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⑴ 我需要一篇關於, 如何把英語和數學學好的作文,要用英語來寫哦。


Mathematics learning
(a), in-class attention listen, timely review after class. Acceptance of new knowledge, mathematical ability mainly in class, so be characteristics attaches great importance to the efficiency of classroom learning, seek correct learning methods. To follow the teacher in class thinking, positive thinking to predict the steps below, compare their own way and what are the different teacher says. Special grasp basic knowledge and basic skills of learning and after-school timely to review leave no doubt. First before doing a variety of exercises will recall the teacher speak knowledge, correctly grasp the reasoning process of all kinds of formulas, their memories as far as possible and do not use unclear books immediately. Serious homework independently, thinking, in a sense, should cause no don't understand the q learning style, because our thinking is not clear for some topics, difficult to work out, should let yourself calm down and careful analysis topic, as far as possible to solve. At each stage of the study to arrange and sum up, the knowledge of dot, line, face combined interwoven into a knowledge network, into their own knowledge system.
(2), appropriate to do more, form a good habit to solve problems. If you want to learn mathematics, do more topic is inevitable, familiar with their thinking to various kinds of questions. First should start from the basic problem, for the textbook problem sets, practice the foundation, then find some extracurricular exercises, to help develop ideas, improve their ability to analyze and solve, to grasp the general rule to solve problems. For some of the wrong topic, armed with the wrong topic set, write their own together with their thinking and correct the problem solving process
Compared to find out his mistakes, so as to timely correction. In normal times to form a good habit to solve problems. Let yourself highly focus, make the brain, the thought is agile, access to the best state, in the test with ease. The practice proved: the more the key when you habit of problem solving and usual practice. If when the problem solving at ordinary times literally, careless, careless, often fully exposed in the final exam, so in peacetime to form a good habit of problem solving is very important.
(3), adjust the mentality, the right attitude towards the examination. First of all, should focus on basic knowledge, basic skills, basic method on the three aspects, because every examination accounts for the vast majority of is the foundational topic, as for those problems and comprehensive strong topic for dispensing, think hard, try to sort out the mess, after problem is summarized. Adjust their own state of mind, make yourself calm at any time, way of thinking in an orderly way, overcome the blundering mood. Especially be confident about yourself, always encourage yourself, besides yourself, no one can put me down, want to have oneself not ruin, no one can break my pride. Before the exam to prepare, practice routine, their own ideas, to test on the premise of guarantee accuracy of avoid by all means to improve the problem solving speed. For some easy topic to have more than the basis of all; For some difficult problem, also want to try to get points, you must learn to try to score in the test, make own level even spectacular work normally. So, want to learn mathematics well we must find a suitable for their own learning methods, to understand the characteristics of mathematics, make yourself into the vast heaven and earth of mathematics.
To learn English
English is difficult to learn? If you are fishing for three days, two days the net, you may be a lifetime cannot learn; If you can with persistent attitude to learn, to learn English well is no problem. In China today and tomorrow, you should have two tools are: English, computer. The two tools you have to learn, and depart from them in your work. Even if not learn the extent of the scholars, but at least you should be able to apply them. Especially you in the future environment, the information you need, there is a big part of English. So to learn English well, is imperative. If you haven't started, to voice this, lest thou shouldest say others don't understand English. The second is vocabulary, words, phrases, the more you live the way you learn English can shorter. Reached the general level, your vocabulary should be at the levels of 3000 to 4000. The third is the hearing level, you listen to other people say, a large number of broadcasting. Graally improve their listening level. The fourth is to speak and write, you want to learn English while their theories, learning to write. Learn to write some sentences, write some essays. The above four close to conquer at the same time, actually not partial fee, learning at the same time, at the same time to improve.
The following talk about the problem of learning perseverance. If you have a strong will, then there is nothing difficult in the world. The key is to persevere in learning English. In the process of learning, you should make a plan, remember a few words a day, a day to remember one or two sentences. You don't look down upon the power of "perseverance". For example, if you back five words a day a year is 1825 words, the equivalent of junior middle school three year again raised a year and two months of vocabulary. If you insist on two years you can live 3650 words, the equivalent of high school six years including undergraate vocabulary for two years.
In mapping out the plan to follow the following principles: 1, plans to practical, not good service is far higher. The above example has shown that as long as you keep studying every day, must to learn English. 2, want to have a strong will, learning every day, don't because certain things and delay the study. If which day didn't finish the work, must make up the next day. Don't not study for more than two consecutive days. 3, want to have an account book, which day learned to which a few words, which a few sentences must be recorded. 4, in order to put the words and sentence patterns learned real, be sure to review the first day of the next day, the third day, be sure to review the next day and the content of the first day. 5, the textbook chosen can be a set or two sets of, don't be too much. Practical English book no
Good or bad, as long as you can according to a set or two sets of the learn continuously, we will be able to learn it well. How, do you have determined to learn English well? Start now!
(一)、課內重視聽講,課後及時復習。 新知識的接受,數學能力的培養主要在課堂上進行,所以要特點重視課內的學習效率,尋求正確的學習方法。上課時要緊跟老師的思路,積極展開思維預測下面的步驟,比較自己的解題思路與教師所講有哪些不同。特別要抓住基礎知識和基本技能的學習,課後要及時復習不留疑點。首先要在做各種習題之前將老師所講的知識點回憶一遍,正確掌握各類公式的推理過程,慶盡量回憶而不採用不清楚立即翻書之舉。認真獨立完成作業,勤於思考,從某種意義上講,應不造成不懂即問的學習作風,對於有些題目由於自己的思路不清,一時難以解出,應讓自己冷靜下來認真分析題目,盡量自己解決。在每個階段的學習中要進行整理和歸納總結,把知識的點、線、面結合起來交織成知識網路,納入自己的知識體系。
(二)、適當多做題,養成良好的解題習慣。 要想學好數學,多做題目是難免的,熟悉掌握各種題型的解題思路。剛開始要從基礎題入手,以課本上的習題為准,反復練習打好基礎,再找一些課外的習題,以幫助開拓思路,提高自己的分析、解決能力,掌握一般的解題規律。對於一些易錯題,可備有錯題集,寫出自己的解題思路和正確的解題過程兩者一起
(三)、調整心態,正確對待考試。 首先,應把主要精力放在基礎知識、基本技能、基本方法這三個方面上,因為每次考試占絕大部分的也是基礎性的題目,而對於那些難題及綜合性較強的題目作為調劑,認真思考,盡量讓自己理出頭緒,做完題後要總結歸納。調整好自己的心態,使自己在任何時候鎮靜,思路有條不紊,克服浮躁的情緒。特別是對自己要有信心,永遠鼓勵自己,除了自己,誰也不能把我打倒,要有自己不垮,誰也不能打垮我的自豪感。 考試前要做好准備,練練常規題,把自己的思路展開,切忌考前去在保證正確率的前提下提高解題速度。對於一些容易的基礎題要有十二分把握拿全分;對於一些難題,也要盡量拿分,考試中要學會嘗試得分,使自己的水平正常甚至超常發揮。由此可見,要把數學學好就得找到適合自己的學習方法,了解數學學科的特點,使自己進入數學的廣闊天地中去。
英語難學嗎?如果你三天打魚,兩天曬網,你可能終生不能學會;如果你能以持之以恆的態度去學習,學好英語是沒有問題的。 在今天和明天的中國,你應該具備兩個工具是:英語、電腦。這兩個工具你必須學會,而且在你的工作中離不了它們。即使學不到學問家的程度,但至少你應該會應用它們。特別是將來你所處的環境、你所需要的資料中,有很大一部分是英語。所以學好英語,勢在必行。 如果你還沒有入門,要先過語音這一關,免得你說的英語別人聽不懂。 第二是詞彙關,你住的單詞、短語越多,你學會英語的路就越短。達到一般的水平,你的詞彙量應該在3千到4千的水平。 第三是聽力關,你要大量地聽別人說、廣播講。逐漸地提高自己的聽力水平。 第四是說和寫,你要在學習英語的同時自己學說、學寫。自己學著寫一些句子,寫一些短文。 以上四關實際上要同時攻克,不可偏費,同時學習,同時提高。
下面談談學習毅力的問題。如果你有堅強的毅力,那麼世界上就沒有什麼難事。學英語關鍵是能夠持之以恆。 在學習過程中,你應該制訂一個計劃,一天記住幾個單詞,一天記住一兩個句型。你不要小看「持之以恆」的力量。舉個例子: 如果你一天背5個單詞一年就是1825個單詞,相當於初中三年再加高中一年零兩個月的詞彙量。如果你堅持兩年你就能住3650個單詞,相當於中學六年包括本科兩年的詞彙量。
在制訂計劃時要遵循以下幾項原則: 1、計劃要切實可行,不要好高務遠。上面的例子已經說明,只要你能堅持天天學習,英語一定能學好。 2、要有堅強的毅力,每天都學習,不因為某些事而耽誤了學習。如果哪天的工作沒有完成,第二天一定要補上。連續不學習的時間不要超過兩天。 3、要有一個帳本,哪天學會了哪幾個單詞,哪幾個句型一定記錄在案。 4、為了把單詞、句型真正學到手,第二天一定要復習第一天的,第三天一定要復習第二天和第一天的內容。 5、所選擇的課本可以是一套或兩套,千萬別太多。實際學英語的書沒有什
么好壞之分,只要你能按照一套或兩套一直學下去,就一定能學好。 怎麼樣,你有決心學好英語嗎?現在就開始吧!

