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發布時間: 2021-01-21 07:09:14

『壹』 以myfriend為題的英語作文朋友andy,14歲.喜歡穿紫色衣服.她喜歡運動,每天打籃球,想

My friend name is Andy.She likes wearing purple clothes.She likes doing sport.She plays basketball
everyday because she wants to become a basketball player.She has a hamburger and drinks milk for breakfast.She has chicken,rice for lunch.She has vegetable salad for dinner.

『貳』 我的朋友叫丘江秦,她喜歡穿運動服,她非常可愛。怎麼用英語說會採納,請學霸幫忙

My best friend is Jiangqin qiu ,she likes wear sports clothes and she is quite lovely

『叄』 我喜歡穿運動服,不管是逛街還是上課 用英語怎麼說

I like to wear sportswear, whether shopping or a class

『肆』 我喜歡這雙運動鞋的款式,穿上後也很合腳,英語翻譯

I like the style of this pair of runner,it fits me well.

『伍』 他長著短發大眼睛中等身材長長穿運動鞋喜歡踢足球用英語怎麼表達

His brother is a football captain.
He is tall with medium figure.
Alice has a beautiful,long and brilliantly black hair.
The boy likes joking.
She never stops talking.

『陸』 求學霸幫忙把下面短文翻譯成英文、謝謝、 我在家喜歡穿休閑的衣服,通常是運動褲搭配休閑T恤

I like to wear casual clothes at home, usually sports pants with a casual T-shirt.Because it's relaxing at home, and cotton clothes have a sense of comfort that makes me feel completely relaxed while I can feel free to lie down.And what's more, casual clothes are easy to match, you don't need any special colors or styles.

『柒』 我喜歡穿運動服,女孩子也說喜歡是什麼意思


『捌』 喜歡的女孩穿了一套休閑運動裝,發朋友圈,我怎麼誇她呢


『玖』 二十世紀90年代年輕人喜歡穿運動鞋英文翻譯

She was wearing a purple cotton shirt accompanied by an orange silk scarf.Really pretty!
In the fashion show,you want to wear what clothes on?
I would like to spend 40 minutes of homework to prepare for tomorrow.
Do you think that the fashion show how?
without with

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