and wild-pigs is (the) cascading fat was cut into 1 cm square (thickness), but whatever aspect,
2, a pot of oil (more), in sugar (sugar) can also be a spoon (more), Fried to paste (this should be in take pot, smoke, don't be afraid. Cut into thick slices meat and seasoning (the ginger, disc (not crush garlic), cinnamon, dry chili, octagon, orange peel (cna), three minutes, then stir and fire into a deep red meat,
3, add salt, a spoon, vinegar, sugar, 1/5 spoon half spoon, mirrin two spoon, chicken broth, half spoon (cold) can also be covered meat 3 millimeter, boil it (start); fragrance risked
4 and small fire boil stew pan into one and a half hours, this should be a little soup and sticky (if the soup too much can collect soup, but to fire at), stood beside join green pepper (not very fat that bell peppers, can add parsley), then taste appetite, stewing 3 minutes.

㈤ 紅燒肉用英語到底怎麼說

pork braised in soy sause

㈥ 紅燒肉用英語怎麼說

Braised meat

㈦ 紅燒肉英語怎麼說謝謝啊!

年糕紅燒肉Pork rice cake;pork braised cakes;Rice cake pork

湖南紅燒回肉hunan pork braised;Hunan pork

鮑魚紅燒肉Braised Pork with Abalone;Braised Pork with Small Abalone;Red-Cooked Pork with Abalone

紅燒肉蓋飯Steamed Rice with Red-Cooked Pork

栗子紅燒肉braised pork with chestnuts

日式紅燒肉Japanese Pork;Japanese-style pork

竹筍紅答燒肉Roast pork with bamboo shoots

紅燒肉圓Broiled meat ball

紅燒肉模型bouilli model

㈧ 我兄弟一直喜歡紅燒肉 用英文怎麼寫

My brother always likes red-roasted pork.

㈨ 紅燒肉英語怎麼說

braised pork in soy sauce 紅燒肉

㈩ 英語的幫忙翻譯下 謝謝

所附上的見證。我有在我的手,加蓋行為court.印章的喬治敦說的這___day到。Prothonotary D_____。

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