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發布時間: 2021-01-23 11:01:34

㈠ 我將去日本玩因為我聽說那的櫻花很漂亮用英語怎麼說

I'd like to pay a visit to Japan mainly because I've heard that the cherry blossom there is beautiful.

㈡ 我很喜歡日本的櫻花(翻譯成英語)

I like Japanese cherry blossom very much.
cherry blossom [簡明英漢詞典]

㈢ 日本的櫻花 翻譯成英語 應該是

在美國華盛頓種了好多日本櫻花 但是美國人管那個叫chinese cherry

㈣ 我想去日本度假,去看櫻花用英語怎麼說

I want to go to Japan for a holiday to see cherry blossoms.
[aɪ] [wɒnt] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [gəʊ] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [dʒəˈpæn] [fɔː; fə] [ə; eɪ] [ˈhɒlɪdeɪ; -dɪ] [tə; before a vowel; tʊ; stressed; tuː] [siː] [ˈtʃerɪ] [ˈblɒsəm] .
[aɪ] [wɑnt] [tuˌtə] [go] [tuˌtə] [dʒəˈpæn] [fɚ] [e] [ˈhɑləde] [tuˌtə] [si] [ˈtʃɛri] [ˈblɑːsəm] .

㈤ 求日本櫻花的簡介(要英文版的)

名稱: 日本櫻花 類別: 喬木 別名: 江戶櫻花 東京櫻花 科名: 薔薇科拉丁名: Prunus yedoensis Matsum
生態習性 :喜光。喜肥沃、深厚而排水良好的微酸性土壤,中性土也能適應,不耐鹽鹼。耐寒,喜空氣濕度大的環境。根系較淺,忌積水與低濕。對煙塵和有害氣體的抵抗力較差。
形態特徵 :落葉喬木,樹皮暗褐色,平滑;小枝幼時有毛。葉卵狀橢圓形至倒卵形,長5-12cm,葉端急漸尖,葉基圓形至廣楔形,葉緣有細尖重鋸齒,葉背脈上及葉柄有柔毛。花白色至淡粉紅色,徑2--3cm,常為單瓣,微香;萼筒管狀,有毛;花梗長約2cm,有短柔毛;3-6朵排成短總狀花序。核果,近球形,黑色。花期4月,葉前或與葉同時開放。
園林用途 :本種春天開花時滿樹燦爛,很美觀,但花期很短,僅能保持1周左右就凋謝;適宜種植與山坡、庭院、建築物前及園路旁。
產地分布 :原產日本,中國多有栽培,尤以華北及長江流域各城市為多 .

Name: Japanese flowering cherry category: Tree alias: River household oriental cherry Tokyo oriental cherry grade: Rose family Latin name: Prunus yedoensis Matsum ecology habit: Happy light.Happy fertile, deep drains water the good slight acidity soil, the neutral soil also can adapt, does not bear salt alkaloid.Cold resistant, happy air humidity big environment.The root system is shallow, envies the ponding and low and damp.Is bad to the mist and st and the noxious gas resistivity. Shape characteristic: Fallen leaf tree, bark n, smooth; The small branch in childhood has the wool.Ye Luanzhuang ellipse to but actually oval, long 5-12cm, Ye Duanji graally point, leaf base circular to broad wedge-shaped, the leaf margin has the thin sharp heavy denticle, on the blade babbitting arteries and the petiole has the fluff.Colored white to pale pink, diameter 2--3cm, often is a single-lobe, micro fragrant; The calyx tube tubular, has the wool; Pedicel long 2cm, has the short fluff approximately; 3-6 platoon becomes the short raceme.Stone fruit, near sphere, black.Flowering season in April, in front of the leaf or also opens with the leaf. Botanical garden use: This kind of spring blossoms when the full tree is bright, very artistic, but the flowering season is very short, only can maintain about 1 week to die of old age; In front of suitable planter and hillside, garden, building and garden roadside. Habitat distribution: Proces Japan originally, China has the cultivation, especially take North China and Yangtze valley various cities as many.

㈥ 用英語介紹日本櫻花祭,有漢語翻譯

Cherry blossom festival
The long-awaited pink blooms convey the fact that the harsh winter is finally ending – this is the arrival of the cherry blossom season, which is a famous part of spring in Japan. The cherry blossoms can only be enjoyed for two weeks of the entire year, so everybody goes to view these flowers. For that reason, famous spots that are known as good places for viewing cherry blossoms become very lively ring this season, regardless of the time of day. During these two weeks, when Tokyo is dyed in the color of cherry blossoms, people feel the transition to a warmer season inside their hearts.


㈦ 帶著最愛的你去日本看櫻花 用英文怎麼翻譯啊

i will take you ,my favourite, to japan to see cherry blossom。

㈧ 關於日本櫻花什麼時候開的英文翻譯



㈨ 求關於日本賞櫻花的英語演講作文

The cherry blossoms warm, pure, noble, after the severe winter is its first breath of spring to the people of Japan, the Japanese government each year from March 15th to April 15th as the " Cherry Blossom festival ". In the flowering season, people with relatives, invite friends, join wine with meat dishes in the cherry tree sit on the ground, edge, edge spots drink, it is a great pleasure in life. Cherry blossom in Japan has a history of over 1000 years. In the Nara period ( 710 - 794), speaking of flowers, is refers to the plum blossom, the Heian period ( 794--1192 years ), cherry became protagonist, chant plum cherry than chanting songs to more than 5 times. And very early in Japan with cherry blossom viewing activities. In seventh Century, the EC 's favorite cherry, on many occasions to Nara Yoshino cherry blossoms viewing. In addition, it is said Japan the first time in the history of Japanese emperor saga presided over the assembly is held in ninth Century. At the outset, cherry is prevailing in power, to the Edo period ( 1603 - 1867) was spread to the civilian population, the formation of the traditional folk custom. Cherry 's life is very short. In Japan there is a proverb says: " Cherry 7 ", is a cherry from the opening to the fading of approximately 7 days, the whole tree cherry blossom to from all about 16 days or so, form the open side edge drop characteristics of cherry blossoms. It is this feature that makes the cherry blossom so charming. Is regarded as the national flower, not only because it is beautiful, more important is it experienced brief bright immediately after " heroic ". " To ask big and soul, Chaoyang looked down cherry ". Japanese people think that life is short, we must live as a brilliant cherry, even death, is also the decisive. Cherry blossoms, does not stain dye, very simply, revered as the spirit of japan. In addition, cherry also as friendly ambassadors of the Japanese people, they are in full bloom in many parts of the world. In 1972, the state make normalized, China gives Japan a pair of giant pandas, the Japanese government from Beihai to elect 1000 cherry tree light, tree, by the then Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tanaka ring his visit to China donated to China, the oriental cherry sapling planting in Beijing. Later, almost every year, the Japanese government or non-government organizations or friendly organizations presented to Chinese cherry. The surplus situation contained meaning cherry, so that the people of Sino-Japanese two countries between a more friendly, more than a warm.

㈩ 介紹日本櫻花的英語作文

I am going to have a wonderful weekend.My best friend invited me to her birthday sleepover,which will not end until Saturday noon.Then, I will spend the rest of the day hanging out in the mall with my cousin.On Sunday, we are leaving for the country to visit my grandparents.I haven't visit them for a long time and I miss them very much.I really look forward to my weekend

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