⑵ 你喜歡數學嗎翻譯成英語

Do you like math?

⑶ 我喜歡的科目是數學和語文用英語怎麼說

一、中譯英:My favorite subjects are math andChinese.


1、favorite adj. 最喜愛的;中意的;寵愛的

例句:Thisisone ofmyfavoritebrooches.


2、subjects n. 學科;科目(subject的復數)

例句:Whatsubjectsdo youlike?


3、math n. 數學(等於mathematics)



4、Chinese n. 中文,漢語;中國人

例句:I it.





例句:Saturday is my favorite.




例句:She dare not mention the subject again.



例句:He was subjected to the harshest possible conditions.


⑷ 我喜歡數學和英語用英語怎麼說

I like math

英文發音:[aɪ laɪk mæθ]



LiLi: I don't like music. I like math.







They don't like him; he is always quarrelling with people.




中文釋義:n.同 mathematics;數學


She is forward in English but backward in math.



like 的同根詞:



中文釋義:adj. 令人喜愛的,可愛的(等於likable)


He was an immensely likeable chap.




中文釋義:adv. 很可能;或許


In the meantime the war of nerves seems likely to continue.


⑸ 我喜歡的科目是數學和語文用英語怎麼說



⑹ 我最喜歡的科目數是數學和英語的英文怎麼說 是my faverite subject is math and english還是

my faverite subjects are math and english.

⑺ 你喜歡教我們數學嗎英語怎麼寫

do you like to teach us maths?

⑻ 他最喜歡的科目是數學和英語用英語怎麼說

Maths and English are his favorite subjects。

⑼ 我最喜歡的學科是數學和英語用英語怎麼說

my favorite subject is math and English.

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