1. 明明知道我最喜歡你的,而你卻總是對視而不見 的英文
Clearly know that I like you best, but you always see
2. 英語翻譯 我會再用一年時間來證明我愛你,用英語怎麼說
I will spend one year to prove that I love you.
3. 世界上最痛苦的事是,你明知道我愛你,你卻不愛我,用英文翻譯,最好不要用機器
The most painful thing in the world is that you really know I love you ,but you don't love me at all.
純手打 忘採納版權
4. 世界上最遠的距離不是生與死,而是你明知道我愛你,卻裝作不知道.翻譯成英語
The furthest distance in the world is not between living and death, but it is that you pretend not to know I love you.
5. 我希望你能明白 其實我很喜歡你 用英語怎麼說
I hope you can understand that I really like you!
1樓的 I am like you 的意思是我像你。
6. 你問我多喜歡你我說不出來,但我心裡明白,我寧願和你吵架,也不願意去愛別人。用英語怎麼說
You ask me how much I like you I can't tell, but I understand that I would rather fight with you than love others.
7. 漲姿勢:明人不說暗話,我喜歡你,用英語怎麼說
明人不說暗話,我想睡你。 Ming people don't say whispers, I want to sleep.
8. 明白,了解用英語怎麼寫我們會更喜歡你用英語怎麼說
明白,了解 understand .
We will like you more.
9. 你明知道我喜歡你,你卻無動於衷!為什麼英語
You know I like you, but you do not care! Why?
You know I like you, but you do not care! Why?
10. 最清晰的聲音,證明我愛你,至少我很喜歡你.的英文是什麼
Most clear voice, proof I love you, at least I am fond of you.