『壹』 你最喜歡哪一個月份你為什麼喜歡這個月份你喜歡的這個月份最喜歡做的事情,用英語表示,不少少於五句話
『貳』 你喜歡哪個月份用英語怎麼說
which month do you like?
『叄』 你最喜歡哪個月用英文怎麼說
Which moth do you like best?
Which month is your favorite?
『肆』 你最喜歡哪個月用英文怎麼說
Which moth do you like best?
Which month is your favorite?
『伍』 你最喜歡哪一天用英語怎麼說答語用月日答行嗎
Which day do you like best?
用英語回答不能直接寫月、日,例如:我最喜歡7月7日,英文是:I like July 7th best.
『陸』 你最喜歡哪個月份,為什麼,用英語描述,不少於5句話
1. 英文:January is my favourite month ina year. The weather is still cold, and it snows very often. However, it marksthe beginning of a new year and suggests a flowery spring to all the people.
2. 關於一月的典故:
January(Jan.) 這個詞的含義「獻給羅馬神話中門神亞努斯 (Janus) 的月份」。亞努斯是天國之門的守護神,他有兩副面孔,一副面孔看前方,另一副面孔看後方,所以被認為最適合於送舊年、迎新年的第一個月之名。因此,亞努斯也是肇始之神。
『柒』 你最喜歡哪個月份,為什麼請用英語描述一下10句
which season do you like best?Why ?容
I like autumn best, because the weather is cool, I can eat all kinds of fruit. they are very fresh and delicious.
『捌』 你喜歡哪個月份為什麼用英語描述一下至少五句話
I like October.
The weather is not so hot but still sunny at that time in Autumn.
The leaves on the tree start to turn into yellow, orange and brown, constructing a beautiful picture of the nature.
We have a long holiday every year at the beginning of this month to celebrate our National Day.
It is also the time when lots of hairy crabs are available for consumption.
『玖』 你最喜歡哪個月英語怎麼說
『拾』 你喜歡哪個月份用英語怎麼說
Which is your favourite month
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