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① 網上購物常用的英文單詞,如 「拍下」、「合並付款」英語怎麼說

拍下:用英語說就是 buy them;合並付款:pay them together。另附商務英語的資料1、商務英語詞彙
英語詞彙多達幾十萬,並且詞語表義較為靈活,對上下文的依賴也較大。如,"board"一詞,本義為"木板",但在不同上下文中,可以表示"車"、"船"、"伙食"、"會議桌"、"委員會"等。而在商務英語中,"board"往往用來表示"董事會",如,"chairman or president of the board"(董事會主席或董事長);或者,它經常用在FOB (Free on Board,離岸價,船上交貨價)價格術語中,意思是"船"。

literature 在普通英語中,它表示"文學";而在商務英語中,它則表示"printed matters, including leaflets, instruction, proct catalogue, price list, etc. (文字宣傳資料,諸如產品說明書、產品目錄、價目表等)"。 例如:
In order to market our new proct,we have printed fine literature.(為了推銷新產品,我們印了精美的宣傳資料。)

claim 在普通英語中,它的意思是"要求,認領";而在商務英語中,它則表示"demand or request for a thing considered one's e (索賠)"。 例如:
We claimed on that shipping company for the loss involved.(我們向輪船公司就有關損失提出索賠。)

reference 在普通英語中,它表示"參考,查閱,提及";而在商務英語中,它的意思是"persons or firms named by a customer asking a supplier for credit, from whom the supplier can get information about the business reputation of the customer (擔保人,證明人)"。 例如:
My reference will prove to you that I am efficient and dependable. (我的擔保人將向你證明我的工作是高效的,並且我是可信賴的。)

除了屬於英語共核部分(English common core)的詞彙以外,商務英語還有著其特別的專門詞彙。例如:
backlog: orders to supply, needing to be dealt with quickly (積欠未交貨的訂單)
e.g. We have a large backlog. (我們積壓的訂貨甚多。)

in-tray: tray for incoming documents (放在辦公桌上用來裝收到的文件的容器,收文籃;用於盛放將要發出去的文件的容器叫out-tray, 發文籃)
e.g. When l am away,please help to check my in-tray. (我不在的時候,請幫我查看我的收文籃。)

overheads:routine administrative and maintenance expenses of a business (公司的日常開支,如電費、文具費、汽車油費等)
e.g. We have some money indeed,but we are very sorry that we cannot return the money now,as we have to consider our overheads. (我們確實有些錢,但是,非常抱歉,我們目前不能還這筆錢,因為我們得考慮我們的日常開銷。)

outstanding accounts:accounts that are overe for payment (到期未付的帳)
e.g. We hope the outstanding account can be settled within this month. Otherwise, our accounting department will consider changing the conditions of payment for future orders. (我們希望你方本月能將欠帳結清,否則,我方財務部將考慮改變定單支付條件。)

debit note: a note in a form similar to an invoice but used where an invoice would not be right for the purpose. The debit note relates to charges, such as freight, extra to amounts already invoiced for goods, and is also used to correct mistakes such as an amount under-charged in an invoice. (借項通知單,指賣方通知買方更正錯誤的文件,即:通知買方,因其錯誤而要借記(增加)買方應收賬款賬戶,向對方補收錢;與之相對的是credit note(貸項通知單)。)
e.g. We shall of course refund to you the premium upon receipt of your debit note or, if you like, you may draw on us at sight for the amount required. (一收到你們的索款通知單,我們當立即把保險費付還給你們。如果你們願意的話,也可以開即期匯票向我們收取所需金額。)

unsocial hours:time for overwork (與社交活動沖突的時間、加班的時間)
e.g. We should emphasize the large extra bonus for working in unsocial hours.(我們應當重視對額外加班發高額獎金。)

flexitime system:system of flexible working hours (彈性工作制度:一種根據工作特點靈活確定上下班時間的工作制度。例如,某人每天工作的八個小時內,只有從上午十點鍾到下午三點鍾是一天中最忙的時間,那麼,經商定他可以不在正常的上午八點鍾上班,在晚些時候到公司上班;下午也不一定在規定的五點鍾下班,可以提前下班。他集中精力的工作時間(如10:00~15:00)叫做core time,靈活的工作時間叫做flexiband)
e.g. The first item on the agenda is a discussion of the management's proposals on flexitime system.(會議安排表的第一項是討論資方提出的彈性工作制。)

living out of a suitcase: often go on business trips (經常出差在外)
e.g. My husband is a sales-manager.He is a man living out of a suitcase.(我丈夫是銷售經理,老是出差在外。)

make five clerks rendant:dismiss five clerks (裁員五名)
e.g. Our branch is badly overstaffed.We have now decided to make eight clerks rendant.(我們分公司嚴重超員,我們已經決定裁員八名。)


② 外貿英語:付款的英語怎麼說

[詞典源] payment; pay a sum of money;
The company dected this payment from his compensation
雙語例句 漢英大詞典 中中釋義

③ 外貿術語,即期信用證用英語怎麼說急!!!!!

L/C at sight

④ 立即付款的英語翻譯 立即付款用英語怎麼說

立即付款的英語翻譯:pay instantly

⑤ 用哪種付款方式付款用英語怎麼說

直接說what terms of payment do you use? 或者直接說what kind of the payment terms

⑥ 付款方式 英語怎麼說

Payment can also be made by EFT, company cheques and cash.

⑦ 付款方式英語怎麼說

付款方復式制: payment method;methods of payment;Terms of Payment;payment instrument payment method付款方式 [fù kuǎn fāng shì] type of payment

⑧ 詞彙分享:分期付款用英語怎麼說

分期源付款 n. installment
keep up instalments;
Payment by instalments can be arranged.

We accept neither payment by installment nor deferred payment.


⑨ 「通過二維碼付款」的英語怎麼說

"Pay by QR code.""
英 [peɪ] 美 [pe]
vt.& vi.

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