Ⅰ 有一種朋友不驚不擾,卻一直在心間 有一種目光不遠不近,卻一直在守望!用英語怎麼說
There is a type of friend ,never disturb you,but they always put you in their heart;
there is a type of sight,never be too far nor too close,but it is alway around you.
Ⅱ 朋友之間有所不同是必要的 用英語
Between the friend is different is necessary
Ⅲ (朋友之間的感情終究會變淡)用英語怎麼說
Feelings between friends eventually fades
Ⅳ 無所不知的人,英語怎麼說jack of
Find the person I can love all my life
Ⅳ 無所不知的人,英語怎麼說
jack of all trades
Ⅵ 「無所不知等於一無所知」用英語怎麼說
Knowing everything means knowing nothing.
Ⅶ 能夠無所不談的朋友才是真正的朋友用英語怎麼說
To talk is a true friend
To talk is a true friend
Ⅷ 形容朋友間感情很好用英語該怎麼說
友誼就是朋友間深厚的感情、親密的關系 Friendship is deep feelings, close relationship between friends
Ⅸ 朋友間的約會 用英語怎麼說
Dating between friends